Extraordinary General Meeting 2015

The extraordinary General Meeting of Ströer SE took place

on Friday, September 25, 2015, at 10:00 am

(Central European Time – CET)

at the Congress-Centrum Ost, Koelnmesse (Congress Center East at the Cologne Trade Fair), Congress-Saal (4th floor), Deutz-Mülheimer Straße 51, 50679 Cologne, Germany.


Content overview


Invitation to the General Meeting

  • Invitation to the General Meeting including agendaPDF
  • Transformation Report of the Management Board of Ströer SE on the transformation of Ströer SE into a KGaA (partnership limited by shares) PDF

Additional documents related to the General Meeting:

  • Explanations regarding shareholders' rightsPDF
  • Total number of shares and voting rights PDF
  • Information regarding the Supervisory Board's nominees for the Supervisory Board PDF
  • Company's current Articles of Association PDF

Shareholders' counter-motions and proposals for election

Shareholders' counter-motions and proposals for election in accordance with § 126 para. 1 and § 127 AktG are made accessible via this website.

Applications for items to be added to the agenda

Applications for items to be added to the agenda upon request of a minority shareholder group pursuant to art. 56 sentences 2 and 3 SE-VO, § 50 para. 2 SEAG, § 122 para. 2 AktG are made accessible via this website.

Authorization and voting instructions as well as vote by correspondence

  • The "Authority" form regarding the proxy authorization of a representative to exercise voting rights during the General Meeting PDF
  • The "Authorization and instructions to the voting representatives respectively vote by correspondence" form regarding the proxy authorization and issuance of voting instructions to the voting representatives named by the Company as well as for voting by correspondence PDF
  • The "Revocation of Authority" form to revoke an proxy authorization already provided PDF
  • Information concerning the granting of proxy authorization and the issuance of instructions to the voting representatives of the Company PDF
  • Information concerning vote by correspondence PDF

Voting results

  • Voting Results (only available in German language) PDF


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