Analyst Recommendations

Date Investment Bank Analyst Rating Target Price in €
09.09.2024 Oddo BHF Jérôme Bodin Buy 100.00
12.08.2024 J.P. Morgan Marcus Diebel Buy 84.00
08.08.2024 Warburg Research Jörg Philipp Frey Buy 80.00
08.08.2024 HSBC Christopher Johnen Buy 79.00
26.07.2024 Hauck & Aufhäuser Simon Keller Buy 78.00
12.08.2024 LBBW Sarah Lenz Buy 75.00
08.08.2024 UBS Adam Berlin Buy 74.50
08.08.2024 Deutsche Bank Nizla Naizer Buy 74.00
08.08.2024 Bernstein Annick Maas Buy 74.00
08.08.2024 Kepler Cheuvreux Craig Abbott Buy 71.00
09.08.2024 Goldman Sachs James Tate Hold 66.90
08.08.2024 Barclays Julien Roch Hold 64.00
09.09.2024 Citi Thomas A Singlehurst Hold 59.20

Important Note

This list is provided for information only and does not constitute a solicitation to buy, hold or sell securities.

The sole responsibility for the content and the conclusions of the mentioned analyst studies or recommendations respectively rests with the named investment banks.

Banks and securities firms use different terms for their equity ratings.

Any opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts on the performance of Ströer Media are not opinions, forecasts or predictions of Ströer SE & Co. KGaA or its management. By providing the list above, Ströer SE & Co. KGaA does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.

The list contains the sell-side analysts who cover Ströer Media. The list has been drawn up to the best of our knowledge. Ströer SE & Co. KGaA cannot give any assurance that the list represents a full overview of all analyst reports available on the market. This list may not be complete and may change from time to time. We update the list periodically, but undertake no obligation to do so.

Copies of reports by any of the listed analysts must be obtained directly from the analysts or their firms. Ströer SE & Co. KGaA does not distribute such reports.

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