

Start for digital city information systems in Wetzlar

Cologne, 03 September 2019 Ströer is pushing ahead with the digitalisation of its advertising spaces in public spaces and is now equipping Wetzlar with digital city information systems. From September 2019, five new digital advertising spaces will be available to the city and local and regional advertisers for the first time: The approximately 9 square meter screens are located at four central traffic junctions (Gloelknoten, Friedrich-Ebert-Platz towards and out of town, Frankfurter Straße, corner Hasenpfad) in the city. The facilities are the first of their kind in Hesse.

The new digital city information systems are equipped with state-of-the-art LED technology. In a three-minute program loop, regional topics such as city news or weather are broadcast on the screens in addition to advertising and editorial content.

"There have always been changes in the development of urban advertising. The new digital information systems enable the municipality to announce special events, to quickly communicate important information - for example traffic disruptions - or to present the city with interesting data. This is how the increasing need for information on the part of our residents and guests can be met," says Lord Mayor Manfred Wagner.

“I am pleased that we have started digitization in public space in Wetzlar in cooperation with the city. As a long-standing partner of the cities we contribute with our digital advertising media a part to an urban communication infrastructure and support the accessibility of the population in a digitally transformed society for companies, communities and people," says Alexander Stotz, CEO Ströer Media Deutschland GmbH. "By playing out topics from Wetzlar, we meet the information needs of citizens and create an interesting environment for advertisers."

In 2015 Ströer started with the digitalisation of outdoor advertising on the street. Ströer currently markets around 340 digital city information systems throughout Germany, as well as 4,500 screens within the Public Video network in railway stations and shopping centres. Ströer's contribution to smart cities consists of installing portals in addition to infrastructure and data platforms on which the exchange between citizens, companies and administration is intensified in order to create living spaces that make it easier for people to manage their increasingly digitized lives better and better. The digital city information systems are part of an urban information network in the public space and part of the Smart City approach. The integration of information and communication technologies into a city's infrastructure can help to find solutions for mobility, administration and public safety and to solve many urban problems more efficiently and quickly. In addition to advertising and editorial content, the screens offer relevant service information on weather and events, but can also provide traffic guidance and basic information, for example in the event of a storm or bomb disposal. In this way, the systems can serve as an official multiplier for warning messages in addition to radio, TV and the Internet.

Current images of the digital city information systems can be found in our media library at

Pictures Digital City Information System_Wetzlar.jpg: Persons from left to right - Philipp Hofmann (Area Manager Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH), Harald Rotter (Branch Manager Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH), Manfred Wagner (Lord Mayor Wetzlar), Reiner Dietrich (Managing Director City Marketing Wetzlar); Photo: VRM Wetzlar

About Ströer
Ströer is a leading German outdoor advertiser and offers advertisers individualized, fully integrated complete solutions along the entire marketing and sales value chain. With the "OOH plus" strategy, Ströer relies on the strengths of the OOH business supported by the flanking business segments Content and Direct Media. With this combination, the company is in a position to continuously expand its relevance to customers and, thanks to strong market shares and long-term contracts on the German market, is in an excellent position to benefit disproportionately from market growth in the coming years.

The Ströer Group markets and operates several thousand websites, mainly in German-speaking countries, and operates around 300,000 out-of-home advertising media. The portfolio includes all media used outside the home, for example from classic poster media to exclusive advertising rights at railway stations to digital out-of-home media. The areas of content and direct media flank the core business. With dialogue marketing, Ströer offers its customers complete solutions on a performance basis - from location- or content-based reach and interaction to the entire spectrum of dialogue marketing through to the transaction. In addition, the media house publishes premium content in digital publishing via all digital channels and, with offerings such as and special interest portals, offers one of the widest reach networks in Germany.

The company employs around 13,000 people at more than 100 locations. In the 2018 financial year, Ströer generated sales of 1.6 billion euros. Ströer SE & Co. KGaA is listed in the SDAX of Deutsche Börse.

More information about the company can be found at

Press contact
Marc Sausen
Ströer SE & Co. KGaA
Head of Corporate Communications             
Ströer-Allee 1 · D-50999 Köln · Germany
Phone: +49 (0)2236 / 96 45-246


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