

optimise-it expands digital customer service for ARAG

Cologne/Hamburg, January 14, 2019           Optimise-it, the live chat expert from Hamburg, and the ARAG Group are jointly expanding digital customer service for Germany's largest family-owned insurance company. In the future, ARAG will focus on a combination of live chat, messenger and high value customer support. Customers will thus have an additional opportunity to contact ARAG quickly and easily in the event of a claim or need for advice.

The technically flexible "Realperson® Chat Suite" from Optimise-it is used. The communication platform is individually tailored to the highly complex requirements and corporate design of major brands through integration with CRM and other third-party systems. Conversations between customers and companies are optimized for a better user experience and effective staff deployment. In addition, it is possible to integrate, manage and optimize media such as images and videos as well as chatbots and voice technologies into the flexible platform. By using the "Talent & Technology" principle, response times to customer inquiries can be shortened and a consistently high-quality customer experience can be created.

"The optimise-it solution convinced us with its flexibility and modularity as well as with its comprehensive set of key figures and the implementation of the highest data protection requirements," says Dr. Ina Nadja Baumann, Senior Vice President Central IT-Steering at ARAG. "We offer our customers an effective and up-to-date opportunity to get in touch with us and can guarantee them fast response times. We are pleased to be able to strengthen our service offering in the long term".

Customers have been able to use the new live chat system on since the end of November.


The ARAG Group is the largest family-owned company in the German insurance industry and one of the world's three leading providers of legal insurance. For more than 80 years now, the ARAG Group has been successful and over 50 years also internationally. Today, the company is active in 17 countries - including the USA and Canada.

About optimise-it

optimise-it GmbH is one of the leading providers of live chat and messaging services in Europe and has been part of the Ströer Dialog Group since July 2018. The core of the digital communication concepts are sales- and service-independent SaaS products as well as tailored industry solutions for bot and messenger integration, video chat, co-browsing, screen sharing and mobile messaging.

The Realperson® Chat Suite enables companies to maintain a direct relationship with their customers across all customer journey touchpoints, increasing conversion rates and customer satisfaction while reducing costs. Leading industry leaders such as AIDA Cruises, ERGO Direkt Versicherungen, BASF, s.Oliver, Eurowings and VERIVOX rely on the chat services of the Hamburg-based company.

About Ströer Dialog Group

The Ströer Dialog Group is part of the Ströer Group and a specialist in dialogue and direct marketing. With its brands, the Ströer Dialog Group is active in the areas of multi-channel and telemarketing as well as sales-oriented field sales and develops integrated complete solutions for its customers along the marketing and sales value chain.

Press contact

Marc Sausen
Ströer SE & Co. KGaA
Director Corporate Communications
Ströer-Allee 1 · D-50999 Cologne
Phone: +49 (0)2236 / 96 45-246

Investor Relations

Christoph Löhrke
Ströer SE & Co. KGaA
Head of Investor & Credit Relations
Ströer-Allee 1 · D-50999 Cologne
Phone: +49 (0)2236 / 96 45-356

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