

Ströer Media SE optimizes its syndicated credit facility again and lowers its cost of financing

Cologne, 28 April 2015, Based on the good performance of its business, its strong internal financing power as well as its positive business outlook, Ströer has restructured its loan agreement with the syndicate banks. At EUR 450m, the renegotiated credit facility is EUR 50m lower than the previous loan agreement and includes the option of increasing the facility by a further EUR 100m if required. This renegotiated credit facility will enable Ströer to further reduce its annual financing costs by an amount in the low single-digit millions. The transaction was coordinated by Commerzbank AG and SEB AG. The new syndicated loan runs until 2020.

About Ströer
Ströer Media SE is a leading provider of online advertising and out-of-home, and offers its advertising customers individualized and fully integrated premium communications solutions. In the field of digital media, Ströer is setting new standards for innovation and quality in Europe and is thus opening up new and innovative opportunities for targeted customer contact for its advertisers.

The Ströer Group commercializes several thousand websites and more than 290,000 out-of-home advertising faces. With consolidated revenue of EUR 721m for the full year 2014, Ströer Media SE is one of largest providers of out-of-home media in Europe in terms of revenue.

The Ströer Group has approximately 2,400 employees at over 70 locations.

For more information on the Company, please visit

IR Contact

Dafne Sanac
Ströer Media SE Manager Investor Relations
Ströer-Allee 1 · 50999 Cologne
Telephone: +49 (0) 2236 / 96 45-356

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