

Ströer und IKAO investigate the impact of posters

Cologne/Frankfurt, November 15, 2013 A new study, “Momentum Plakat – how poster themes should be designed” from the Institute for Communication Analysis and Optimization (IKAO), carried out in cooperation with Ströer Media AG, indicates how to improve the impact of posters. A total of 1,400 posters were analyzed using dialog structure testing. The method combines elements of psychology, perceptual research, design and color theory, linguistics, and brain research to evaluate themes in relation to their formal quality and impact.
To what degree are individual posters able to convey their message and convince onlookers effectively? The signals transmitted offer opportunities as a lot of posters do not exhaust the full potential of their considerable force.

“Experience tells us that a well-designed poster can multiply the value of an out-of-home advertising campaign,” explains Christian von den Brincken, Head of Business Development at Ströer Media AG. “We believe the study will create new impetus for exciting creations, gaining more from investments. That is why we are encouraging our customers and agencies to use the opportunities the study has presented: innovative creative standards and the advantages of our media ensure every campaign is a success.”

In order to tap the full potential of out-of-home advertising, poster concepts and themes have to be directed even more specifically toward the patterns and mechanisms of human perception. That encompasses the few seconds in which passersby observe and register the poster, as well as the sustained memory of it. Good posters support recipients’ recall: they are clearly laid out, and use strong images to convincingly convey the message with very few elements, replacing long texts. If those conditions apply, considerable leaps in relation to the quality and performance of the presentation are to be expected.

About Ströer
Ströer Media AG is a leading provider of online advertising and out-of-home, and offers its advertising customers individualized and fully integrated premium communications solutions. In the field of digital media, Ströer is setting new standards for innovation and quality in Europe and is thus opening up new and innovative opportunities for targeted customer contact for its advertisers.

The Ströer Group commercializes several thousand websites and more than 280,000 out-of-home advertising faces. With consolidated revenue of EUR 560m for the full year 2012, Ströer Media AG is one of largest providers of out-of-home media in Europe in terms of revenue.

The Ströer Group has approximately 2,200 employees at over 70 locations.

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Press contact
Ströer Media AG
Marc Sausen
Head of Group Communication
Ströer Allee 1. D-50999 Köln
Telephone: +49 (0) 2236 / 96 45-246
Fax: +49 (0) 2236 / 96 45-6246

IR contact
Ströer Media AG
Dafne Sanac
Manager Investor Relations
Ströer Allee 1. D-50999 Köln
Telephone: +49 (0) 2236 / 96 45-356
Fax: +49 (0) 2236 / 96 45-6356


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