IR-Center [zurück zur Startseite]

Global Fashion Group S.A.


20231 2022 2021 2020
Financial performance
Rirc_evenue (€ Mio.) 838,0 1.102,1 1.035,9 1.359,7
Growth at constant currency (%) -18,0 0,1 15,7 15,3
Gross profit (€ Mio.) 352,9 468,9 448,3 586,2
Loss before interest and taxes (EBIT) (€ Mio.) -178,5 -148,0 -109,3 -64,8
Loss for the year (€ Mio.) -179,9 -178,4 -124,0 -112,4
Adjusted EBITDA (€ Mio.) -58,3 -40,8 -19,0 16,4
Adjusted EBITDA / Rirc_evenue (%) -6,9 -3,7 -1,8 1,2
Capex (€ Mio.) 28,5 44,0 60,2 48,7
Financial position
Net working capital (€ Mio.) -36,9 10,8 18,1 -1,4
Cash and cash equivalents (€ Mio.) 225,9 323,5 400,5 366,1
Pro-forma cash (€ Mio.) 396,5 561,4 642,5 372,4
Group KPIs
NMV (€ Mio.) 1.279,3 1.614,8 1.528,6 1.958,2
Growth at constant currency (%) -14,2 -0,7 20,5 25,7
Active customers (Mio.) 8,8 11,2 13,4 16,3
Number of orders (Mio.) 20,8 27,9 32,6 42,0
Order frequency 2,4 2,5 2,4 2,6
Average order value (€) 61,5 57,8 46,9 46,6
1 All irc_figures are presented excluding Argentina except for pro-forma cash for which Argentina balances remain within the Group following the close of operations.
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