Volex Group PLC 31 October 2007 TR-l: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached (ii): VOLEX GROUP PLC 2. Reason for the notification: (please state Yes/No): An acquisition or disposal of voting rights: yes An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments, which may result in the acquisition of shares already issued to which voting rights are attached: NO An event changing the breakdown of voting rights: NO Other (please specify) 3. Full name of the person(s) subject to the notification obligation: The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc 4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.): ABN AMRO BANK N.V. London Branch 5. Date of the transaction and date on which the threshold is crossed or reached: 26 OCTOBER 2007 6. Date on which issuer notified: 31 OCTOBER 2007 7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached: 3 % 8. Notified details: A: Voting rights attached to shares Class /type of Situation Previous to Resulting situation after the Triggering Transaction shares the Triggering Transaction If possible using Number of Number of Number Number of voting % of voting Rights the voting Shares of Rightsix ISIN CODE Rightsviii shares Directxi Indirect Direct Indirect Ordinary 25p 2,635,000 2,635,000 2,635,000 2,635,000 - 4.63% - GB0009390070 B: Financial Instruments Resulting situation after the triggering transactionxii Type of Expiration Date xiii Exercise Number of voting % of voting financial Conversion Period Rights that may be rights instrument / Date xiv Acquired if the instrument is exercised/converted. - - - - - Total (A+B) Number of voting rights % of voting rights 2,635,000 4.63% 9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held, if applicable xv THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GROUP PLC (4.63%) RFS HOLDINGS N.V. (4.63%) ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V. (4.63% ABN AMRO BANK N.V. (4.63%) Proxy Voting: 10. Name of the proxy holder: NOT APPLICABLE 11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease to hold: NOT APPLICABLE 12. Date on which proxy holder will cease to hold voting rights: NOT APPLICABLE 13. Additional information THIS NOTIFICATION IS BASED UPON THE VOTING RIGHTS FIGURE OF 56,901,563 OBTAINED FROM THE REGULATORY ANNOUCNEMENT DATED 29 JULY 2007. THIS NOTIFICTAION HAS BEEN MADE FOLLOWING THE ACQUCITION OF ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V. BY RFS HOLDINGS N.V. 14. Contact name: WENDY TATE COMPANY SECRETARY 15. Contact telephone number: 01925 830101 END This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange