Starvest PLC
30 October 2007

RNS announcement for release Tuesday 30 October 2007

Results for the year ended 30 September 2007

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to present my sixth annual statement to Shareholders for the twelve
month period ended 30 September 2007.


Your Directors' chosen investment policy has generated exciting returns during
the year to 30 September 2007.  The headline results are:

•  a gross profit of £5.3m,

•  a profit before tax of £5.0m,

•  a profit after tax of £3.5m,

•  a 36% increase in the fully diluted net asset value per share,

•  the payment of a maiden dividend of one penny per share to be followed
   by a final dividend of 0.5 pence per share, making a total of 1.5 pence for 
   the year, and

•  the buy-back of 2,050,000 of the Company's Ordinary shares for treasury at 
   prices from 17 to 32 pence.

As at 30 September, the Company had:

•  net assets with a balance sheet value of £5.2m, an increase of 98% during 
   the year;

•  a net asset value of £15.1m consisting of trade investments at mid market 
   valuation, cash less liabilities;

•  unrealised investment appreciation of £9.9m before tax.

Company statistics
                                                          30 September 2007     30 September       Change
  • Portfolio net asset value                                        £15.1m           £12.1m        + 25%

  • Net asset value - basic per share                                42.89p           31.18p        + 37%

  • Net asset value - fully diluted per share                        38.45p           28.29p        + 36%

  • Share price                                                      29.75p           17.00p        + 75%

  • Discount to basic net asset value                                44.17%           83.41%

Unless otherwise stated, all net asset values are based on mid market prices or
the Directors' valuation, if lower.

Review of business and current activities

The highlight of the year must be the successful takeover of African Platinum
plc (Afplats) by Impala Platinum Holdings Limited at 55 pence per share.  Whilst
the Company sold a part of its holding in earlier periods and made two market
sales in the current year, the total proceeds during the year amounted to
£5.49m. With a cost price of one penny per share, the result is excellent; not
only has it facilitated the payment of a special dividend, but provided welcome
cash for investment in new opportunities and a share buy-back programme.

Your Company now has 72% by value of its current investments in the natural
resource sector, a reduction from 78% a year ago.  This reduction arises in part
from the diversification following the Afplats sale and in part from continued
growth in Myhome International plc.

The natural resource sector continues to be the Company's prime focus; your
Board remains of the opinion that this sector shows no sign of anything other
than exciting growth in the medium term with the worldwide demand for access to
natural resources continuing unabated.  New opportunities are continually
presented to us.

As occurred during 2006, this year the net asset value peaked in June, this time
at 48 pence per share, since when declining sentiment has been a feature of the
market and therefore of share prices generally.  Therefore, as occurred during
the previous year, it is not surprising to find that the net asset value has
fallen a little from the peak.

During the year your Company made seven new investments and increased its
commitment to seven existing investee companies.  Of the new investments, five
are mineral exploration ventures.  Having added one further investment since the
year end, your Company now holds a spread of thirty-one active investments of
which sixteen are quoted on AIM, and ten are quoted on PLUS; one has suspended
its PLUS quotation pending further developments.  In addition, one is expecting
to be admitted to AIM and another to PLUS during the December quarter, one is
quoted on and another is intending to join the Toronto exchange.

Your Company has board representation on nine investee companies:  Tony Scutt is
a non executive director of Addworth plc, Agricola Resources plc, Beowulf Mining
plc and of Oracle Coalfields plc.  John Watkins is chairman of Lisungwe plc and
of Franchise Investment Strategies plc and a non executive director of Greatland
Gold plc, Red Rock Resources plc and of Regency Mines plc.

The Company continues to seek opportunities to invest in small company new
issues and to support pre-IPO opportunities so as to enhance shareholder value
and to make disposals as market conditions permit.

Funding requirement

Given the £5.49m proceeds from the disposal of the remaining interest in
Afplats, coupled with bank and loan facilities, the Company has been able to
expand its spread of investments without the need to raise new finance and
thereby dilute the existing shareholdings.

Share buy-backs

During 2006, the Company was able to clear the deficit on the profit and loss
account and so move to a position where, for the first time, it was in a
position to pay a dividend and/or buy back its own shares for treasury.  The
buy-backs during the year totalled 2,050,000 shares which equates to 5.5% of the
shares in issue.

At the annual general meeting in December 2007, the Board will seek a renewal of
its authority to buy back up to 15% of its shares.


In furtherance of our previously stated objective of paying a dividend, I am
pleased that we were able to utilise the funds arising from the successful
takeover of Afplats and pay a first special dividend of one penny per share on
20 June 2007.

At the forthcoming annual general meeting, your Board will seek Shareholders'
approval for the payment of a final dividend of 0.5 penny, making a total of 1.5
pence for the year.  The payment will be made on 11 January 2008 with a record
date of 14 December 2007.

Subject to conditions at the time, it is the present intention of the Board to
maintain a dividend in future years.

Shareholder information

We expect to make a net asset value statement immediately prior to the annual
general meeting.  Thereafter, we expect to issue an interim statement during mid
April and quarterly updates by mid January and mid July.

During the year, the Company's shares were admitted to trading on PLUS, although
AIM remains the prime market.

Announcements made to the London Stock Exchange are sent to those who register
at the Company website, where historic reports and
announcements are also available.


Given the increased spread of investments, the Directors look forward with
optimism to reporting increased asset values in the year ahead.

Annual general meeting

As indicated on page 31, we plan to hold our annual general meeting on Wednesday
12 December when we look forward to meeting those Shareholders able to attend.

R Bruce Rowan
Chairman & Chief Executive

29 October 2007
Telephone:  020 7486 3997

Review of portfolio

The Starvest portfolio value has increased dramatically over the past five years
with a 24% increase in the last year: At 30 September 2007, the portfolio
comprised investments in the following companies:

Addworth plc - (AIM ticker: ADW)


Addworth is an active capital investment company specialising in financing,
promoting and launching early-stage entrepreneurially-managed companies, seeking
eventual admission to the AIM or PLUS markets.  Addworth provides strategic
consultancy services for their further development while retaining key equity
interests and thereby establishing its own investment portfolio.  Successful
introductions in the past year notably include Branded Entertainment plc, Gaming
Ventures plc, Oil and Gas Support Services plc, and Uranium Prospects plc.  Work
continues on promoting a number of further new flotations in an expanding range
of market sectors in the coming year.

Agricola Resources plc - (PLUS ticker: AGRI)


Agricola Resources is continuing its exploration for uranium in both Finland and
Sweden, and has extended its work programme through a joint venture in Sweden
with Beowulf Mining plc on the latter's Ballek four copper-gold-uranium
exploration permits.  In May Agricola placed a 29.9% strategic stake in its
enlarged share capital with the Australian Energy Ventures Limited, enabling it
to accelerate and broaden its exploration programme with the application of the
resultant funds.

Ariana Resources plc - (AIM ticker: AAU)


Ariana Resources focuses on exploring for, acquiring and developing economic
gold deposits in Turkey, concentrating on the Tethyan metallogenic belt, which
is believed to have the potential to host a multi-million ounce world-class
deposit.  The company portfolio extends over 1,820 sq km under 114 exploration
permits across Turkey, as a result of its active acquisition policy, with its
flagship asset in western Turkey being the 235 sq km Sindirgi project, covering
some 45 sq km of gold-silver bearing quartz alone.  Its on-going drilling
programme is being expanded as a result of a recent share placement which could
lead to its current JORC gold resource reaching its baseline target of 250,000

Belmore Resources (Holdings) plc - (PLUS ticker: BEL)


Belmore Resources is a minerals exploration company focusing on projects in the
Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, priority being given to its zinc
exploration properties in County Clare. Here it has a 50% interest in six
prospecting licences covering 267 sq km and a 100% interest in two prospecting
licences covering 86 sq km.  Previous exploration had identified a high grade
resource of zinc and lead-rich massive sulphides of approximately 400,000 tonnes
at 12% zinc plus lead and 75 g/t silver. Further 100% interest blocks are held
in Donegal and Dromore, Northern Ireland.

Beowulf Mining plc - (AIM ticker: BEM)


Beowulf's focus is on the exploration and development of mineral deposits in
Northern Sweden where its more recent activities have been focused on its
Ruoutevare iron titanium deposit, its Grundtrask gold deposit, and its Ballek
copper, gold and uranium prospect.  Ruoutevare has a non-JORC compliant resource
of 116 million tonnes, grading 38.2% iron, 5.6% titanium dioxide, and 0.17%
vanadium oxide.  Detailed geological mapping has suggested that the ore reserves
could be increased significantly by the extra diamond drilling now being
undertaken so as to make them JORC-compliant.  The project scoping study is
expected to be completed in 2008.

The drilling programme completed in early 2007 in Grundtrask returned gold
grades of up to 5.2m at 4.28 g/t from the Southern gold structure; Beowulf are
seeking a joint venture partner to continue exploration and development.

Meanwhile for Ballek, an earn-in agreement with Agricola Resources plc has been
concluded whereby the latter was granted the option to acquire a 51% interest by
undertaking a specific programme of survey and diamond drilling work by the end
of 2008, with this interest to be increased to 70% in the event of further
specific project expenditures.

Black Rock Oil & Gas plc - (AIM ticker: BLR)


Black Rock Oil & Gas is an exploration and production company with licences in
onshore Colombia, and in the Southern Gas Basin of the UK North Sea.  In
Colombia it is in a 50/50 joint venture with operator Kappa Resources in the Las
Quinchas Association Contract and the Alhucema E & P Contract, both situated in
the prolific hydrocarbon basin of the Middle Magdalena Valley.  For Las
Quinchas, following completion of its farm-in obligations, its 50% interest is
subject to the approval of Ecopetrol, the state oil company.  This block
contains the Arce and Baul heavy oilfields and a number of exploration prospects
including the Acacia Este oil discovery: The Arce oilfield is currently
undergoing a steam injection test to determine commerciality and development
options.  Black Rock made a placement of new shares in June to raise additional
working capital and to cover the costs of an appraisal well on the Acacia Este
discovery and an exploration well for the Alhucema area planned for late 2007
and early 2008.  In the UK, Black Rock has a 15% interest in two adjacent North
Sea blocks, one of which contains the Monterey Gas discovery and the Stinson and
Winchester prospects; the joint venture has under application a four year
extension to the licence with the aim of improving the marginal economics of the
Monterey discovery, although a 50% relinquishment would be applied if the
licence extension is approved.

Brazilian Diamonds Limited - (AIM ticker: BDY)


Brazilian Diamonds is a leading Brazil-based exploration company focused on the
discovery of kimberlites in its 100% owned properties in the States of Minas
Gerais and Bahia.  Its diamond exploration databases were largely acquired from
De Beers.  The Company now awaits final approval before seeking local State
environmental authorisation for the development of the Canastra 1 kimberlite,
for which mine feasibility work has been completed and Mines Department approval
granted.  Mines Department and Bahia State environmental licences have already
been obtained to start planned bulk testing on the Salvador 1 kimberlite;
excavation work of trenches to collect large samples for further assessment of
its diamond potential are expected to yield first results before the 2007
year-end.  The company strategy for non-core activities on its properties is to
form joint ventures.  A feasibility study is also currently underway for a joint
venture to mine alluvial diamonds on its San Antonio river drainage properties.

Carpathian Resources Limited - (AIM ticker: CPNR and Sydney ASX
ticker: CPN)


Carpathian Resources is an Australian oil and gas explorer and producer focusing
on projects in the Czech Republic.  Its main producing asset is its 60% interest
in the Janovice gas field in Northern Moravia with the adjacent marginal Krasna
oil field where the current 75% interest reduces to 50% after pay-out.
Janovice produces 1.2 million cubic feet of gas a day, and from latest
production testing, shows up to 4 billion cubic feet in place.

Exploration activities cover the 90% interest Mosnov, Roznov, and Morava permits
and the 60% interest Raskovice - Moravka permit. The Morava project is located
in the northern part of the Vienna Basin, an area of prolific oil and gas
production, and while oil is the principal target with a 5 million barrel
potential, gas is also seen as a possibility. The company is evaluating the
acquisition of other interests in Russian, European, Middle Eastern, and
Kazakhstan oil and gas fields and infrastructure to broaden its growth strategy.

Concorde Oil and Gas plc


Concorde Oil & Gas was incorporated in August 2005 to locate, evaluate, acquire,
explore, develop, and operate oil and gas properties and projects primarily in
the Russian Federation.  The company experienced difficulties in 2006 in raising
sufficient finance for its first major acquisition target, Pechora Energy which
holds an exclusive production licence valid until 2014 for the Luzkoye oil field
in the Komi Republic of Russia.  Following the agreement of a financing package
with Altima Partners LLP, an offer to acquire Pechora for US$33 million was
accepted. Subsequently, Altima injected U$41 million in exchange for the issue
of 113 million new Concorde shares valued at 0.9p a share, the value now used by

Existing shareholders have faced a substantial dilution of their original stake,
but now have an investment in a much larger company as a result of the
restructuring, since when the Kuwait Energy Company has acquired part of the
Altima stake and now holds one third of the equity.  Kuwait Energy appointees
have assumed the chairmanship and two non-executive directorships of the

Concorde's listing was suspended in November 2006 and withdrawn from PLUS in
October 2007.  The company has deferred its intention to seek an alternative
listing until late 2008, by which time further expansion and development plans
in Russia already under consideration should have been concluded, promising
drilling results released, new oil reserve figures officially ratified,
production expected to reach 8,000 barrels/day, and any further funding needs by
then secured.

The Core Business plc - (AIM ticker: CORE)


The Core Business seeks to create, develop, launch and distribute personal care
products from make-up and skin care to men's grooming and hair care.  As a
personal care and beauty management group, it assists companies and individuals
in leveraging, diversifying, and creating brands in the global beauty sector,
and helps in the developing of existing brands and the creating of new ones.  It
continues to attract considerable retailer interest through dynamic presentation
of its brands and consultancy services.

DTT plc -  (PLUS ticker: DTT)


DTT is the UK's largest and fastest growing group of companies specialising in
the training of commercial drivers.  Operating through a network of 11 regional
training centres, practical and theoretical courses are offered leading to
licences and qualifications with some 5,500 drivers being trained each year
followed by support into employment through its recruitment services offering
temporary or permanent staff employment through its Driver Supply brand.  Under
the company's strategic plan, growth by acquisitions is expected over the next
two years to enable DTT to be in a position to capitalise on the advent of the
European Training Directive and the business opportunities that this will
create.  The recent acquisition of ODK for a mixture of cash and DTT shares is
the first step in this plan.  DTT sees growth being achieved by establishing
further new branch operations or developing new partnerships through DTT
franchising arrangements.

Franchise Investment Strategies plc: (PLUS ticker:  FIN)

Franchise Investment Strategies was originally created as a holding company for
the development of franchising operations in diverse sectors of the UK, with a
view to applying the franchise model that had been so successfully developed by
Myhome International, and by supporting particularly strong franchise businesses
in subscribing for key equity stakes if they were ultimately to be launched as
quoted companies. However, the lack of experienced managers specialising in
franchise operations has severely restricted the development of this business,
which currently serves as an investment holding company with interests held in
Myhome International and DTT only.

Franconia Minerals Corporation - (Toronto ticker: TSX-V)


Franconia Minerals, an Alberta-formed corporation, is focused on the exploration
and development of Platinum Group Metals (PGM) and Base Metals in the
continental United States, with its corporate head office in Spokane,
Washington. Its most advanced project is the Birch Lake Platinum-Palladium-
Copper-Nickel project located in the Duluth Complex in north eastern Minnesota.
The project includes two inferred PGM resources, the 100 million tonnes Birch
Lake resource and the 120 million tonnes Maturi resource. The company is also
actively exploring for base metals at its Red Knoll copper property in Arizona.
Franconia has exploration agreements with Teck Cominco American Inc. to advance
zinc and copper projects in the western United States. 

Fundy Minerals Limited -(PLUS ticker: FUND)


Fundy Minerals, with head office in New Brunswick, Canada, is actively involved
in the exploration of gold, diamond and base metals in Canada and Africa.  It
has a 100% interest in eight mineral exploration and development properties in
New Brunswick, two of which have gold deposits, one a deposit model, and three
reflect base metal deposits.  Also, it has a high-grade limestone deposit, with
production expected by December 2007.  In West Africa, Fundy holds a permit over
2,000 sq km of Liberia, where it has confirmed that a significant quantity of
gem quality alluvial diamonds has been extracted.  Its initial interest in
Liberia was in possible gold mineralisation, but its alluvial diamond discovery
in the southern area of its permit led to its efforts being concentrated on
locating the Kimberlitic source of these diamonds.  The company has expressed
its intention to move from trading on PLUS to a more senior exchange.

Gippsland Limited - (AIM ticker: GIP and Sydney ASX ticker: GIP)


Gippsland is an Australian-based international resource company with its prime
assets being tantalum-tin projects in the Central Eastern desert of Egypt
adjacent to the Red Sea, and notably include the 40 million tonne Abu Dabbab and
the 98 million tonne Nuweibi projects, where its 50% interest is matched by an
Egyptian State partner.  The recently completed Abu Dabbab feasibility study,
based on an annual mill-feed rate of 2 million tonnes for a production level in
excess of 650,000 lbs of tantalum pentoxide, will rank Gippsland as the world's
second largest producer.  Current spot market prices for tantalum pentoxide are
approaching US$ 50 per lb.  However, several years of production has been
already pre-sold.  In addition, Gippsland has been undertaking exploration
drilling within the Wadi Allaqi region and has obtained highly encouraging gold
results in three separate tenements.

Goliath Resources Inc - (Pink sheets: GHRI)


Goliath Resources is a Vancouver-based minerals exploration company with
interests in copper, gold and molybdenum in Canada and Zambia.  It acquired
three mineral projects in Canada from the BellMin Group in late 2006, the main
focus being on the Phelps Dodge-owned Mazenod Lake in the North-West Territories
where, under a joint venture agreement, Goliath will ultimately earn a 75%
interest.  Previous drilling and geophysics had identified project areas of
mineralisation prospective for large-scale copper, gold and possibly uranium.
The second project is the Flume Licence in the Yukon, again owned by Phelps
Dodge, in which Goliath has the right to earn a 100% interest under earn-in
expenditure commitments; large areas of this project are as yet unexplored, but
earlier geochemical studies indicated a high potential for gold mineralisation.
The third project is the Java property in British Columbia, a copper-molybdenum
porphyry prospect formerly owned by Kennecott.  The Zambia project involves a
Goliath-led consortium which has been issued a 25 year mining licence covering
main tailing dumps exceeding 100 million tons in the Zambian Copper Belt; their
treatment is seen by management to have substantial near-term cash-flow

Greatland Gold plc - (AIM ticker: GGP)


Greatland Gold has gold projects covering a total area of some 300 sq km in
Tasmania, consisting of the Firetower project in the north with an initial
inferred JORC-compliant resource of 90,000 oz. of gold, and three historic gold
fields, Warrentinna, Forrester and Waterhouse, which were mined some 100 years
ago and had produced a substantial amount of high grade gold at surface.  In
addition to these Tasmanian interests, the company has the Lackman Rock project
in Western Australia where gold and nickel sulphide have already been ear-marked
as targets for future exploration drilling.  The main focus of the company until
now has been on Firetower, and on deciding whether to mine an existing resource
of some 50,000 oz, or whether to establish first a larger resource and then to
build its own mine.  However recent rock chip sampling at Warrentinna has also
yielded very encouraging results, and calls for further exploration effort to be
undertaken on seeking new high-grade shoots beneath the historic workings and in
un-mined quartz-lodes.  The future therefore holds useful promise.
Guild Acquisitions plc - (PLUS ticker: GACQ)

Guild Acquisitions is a fledgling investment trading company established to grow
early-stage small to medium sized companies by injecting seed capital,
management support, and access to further funds from capital markets for their

Hidefield Gold plc - (AIM ticker: HIF)


Hidefield is a gold company focusing on the acquisition and development of
highly prospective projects in North and South America.  The company has a
diverse portfolio of projects.  In South America and Alaska the projects are
directly held by Hidefield, while those projects in Canada, Nevada and Arizona
are held in independent self-funded associate companies.

The company's substantial direct gold project interests are principally in
Argentina where it is actively exploring the advanced stage East Santa Cruz gold
project in Santa Cruz Province.

Hidefield also operates in joint venture with Minera Sud Argentina S.A. with
which it is currently exploring a number of gold exploration licences in three
Patagonian provinces.  In Brazil the company is focused on the evaluation of the
advanced stage Cata Preta gold project in Minas Gerais state.  In Alaska
Hidefield has a 60% interest in the Golden Zone and South Estelle mineral
projects and an option to earn up to 100% subject to its expenditures.  The
Golden Zone property has a measured and indicated resource of 253,000 oz of
gold, 1.2 million oz of silver, and 6.1 million pounds of copper.  The South
Estelle property is in joint venture with International Tower Hill Mines.

India Star Energy plc - (AIM ticker: INDY)


India Star Energy is an investment company focused on gold, platinum group
metals and uranium interests in Canada.  Investments include a 15% stake in
Canadian Golden Dragon with interests in two high grade platinum and palladium
properties in Ontario; an interest in Canadian explorer East West Resource
Corporation with a portfolio of early stage properties for platinum, palladium,
gold and base metals, a copper-molybdenum deposit in Thunder Bay, and a 50%
share in the Magotte joint venture with East West Resource, targeting uranium.

KEFI Minerals plc - ( AIM ticker : KEFI )


Kefi Minerals is an early stage gold and copper exploration company with four
100%-owned projects in Turkey and one in Bulgaria.  It owns an extensive
exploration database which contains information regarding some one hundred
further prospective sites in Turkey, where recent changes to the mining law and
the progressive development attitude of the Turkish Government have generated a
positive environment for exploration and mining companies.  Kefi has recently
announced a gold discovery at its Yanikli Prospect in the Artvin project in
north eastern Turkey, with geological mapping and geochemical data already
having defined 15 new targets in the same project area.  The Bulgarian interest
is focused on the Lehovo project area, located 150 km south of Sofia and
bordering Greece, where Kefi has met with encouraging results for gold and
silver from its initial rock chip sampling work.  Bulgaria has a long tradition
of mining for base metals and precious metals and currently has a number of
operating mines; the growing benefits of the change-over from a state to a
market economy form an increasingly attractive background to the local mining

Lotus Resources plc - (Expected to be admitted to PLUS)


Lotus Resources is focused on China where it is assembling a portfolio of mining
and exploration interests that have the potential to generate early cash flow
from production and where it can add value through the application of modern
Western techniques thus improving productivity.  The initial focus is on a
number of gold projects.  The company has a mixed Board of Chinese and British
executives and a team of experienced Chinese geologists.  The company expects to
be admitted to PLUS during the fourth quarter 2007 and to move to AIM during

Matisse Holdings plc - (AIM ticker: MAT - suspended)

Matisse Holdings was originally established to invest in publishing businesses.
It has been seeking either reverse takeovers or key acquisitions, but presently
has its shares suspended through the application of AIM regulations governing
inactive cash shells.

Myhome International plc - (PLUS ticker: MYH)


Myhome International is a leading residential homecare services franchise
business continuing to enjoy an impressive rate of expansion throughout the UK,
Ireland and, more recently, Australia

The past year has seen a further extension of the range of branded services
offered to its clients through its very successful franchising model, which is
being rapidly rolled out across the whole of the UK.  In addition to home
cleaning and garden maintenance, its range of services now include fabric
cleaning (Stainbusters), ironing and dry cleaning (Ferrum), and plumbing and
drainage (DSH Services), all services appealing to "cash rich, time poor"
clients, encouraging significant cross-selling opportunities, and attracting
serious reliable entrepreneurs as franchisees, who now total over 400 in number.
There is clear potential for Myhome's model to be applied more widely through
overseas expansion and joint ventures with, say, insurers and financial services
companies.  Myhome is well down the path to becoming a multi-branded,
multi-product international residential franchise operation.  The acquisition of
Chipsaway was announced in October 2007 which, subject to shareholder approval,
will increase the number of franchisees to 750.

Oracle Coalfields plc - (PLUS ticker: ORCP )


Oracle Coalfields operates as an explorer and developer of coal in the Sindh
Province of Pakistan.  In February 2007, an exploration licence was granted over
a 100 sq km area of the Indus East coalfield and after the company's successful
introduction to PLUS in August, a programme of exploration drilling to establish
the best location of the envisaged mine site is being undertaken from October
onwards, with the exploration licence then expected to be converted to a mining
lease.  Plans for the financing and construction of the coal mine and the
commencement of production will follow.  Oracle has entered into a joint venture
agreement (Oracle 80% interest) with Sindh Koela Limited, a local Pakistani
company, which will work with Oracle to achieve these objectives as well as
assuming the role of establishing one or more mine-mouth power plants.  Pakistan
has a major, yet largely untapped, coal resource of 185 billion tonnes (Indus
East 1.8 billion tonnes), along with a serious shortage of electricity that is
hindering its planned economic growth, so the role of Oracle Coalfields should
assume increasing importance as its project nears fruition.  Oracle recognises
its major ethical responsibility of ensuring that any coal-fired power
generating plant with which it is associated, conforms to international emission

Red Rock Resources plc - (AIM ticker: RRR)


Red Rock, in which Regency Mines holds a 43.5% interest, operates as a mineral
exploration and development company focusing on manganese, iron ore and gold and
hopes to move to early bulk production and sales of manganese from its high
grade Zambian resource.  Two of its high grade iron ore properties in Western
Australia have been farmed out in an option/royalty agreement with Jupiter
Mines, although its nearby Mt Alfred property has been retained.  It also has
tenements in the Northern Territory of Australia containing further iron ore
mineralisation and manganese targets.

It has recently disposed of its Australian and Malawi uranium interests to
Retail Star Limited (ASX: RSL) for shares equivalent to 15.6% of Retail Star
with options to increase which suggests a readiness to exchange assets for
equity interests at the right price.  Its wide portfolio suggests that it is
well placed to benefit from rising commodity prices.

Regency Mines plc - (AIM ticker: RGM)


Regency Mines, apart from its interest in Red Rock Resources,  is focused on
exploring areas of copper and nickel potential in Western Australia and
Queensland and, where appropriate, on the development of these assets by joint
venture, acquisition or disposal.  The company broadened its portfolio in 2006
with the acquisition of a 75% interest in the 140 sq km Mambare open pit nickel
and cobalt project in Papua New Guinea where the aim is to offer direct shipping
of ore production to Asian Pacific rim customers within the next two years.
Regency has assembled a sound investment portfolio including equity interests in
small mining companies, evidencing its well executed strategy of converting
licence interests into equity stakes.

Sheba Exploration (UK) plc - (PLUS ticker: SHE)


Sheba is a mineral exploration company operating in the Tigray State of Ethiopia
within the Northern Ethiopia gold fields area, which it chose for its numerous
gold occurrences, most of which have not been explored.  Sheba holds a 100%
interest in the two exclusive exploration licences for Mereto and Shehagne, and
has new projects under current licence application.  At Mereto, trenches at the
Adi Gefa prospect have returned gold intersections of 8m at 2.3g/t and 6m at 3.7
g/t, directly beneath the soil anomaly, while soil sampling on the flanks of the
licence area located a further extension of the soil anomaly up to 690 ppb gold.
  The trenching here has indicated at least five drill-ready targets, with more
in the pipeline, and the style of gold mineralisation is seen to enforce the
potential for low cost bulk mining.  Joint venturing of mature properties, to
raise capital for resource estimation and new property acquisitions, and the
initiation of feasibility studies of small-scale opportunities for mining gold,
remain the strategic objectives for this operation.

St Helen's Capital plc - (PLUS ticker: SHCP)


St Helen's Capital is a fully integrated corporate financial services firm with
a fast-growing list of clients formed by start-up, early-stage, and fast-growing
companies. Its services on offer include fund-raising, financial services,
investment recommendations, leasing, mergers and acquisitions, and business
service advice. It sees itself as a one-stop shop for growth, and as a reliable
experienced corporate adviser. It has thus established itself as a major
conduit for fledgling companies seeking to access the AIM and PLUS markets.

Sunrise Diamonds plc - ( AIM ticker :  SDS )


Sunrise Diamonds is focused on the identification, acquisition, exploration, and
development of diamond projects in its present Finland operations in the
Karelian Craton, a prospective block which, over the border in Russia, hosts
world-class diamond deposits. Sunrise's planned drilling operations this summer
have been held back somewhat by  the current global shortage of drilling service
providers which  with the larger number of explorers operating today in
Scandinavia, caused tightened drill rig availability. As a result, Sunrise was
not able to complete all its drilling plans, and had to concentrate instead on
gathering and analyzing more geophysical data.  Sunrise enjoys exclusive access
to the valuable BHP Billiton database from its former Finnish diamond
exploration activities, which has resulted in Sunrise now having a surplus of
drilling targets on hand, so that the rig slots that it has been able to book
for the coming year should ensure faster progress and more regular news flow.

Treslow Limited - (Expecting to be admitted to AIM)

Treslow has a copper-nickel prospect near Armstrong in north-west Ontario,
Canada.  Following its conversion to a plc and expected introduction to AIM, it
will be seeking further funding to advance the project. Drilling is expected to
be started in January 2008.  Commercial quantities of uranium and rare earths
are also a possibility, but the initial focus is on nickel.

Profit and loss account
for the year ended 30 September 2007

                                                                 Year ended 30          14 month
                                                                     September      period ended
                                                                          2007     30 September

Operating income                                                     5,494,067         1,699,430
Direct costs                                                         (177,924)          (97,613)
Gross profit                                                         5,316,143         1,601,817
Administrative expenses                                              (272,076)         (266,683)
Operating profit                                                     5,044,067         1,335,134
Interest receivable                                                     71,114             7,728
Interest payable                                                      (84,413)           (4,334)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                        5,030,768         1,338,528
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                               (1,505,236)         (400,000)
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                         3,525,532           938,528

Earnings per share - basic                                           9.6 pence         2.5 pence

Earnings per share - fully diluted                                   8.8 pence         2.4 pence

There are no recognised gains and losses in either period other than the profit
for the period.

All operations are continuing.

Balance sheet
As at 30 September 2007

                                               30 September 2007           30 September 2006
                                                £             £             £             £
Fixed assets

Investments                                                         -                           2
Current assets

Debtors                                          10,257                     107,902

Trade investments                             4,750,185                   3,082,898

Cash at bank                                  3,006,588                           -
                                              7,767,030                   3,190,800
Creditors - amounts due within              (2,548,969)                   (553,369)
one year
Net current assets                                          5,218,061                   2,637,431
Total assets less current                                   5,218,061                   2,637,433

Share capital and reserves

Called-up share capital                         372,173                     372,173

Share premium account                         2,026,396                   2,026,396
Profit and loss account                       2,819,492                     238,864

Equity shareholders' funds                                  5,218,061                   2,637,433

Cash flow statement
for the year ended 30 September 2007

                                                               Year ended              Period ended
                                                             30 September              30 September
                                                                     2007                      2006
                                                                        £                         £

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                                  3,484,305                 (234,249)
operating activities
Returns on investment and servicing
of finance:
Interest receivable                                   71,114                     7,728
Interest payable                                    (84,413)                   (4,334)
                                                                 (13,299)                     3,394
Taxation paid                                                   (395,880)                  (86,472)
Equity dividends paid                                           (367,172)                         -
Company shares repurchased                         (577,732)                         -
New short term loan                                1,000,000                         -
                                                                  422,268                         -
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the                              3,130,222                 (317,327)

The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts
as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The balance sheet at 30 September 2007, the profit and loss account, and the
cash flow statement for the year then ended have been extracted from the
Company's statutory financial statements upon which the auditor's opinion is
unqualified and does not include any statement under Section 237 of the
Companies Act 1985.

Copies of the report and financial statements will be posted to Shareholders no
later than 14 November and will be available for a period of one month
thereafter from the Company Secretary at the registered office.

123 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6LR

Alternatively, the report may be downloaded from the Company's website,

Enquiries to:

  • Bruce Rowan, telephone 020 7486 3997
  • John Watkins, telephone 01483 771992, or to
  • Gerry Beaney or Colin Aaronson, Grant Thornton Corporate Finance,
    telephone 020 7383 5100


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange