Starvest PLC
12 July 2007

Starvest plc

Interim report - nine months ended 30 June 2007

Chairman's statement

Investment report

In view of the exceptional developments over the past months culminating in the
successful takeover of African Platinum plc, your board has decided to issue a
second interim report covering the nine months ended 30 June 2007.  Therefore, I
am pleased to report continuing successful trading during which Starvest has
achieved the following:

•   Pre-tax profit of £4.972m on turnover of £5.494m.

•   Basic earnings of 9.45 pence per share; fully diluted earnings of 8.21 pence 
    per share.

•   Increase in the value of trade investments of £7.1m since 30 September 2006 
    to £19.2m at 30 June 2007, an increase of 59%.

•   Fully diluted underlying net asset value per share of 47.4 pence at 30 June 
    2007 when the Company's share price discount to net asset value was 33%.

All these values are based on mid-market closing prices on a fully diluted pre
tax basis.

•   Share price increase of 87% since 30 September 2006 from 17 pence to close 
    at 31.75 pence.

•   30 June 2007 cash balance of £4.172m

•   Closing market capitalisation £11.5m.

•   Unrealised profits as at 30 June 2007 of £13.5m before tax, up from £8.9m at 
    30 September 2006.

In addition to matters mentioned in the half year report to 31 March 2007,
during the quarter to 30 June 2007 the following are of note:

•         The Company has made further investments as follows:

    o        Belmore Resources (Holdings) plc - additional investment;

    o        Durango Gold plc - gold-silver in the Durango state, Mexico with
             exploration rights over 12,072 hectares; PLUS admission expected 
             during 2007;

    o        Goliath Resources Inc. - copper, gold and molybdenum exploration 
             and mining company which has recently led a consortium to acquire 
             the rights to 152 million tonnes of pre-1980 tailings dumps in 
             Kitwe Zambia; other assets include two highly prospective gold, 
             copper and bismuth properties one of which is jointly held with 
             Phelps Dodge;

    o        Lotus Resources plc - a rapidly developing portfolio of production
             properties, with some exploration, in China to include gold, silver 
             and copper with a strategy reflecting Chinese government policy and 
             enjoying a strong Chinese based team; PLUS admission is expected 
             third quarter 2007 with AIM IPO in early 2008;

    o        Oracle Coalfields plc - coal mining in Pakistan - additional
             investment; PLUS admission expected shortly.

•   As announced in the half year report, a significant development during the 
    period concerns African Platinum plc ("Afplats") a company exploring for
    platinum group metals in Southern Africa in which the Company invested prior 
    to Afplats being admitted to AIM in May 2002.  On 16 February 2007, Impala 
    Platinum Holdings Limited ("Implats") announced a recommended cash offer for 
    the entire issued share capital of Afplats.  Having sold a large part of its 
    investment at various times in the past, on 30 May 2007 the Company received 
    cash of £4,537,500 in respect of the remaining holding.

•   After a tax provision of approximately £1.5m, the Company has substantial 
    cash resources for future investment including share buy-backs and dividends.

•   On 20 June 2007, the Company paid a maiden special dividend of one penny per 
    share to shareholders on the register on 25 May 2007.

•   A further 450,000 shares were bought for treasury during the period at 30 
    pence per share; 950,000 shares are now held in treasury.

•   Starvest now holds investments in twenty-eight companies of which fifteen 
    are traded on AIM, eight on PLUS Markets, one on the Toronto exchange and 
    one on the US based Pink Sheets; the remainder are preparing for admission
    to PLUS.   The companies are listed at the end of this announcement.  The 
    Board continues to be most satisfied with progress in its portfolio of 

•   Both resolutions before the Members in Extraordinary General Meeting held on 
    23 May 2007 were duly passed.

Starvest will continue to closely evaluate new investment proposals received
from businesses, mainly in the natural resources sector.  We will seek to ensure
that they accord with the Company's medium to long term investment strategy.

Further information

Those Shareholders who wish to receive electronic copies of regulatory
announcements are invited to register their email address on the home page of
the Company website:  Previous reports, quarterly updates
and announcements are available from the site.

Your Board continues to look to the future with optimism; unless there are
exceptional developments the next net asset value announcement is expected on
Monday 1 October.  This will be followed by an announcement of the full year's
results no later than 31 October with the 2007 annual general meeting on
Wednesday 12 December 2007.

Thank you for your continued support.

R Bruce Rowan

Chairman & Chief Executive

12 July 2007

Profit & Loss Account
for the nine month period ended 30 June 2007

                                                             9 months to                   Period
                                                            30 June 2007            1 August 2005
                                                                                30 September 2006
                                                               Unaudited                  Audited
                                                                   £,000                    £,000

Operating income                                                   5,494                    1,699
Direct costs                                                       (264)                     (97)
Gross profit                                                       5,230                    1,602
Administrative expenses                                            (220)                    (267)
Operating profit on ordinary activities                            5,010                    1,335
Interest receivable                                                   22                        7

Interest payable                                                    (60)                      (4)

Profit before taxation                                             4,972                    1,338
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                             (1,487)                    (400)
Profit on ordinary activities after                                3,485                      938
Dividends paid                                                     (367)                        -

Retained profit for the period                                     3,118                      938

Earnings per share - basic                                    9.45 pence                2.5 pence

Earnings per share - fully diluted                            8.21 pence                2.2 pence

There are no recognised gains or losses in either year period than the profit
for the period.

All of the operations are considered to be continuing.

Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2007
                                                              9 months to             Period  ended
                                                             30 June 2007         30 September 2006
                                                                Unaudited                   Audited
                                                                    £,000                     £,000

Fixed assets                                                            0                         0

Current assets

Debtors                                                                16                       108

Trading investments                                                 3,919                     3,083

Cash at bank and in hand                                            4,172                         -
                                                                    8,107                     3,191

Creditors - amounts falling due within one year

Other creditors                                                   (2,574)                     (554)
Net current assets                                                  5,533                     2,637

Total assets less current liabilities                               5,533                     2,637

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                                               372                       372

Share premium account                                               2,026                     2,026

Shares held in treasury                                             (222)                         0

Profit and loss account                                             3,357                       239

Equity shareholders' funds                                          5,533                     2,637

Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds

                                                      9 months to 30 June      Period 1 August 2006
                                                                     2007      to 30 September 2006
                                                                Unaudited                   Audited
                                                                    £,000                     £,000

Total recognised profits relating to the period                     3,485                       938

Dividends paid                                                      (367)                         -

Purchase of own shares for Treasury - see note 3                    (222)

Increase in shareholders' funds                                     2,896                       938

Opening shareholders'  funds                                        2,637                     1,699

Closing shareholders' funds                                         5,533                     2,637

Interim report notes

1.        Interim report

The information relating to the nine month period to 30 June 2007 is unaudited.

The information relating to the period ended 30 September 2006 is extracted from
the audited accounts of the Company which have been filed at Companies House and
on which the auditors issued an unqualified audit report.

2.        Basis of accounting

The report has been prepared using accounting policies that are consistent with
those adopted by the Company in the statutory accounts for the fourteen month
period ended 30 September 2006, although the information does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The Company will report again for the full year to 30 September 2007.

The Company's investments are carried at the lower of cost or mid market value
at 30 June 2007.  For the purpose of the net asset value calculation, with one
exception, the Company's investments at 30 June 2007 are valued at mid market
price.  The exception relates to Concorde Oil & Gas plc which, as a matter of
prudence, has been valued at 50% against the closing price on 24 November 2006,
being the date on which trading in the shares was suspended at the request of
the company.

3.        Share buy back

The company has bought its own shares to be held in Treasury as follows:

    •   On 16 January 2007, 500,000 at a price of 17 pence.

    •   On 29 May 2007, 250,000 at a price of 30 pence.

    •   On 13 June 2007, 200,000 at a price of 30 pence.

Consequently, shareholders' funds were reduced by £222,204.

4.        Investment commitments

At 30 June 2007, the Company had entered into commitments to make investments in
companies for amounts totalling £450,000.

5.        Earnings per share
                                                  9 months to 30                    Period 1 August
                                                       June 2007                         2006 to 30
                                                                                     September 2006
                                                       Unaudited                            Audited
                                                           £,000                              £,000

These have been calculated on a profit of:                 3,485                                938

The weighted average number of shares used was:       36,890,336                         37,217,259

The weighted average number of shares and
outstanding options used was:                         42,465,336                         42,792,259
Basic profit per share:                               9.45 pence                          2.5 pence

Fully diluted profit per share:                       8.21 pence                          2.2 pence

Investment portfolio

Starvest now holds trade investments in the following companies:

•         Addworth plc                              Active capital investment company

•         Agricola Resources plc                    Platinum and uranium exploration

•         Belmore Resources (Holdings) plc          Zinc exploration in Eire and Northern Ireland

•         Beowulf Mining plc                        Gold and copper exploration in Sweden

•         Black Rock Oil & Gas plc                  Oil and gas in Southern England, Colombia and

•         Brazilian Diamonds Limited                Diamond exploration in Brazil

•         Carpathian Resources Limited              Oil and gas exploration in Central Europe

•         Concorde Oil & Gas plc                    Operational oil and gas projects in the Russian

•         The Core Business plc                     Personal care and beauty products

•         DTT plc                                   Driver training and recruitment services to the
                                                    road haulage industry

•         Durango Gold plc                          Gold & silver in Durango State Mexico

•         Franchise Investment Strategies plc       Franchise consultancy and investment

•         Franconia Minerals Corporation            North American minerals

•         Fundy Minerals Limited                    Gold and base metal exploration in Canada and West

•         Gippsland Limited                         Tantulum exploration in Egypt

•         Goliath Resources Inc.                    Copper, gold & molybdenum in Canada; mining in

•         Greatland Gold plc                        Gold exploration in Western Australia and Tasmania

•         Hidefield Gold plc                        Gold exploration in North and South America

•         India Star Energy plc                     Oil and gas investments

•         Kefi Minerals plc                         Mineral exploration in Bulgaria and Turkey

•         Lotus Resources plc                       Gold, silver and copper in China

•         Myhome International plc                  Domestic services franchiser

•         Oracle Coalfields plc                     Coal mining in Pakistan

•         Red Rock Resources plc                    Iron ore and manganese exploration in Australia and
                                                    Zambia; uranium exploration in Malawi

•         Regency Mines plc                         Copper & nickel exploration in Australia and Papua
                                                    New Guinea

•         Sheba Exploration (UK) plc                Gold exploration in Ethiopia

•         St Helens Capital plc                     Corporate finance advisor

•         Sunrise Diamonds plc                      Diamond exploration in Finland

Copies of the interim report, which is being posted to shareholders, are
available free of charge by application in writing to the Company Secretary at
the Company's registered office, 123 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LR,  by
email to or from the Company's website at

Enquiries to:

Bruce Rowan, Chairman              020 7486 3997 or 

John Watkins, Finance Director     01483 771992;

Gerry Beaney or Colin Aaronson, Grant Thornton Corporate Finance   020 7383 5100

12 July 2007


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange