Latest announcements

Half-yearly results 02-Nov-2010 07:00 RNS
New Share Issuance 05-Oct-2010 07:00 RNS
Result of GM 01-Oct-2010 15:15 RNS
Appointment 23-Sep-2010 07:00 RNS
Notice of General Meeting 16-Sep-2010 07:00 RNS
Director PDMR Shareholding 25-Aug-2010 14:10 RNS
Annual Information Update 02-Aug-2010 07:00 RNS
Interim Management Statement 27-Jul-2010 07:00 RNS
Special Resolutions Passed at AGM 26-Jul-2010 14:02 RNS
Result of AGM 14-Jul-2010 11:53 RNS
Rule 9.6.14 05-Jul-2010 11:19 RNS
Notification of Major Interest in Shares 25-Jun-2010 16:49 RNS
Notification Of Major Interest In Shares 21-Jun-2010 09:49 RNS
Annual Report and Accounts & Notice of AGM 17-Jun-2010 10:52 RNS
Notification Of Major Interests In Shares 10-Jun-2010 16:29 RNS