United Internet AG

News Detail

DGAP-PVR News vom 31.05.2013

United Internet AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

United Internet AG 

31.05.2013 16:34

Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

Notification of voting rights pursuant to sec. 25 of the WpHG
We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG on 28 May 2013:

1. Details of listed company:
United Internet AG, Elgendorfer Strasse 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany
2. Details of the company subject to the notification obligation (notifier):
Morgan Stanley, Wilmington, USA

3. Triggering event:
Falling below threshold

4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:

5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached: 22 May 2013

6. Total amount of voting rights:
5.12% (equals: 9,942,097 voting rights)

7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion: 7.1 Financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG: 5.10% (equals: 9,886,089 voting rights), thereof held indirectly: 5.10% (equals: 9,886,089 voting rights)
7.2 Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG: 0.03% (equals: 56,008 voting rights)

8. Detailed information on (financial/other) instruments pursuant to section 25 WpHG:
8.1 Chain of controlled undertakings:
Morgan Stanley Capital Management LLC, Morgan Stanley Domestic Holdings Inc., Morgan Stanley & Co LLC, Morgan Stanley International Holdings Inc., MS Equity Financing Services (Luxembourg) Sarl, MSDW Offshore Equity Services Inc., MS Equity Finance Services I (Cayman) Ltd. 8.2 Retransfer Claims:
Expiration Dates: Various contracts that can be exercised at the lenders discretion
1. Details of listed company:
United Internet AG, Elgendorfer Strasse 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany
2. Details of the company subject to the notification obligation (notifier):
Morgan Stanley International Holdings Inc, Wilmington, USA
3. Triggering event:
Falling below threshold

4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:

5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached: 22 May 2013

6. Total amount of voting rights:
2.47% (equals: 4,783,365 voting rights)

7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion: 7.1 Financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG: 2.47% (equals: 4,783,365 voting rights), thereof held indirectly: 2.47% (equals: 4,783,365 voting rights)
7.2 Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

8. Detailed information on (financial/other) instruments pursuant to section 25 WpHG:
8.1 Chain of controlled undertakings:
MS Equity Financing Services (Luxembourg) Sarl, 
8.2 Retransfer Claims:
Expiration Dates: Various contracts that can be exercised at the lenders discretion

1. Details of listed company:
United Internet AG, Elgendorfer Strasse 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany
2. Details of the company subject to the notification obligation (notifier):
Morgan Stanley International Limited, London, United Kingdom
3. Triggering event:
Falling below threshold

4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:

5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached: 22 May 2013

6. Total amount of voting rights:
0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion: 7.1 Financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights), thereof held indirectly: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights) 7.2 Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

8. Detailed information on (financial/other) instruments pursuant to section 25 WpHG:
8.1 Chain of controlled undertakings: -

1. Details of listed company:
United Internet AG, Elgendorfer Strasse 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany
2. Details of the company subject to the notification obligation (notifier):
Morgan Stanley Group (Europe), London, United Kingdom
3. Triggering event:
Falling below threshold

4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:

5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached: 22 May 2013

6. Total amount of voting rights:
0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion: 7.1 Financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights), thereof held indirectly: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights) 7.2 Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

8. Detailed information on (financial/other) instruments pursuant to section 25 WpHG:
8.1 Chain of controlled undertakings: -

1. Details of listed company:
United Internet AG, Elgendorfer Strasse 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany
2. Details of the company subject to the notification obligation (notifier):
Morgan Stanley UK Group, London, United Kingdom

3. Triggering event:
Falling below threshold

4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:

5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached: 22 May 2013

6. Total amount of voting rights:
0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion: 7.1 Financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights), thereof held indirectly: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights) 7.2 Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

8. Detailed information on (financial/other) instruments pursuant to section 25 WpHG:
8.1 Chain of controlled undertakings: - 

1. Details of listed company:
United Internet AG, Elgendorfer Strasse 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany
2. Details of the company subject to the notification obligation (notifier):
Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc, London, United Kingdom
3. Triggering event:
Falling belwo threshold

4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:

5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached: 22 May 2013

6. Total amount of voting rights:
0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion: 7.1 Financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights), thereof held indirectly: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights) 7.2 Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG: 0.00% (equals: 0 voting rights)

8. Detailed information on (financial/other) instruments pursuant to section 25 WpHG:
8.1 Chain of controlled undertakings: -

31.05.2013 Die DGAP Distributionsservices umfassen gesetzliche Meldepflichten, Corporate News/Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen. DGAP-Medienarchive unter www.dgap-medientreff.de und www.dgap.de

Sprache:      Deutsch
Unternehmen:  United Internet AG
              Elgendorfer Straße 57
              56410 Montabaur
Internet:     www.united-internet.de
Ende der Mitteilung DGAP News-Service  

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