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Mobimo Holding AG

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EQS-Ad-hoc News vom 04.05.2022

Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo successfully placed shares following its rights offering

Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous

04-May-2022 / 07:00 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR



Mobimo successfully placed shares following its rights offering

Lucerne, 4 May 2022 – Following the successful rights offering, Mobimo Holding AG has sold 21,399 new registered shares not subscribed for in the market. Consequently, the company will issue a total of 660,154 new registered shares in connection with its capital increase and raise gross proceeds in an amount of approximately CHF 162 million.

The proceeds raised from the capital increase will support the execution of Mobimo's growth strategy and the realisation of its development projects, while maintaining a strong capital base. “We have a development pipeline full of promising projects in attractive locations. We will be realising these projects over the coming years – to a large extent for our own investment portfolio,” explains CEO Daniel Ducrey. “We will invest around CHF 200 million in our projects for the investment portfolio until 2024.”

The new shares carry full voting rights and dividend rights from the fiscal year 2022 and are equal to the existing shares in all respects. Trading of the new registered shares on SIX Swiss Exchange AG is expected to commence on 6 May 2022. The new registered shares are expected to be delivered against payment of the subscription price on 6 May 2022.

“We would like to thank our existing and our new shareholders for their trust in Mobimo,” says Daniel Ducrey.

UBS AG and Zürcher Kantonalbank acted as Joint Global Coordinators and Bookrunners for the capital increase.


If you have any questions, please contact:

Contact for analysts and investors:
Stefan Hilber, CFO
+41 44 397 11 44

Contact for media:
Marion Schihin, Head of Communications
+41 44 397 11 86

About Mobimo:

With a broadly diversified real estate portfolio that has a total value of approximately CHF 3.6 billion, Mobimo Holding AG is one of the leading real estate companies in Switzerland. Its portfolio comprises residential and commercial properties, along with development properties both for the company’s own portfolio and for third parties. The properties are in first-class locations in German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland. The buildings are characterised by balanced diversification and diligent management. Mobimo uses its development projects to strengthen its income base and boost the intrinsic value of its portfolio. The company also creates investment opportunities for third parties through its development services. Mobimo has around 170 employees.


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A decision to invest in securities of Mobimo Holding AG should be based exclusively on the prospectus published by Mobimo Holding AG for such purpose. Copies of such prospectus (and any supplement thereto) are available free of charge from UBS AG (Swiss Prospectus Switzerland) located Europastrasse 1, CH-8152 Opfikon and Zürcher Kantonalbank, IHKT, P.O. Box, 8010 Zurich, Switzerland, (e-mail:; phone +41 44 292 20 66). In addition, copies of such prospectus (and any supplement thereto) are available free of charge in Switzerland from Mobimo Management AG, Seestrasse 59, 8700 Küsnacht, e-mail:

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Additional features:

File: Ad hoc release shares placed following rights offering (Mobimo Holding AG)

End of ad hoc announcement

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