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Deutsche Telekom AG

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DGAP-PVR News vom 05.04.2012

Deutsche Telekom AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

Deutsche Telekom AG 

05.04.2012 17:00

Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

Stimmrechtsmitteilung nach § 25 Abs. 1 WpHG
Wir haben folgende Mitteilung nach § 25 Abs. 1 WpHG am 04.04.2012 erhalten:
1. Emittent:
Deutsche Telekom AG 
Friedrich Ebert Allee 140, 53113 Bonn, Deutschland
2. Mitteilungspflichtiger:
Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland 

3. Art der Schwellenberührung:

4. Betroffene Meldeschwellen:

5. Datum der Schwellenberührung:

6. Mitteilungspflichtiger Stimmrechtsanteil:
5,36% (entspricht 231619505 Stimmrechten) 
bezogen auf die Gesamtmenge der Stimmrechte des Emittenten in Höhe von: 4321319206

7. Einzelheiten zum Stimmrechtsanteil: 

Stimmrechtsanteil aufgrund von (Finanz-/sonstigen) Instrumenten nach § 25 WpHG:
3,98% (entspricht 171778700 Stimmrechten) 
davon mittelbar gehalten:
0,00% (entspricht 0 Stimmrechten) 

Stimmrechtsanteile nach §§ 21, 22 WpHG:
1,38% (entspricht 59840805 Stimmrechten) 

8. Einzelheiten zu den (Finanz-/sonstigen) Instrumenten nach § 25 WpHG:

ISIN or name/description of the (financial/other) Expiration Date instrument
Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 19.12.2014 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 19.12.2014 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.09.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.09.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.09.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Long Call Option 19.12.2014 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.09.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.09.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Short Put Option 19.12.2014 Physically Settled Short Put Option 19.12.2014 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 15.06.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.09.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.09.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.09.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.12.2012 Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013 Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013 Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013

05.04.2012 Die DGAP Distributionsservices umfassen gesetzliche Meldepflichten, Corporate News/Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen. DGAP-Medienarchive unter und

Sprache:      Deutsch
Unternehmen:  Deutsche Telekom AG
              Friedrich Ebert Allee 140
              53113 Bonn
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