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Befesa S.A.

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DGAP-DD News vom 16.05.2022

DGAP-DD: Befesa S.A. deutsch

Befesa S.A.: Meldung und öffentliche Bekanntgabe der Geschäfte von Personen, die Führungsaufgaben wahrnehmen, sowie in enger Beziehung zu ihnen stehenden Personen
16.05.2022 / 14:15
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.


Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

16 May 2022

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
a) Name Wolf Uwe Lehmann
2. Reason for the notification
a) Position / status Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Board of Directors
b) Initial notification / amendment Initial notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform,
auctioneer or auction monitor
a) Name Befesa S.A.  
b) LEI 222100VXGA8L6J4ZWG61  
4. Details of the transaction(s)
section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction;
(iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
a) Description of the financial instrument,
type of instrument
  Identification code7 LU1704650164
b) Nature of the transaction Purchase of shares
c) Price(s) and volume(s) Price per share Volume
€54.35 425
€54.60 3,800
d) Aggregated information  
— Aggregated volume 4,225 shares  
— Price €54.57 per share
e) Date of the transaction 13 May 2022
f) Place of the transaction XETRA


Company information
Befesa S.A.
68-70, Boulevard de la Pétrusse,
L-2320 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

LEI: 222100VXGA8L6J4ZWG61 ISIN: LU1704650164

Contact: Rafael Pérez

Email: Internet:

16.05.2022 Die DGAP Distributionsservices umfassen gesetzliche Meldepflichten, Corporate News/Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen.
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