Brenntag SE

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DGAP-PVR News vom 23.11.2012

Brenntag AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

Brenntag AG 

23.11.2012 11:32

Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

Rücknahme von Stimmrechtsmitteilungen sowie Korrektur der Veröffentlichung von Stimmrechtsmitteilungen gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG.
Die Longview Partners LLP, London, UK, hat uns gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG am 20.11.2012 Folgendes mitgeteilt:

'With effect from 3 July 2012, Longview Partners in London delivered its investment management services through a new legal entity, Longview Partners LLP. On that date, the UK Financial Services Authority gave authority to Longview Partners LLP to deliver investment management services to its clients, and cancelled the equivalent authority of Longview Partners LP.

Also on 3 July 2012, the net assets, capital, contractual and other arrangements of Longview Partners LP were transferred across to Longview Partners LLP and the employees of Longview Partners Limited (the General Partner of Longview Partners LP), some of whom had also been partners of Longview Partners LP, were transferred across to become either members or employees of Longview Partners LLP.

In that regard, Longview Partners LLP is now withdrawing the beneath listed notification as well as the correction of a notification and made to you in the name of Longview Partners LP prior to 3 July 2012. Neither the notification nor the correction was necessary.

Correction (via fax sent on 16.01.2012) of a notification pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG (via fax sent on 10.01.2012) concerning the voting-right proportion in Brenntag AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, on 09.01.2012, crossing above the threshold of 3% and amounting to 3.11% (that equals 1,600,207 voting rights) on that date.'

Die Longview Partners LLP, London, UK, hat uns gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG am 20.11.2012 Folgendes mitgeteilt:

'With effect from 3 July 2012, Longview Partners in London delivered its investment management services through a new legal entity, Longview Partners LLP. On that date, the UK Financial Services Authority gave authority to Longview Partners LLP to deliver investment management services to its clients, and cancelled the equivalent authority of Longview Partners LP.

Also on 3 July 2012, the net assets, capital, contractual and other arrangements of Longview Partners LP were transferred across to Longview Partners LLP and the employees of Longview Partners Limited (the General Partner of Longview Partners LP), some of whom had also been partners of Longview Partners LP, were transferred across to become either members or employees of Longview Partners LLP.

In that regard, Longview Partners LLP is now withdrawing the beneath listed notification as well as the correction of a notification and made to you in the name of Longview Partners LP prior to 3 July 2012. Neither the notification nor the correction was necessary.

Correction (via fax sent on 27.06.2012) of a notification pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG (via fax sent on 25.06.2012) concerning the voting-right proportion in Brenntag AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, on 18.06.2012, crossing below the threshold of 3% and amounting to 2.99% (that equals 1,541,881 voting rights) on that date.'

Die Longview Partners LLP, London, UK, hat uns gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG am 20.11.2012 Folgendes mitgeteilt:

'In the name of and on behalf of the above mentioned notifier, we withdraw the beneath listed notification. The notification was not necessary.
Notification (via fax sent on 11.07.2012) pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG concerning the voting-right proportion in Brenntag AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, on 10.07.2012, crossing above the threshold of 3% and amounting to 3.1029% (that equals 1,597,984 voting rights) on that date.'

Die Longview Partners (Guernsey) Limited, St Peter Port, Guernsey, hat uns gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG am 20.11.2012 Folgendes mitgeteilt:
'In the name of and on behalf of the above mentioned notifier, we withdraw the beneath listed notification as well as the correction of a notification. Neither the notification nor the correction was necessary.
Correction (via fax sent on 16.01.2012) of a notification pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG (via fax sent on 10.01.2012) concerning the voting-right proportion in Brenntag AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, on 09.01.2012, crossing above the threshold of 3% and amounting to 3.11% (that equals 1,600,207 voting rights) on that date.'

Die Longview Partners (Guernsey) Limited, St Peter Port, Guernsey, hat uns gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG am 20.11.2012 Folgendes mitgeteilt:
'In the name and on behalf of the above mentioned notifier, we withdraw the beneath listed notification as well as the correction of a notification. Neither the notification nor the correction was necessary.
Correction (via fax sent on 27.06.2012) of a notification pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG (via fax sent on 25.06.2012) concerning the voting-right proportion in Brenntag AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, on 18.06.2012, crossing below the threshold of 3% and amounting to 2.99% (that equals 1,541,881 voting rights) on that date.'

Die Longview Partners (Guernsey) Limited, St Peter Port, Guernsey, hat uns gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG am 20.11.2012 Folgendes mitgeteilt:
'In the name of and on behalf of the above mentioned notifier, we withdraw the beneath listed notification. The notification was not necessary.
Notification (via fax sent on 11.07.2012) pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG concerning the voting-right proportion in Brenntag AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, on 10.07.2012, crossing above the threshold of 3% and amounting to 3.1029% (that equals 1,597,984 voting rights) on that date.'

Die Longview Partners (UK) Limited, London, UK, hat uns gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG am 20.11.2012 Folgendes mitgeteilt:

'In the name and on behalf of the above mentioned notifier (formerly known as Longview Partners Limited) we withdraw the beneath listed notification as well as the correction of a notification. Neither the notification nor the correction was necessary.

Correction (via fax sent on 16.01.2012) of a notification pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG (via fax sent on 10.01.2012) concerning the voting-right proportion in Brenntag AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, on 09.01.2012, crossing above the threshold of 3% and amounting to 3.11% (that equals 1,600,207 voting rights) on that date.'

Die Longview Partners (UK) Limited, London, UK, hat uns gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG am 20.11.2012 Folgendes mitgeteilt:

'In the name of and on behalf of the above mentioned notifier (formerly known as Longview Partners Limited) we withdraw the beneath listed notification as well as the correction of a notification. Neither the notification nor the correction was necessary.

Correction (via fax sent on 27.06.2012) of a notification pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG (via fax sent on 25.06.2012) concerning the voting-right proportion in Brenntag AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, on 18.06.2012, crossing below the threshold of 3% and amounting to 2.99% (that equals 1,541,881 voting rights) on that date.'

23.11.2012 Die DGAP Distributionsservices umfassen gesetzliche Meldepflichten, Corporate News/Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen. DGAP-Medienarchive unter und

Sprache:      Deutsch
Unternehmen:  Brenntag AG
              Stinnes Platz 1
              45472 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Ende der Mitteilung DGAP News-Service  

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