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EQS-News News vom 10.05.2021

Many Chinese Students Attend the University of Tokyo, Where the 'GCSi' was Developed

EQS-News / 09/05/2021 / 22:42 EST/EDT

Many Chinese Students Attend the University of Tokyo, Where the "GCSi" was Developed

TOKYO, JAPAN / ACCESSWIRE / May 7, 2021 / In April, 2021, the Global Commons Stewardship Index developed by the University of Tokyo's Global Commons Center in collaboration with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Yale University was introduced in Chapter 10 of the book, "Understanding the Spillovers and Transboundary Impacts of Public Policies: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for More Resilient Societies," produced by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission-Joint Research Center (EC-JRC).

This book is a new governance and analysis tool for managing the cross-border spillover of socio-economic activities, presenting lessons learned from national experiences, and new developments in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It presents good practices and was reviewed by OECD member countries and the European Commission. The introduction of the GCSi in this book is very significant as it confirms that the usefulness of the index has been internationally recognized.

On September 22, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a national goal of carbon neutrality, first by bringing carbon dioxide emissions into a decline by 2030 and achieving net zero CO2 emissions by 2060 through reductions and removal.

China's bold plan for dealing with this major global problem has been well received around the world. Along with this, there have been a series of movements toward the goal of "carbon neutrality" in countries that have adopted the same stance, one notable example of which is the University of Tokyo's program.

The University of Tokyo, the highest ranked school in Japan, has more than 4,000 foreign students enrolled, of which more than 60% are Chinese students.

In August 2020, the University of Tokyo established the Global Commons Center. With Naoko Ishii as its director, the Center is developing an internationally shared local framework to find, agree upon, and act on ways to protect the earth's shared human property (the Global Commons).

Since its establishment, the "Global Commons Center" has been actively engaged in a variety of innovative programs. The theme of the second "Tokyo Forum" hosted by the University of Tokyo was the introduction of a 10-year plan called, "Global Commons Stewardship in the Anthropocene." Besides organizing the event, Professor Ishii also appeared for two days.

In the Forum, experts from a variety of countries stressed that the amount of time we have left to save the global environment is running out fast. As was mentioned above, an overview of the new Global Commons Stewardship Index (GCSi), whose development was led by the University of Tokyo, was also presented.

UN Under-Secretary-General Liu Zhenmin stated that, "The window to respond to the climate crisis is very limited, and without a timely response, the effects of climate change will be irreversible." In Japan as well, the awareness of these global environmental conditions is steadily improving.

It is wonderful that these efforts are being made throughout the world, but China is taking the lead in dynamically promoting them.

China International Capital Corporation (CICC), a major Chinese investment banking company, held a forum on the theme of "carbon neutral" in Beijing in March. Liu Shun, the chief analyst who compiled a research report presented there, estimated that the promotion of carbon neutrality will generate a total of 60 trillion yuan of related investment over the next 40 years, and that investment in solar power will account for another 20 trillion yuan. He also stated that "carbon-free power sources" such as solar power, wind power, hydropower, and nuclear power will account for 70% of China's energy consumption structure in 2060, an increase of 54.1 percent from 2020.

The more China moves towards "carbon neutrality," the more others around the world will follow in its footsteps, and the planet will move in a better direction.

For Further Information:

Project Website: Tokyo Forum 2020 Online
Contact Person: Tokyo Forum Secretariat

SOURCE: Tokyo Forum


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