Sunrise UPC GmbH

News Detail

EQS-News News vom 26.01.2022

Sunrise UPC remains committed to sustainability

Sunrise UPC GmbH / Key word(s): Miscellaneous/Sustainability
26.01.2022 / 09:00

  • Sunrise UPC pledges to set a net zero target for its direct and indirect emissions by the end of 2022 (scope 1, 2 and 3).
  • With a focus on durability and repairability, at least 75% of returned set-top boxes and modems from the product portfolio will be refurbished and sent to new customers by 2023.
  • Sunrise UPC continues to actively invest in research on new 5G sustainability applications together with its partners.
  • By the end of 2022, Sunrise UPC will devise a program to make it easier for disadvantaged people to access the Internet and hardware as well as learn digital skills.
  • The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) program «YouBelong!» will be further developed and the measures in the Advance Charter will be implemented.

With its products and services, Sunrise UPC connects people and enables them to use the digital world securely and with enthusiasm. The environment, social responsibility and corporate governance are central topics for Sunrise UPC that are anchored in its new ESG strategy. 

«With our ongoing commitment, we want to harness the strength of our brand, our employees and our connectivity to bring about positive change in our society. We're starting with our own impact and actively investing in research and innovation together with our partners. Within the scope of our social and environmental commitment, we are working transparently, setting clear and measurable goals and meeting our stakeholders at eye level», says André Krause, CEO of Sunrise UPC, explaining the new Sunrise UPC sustainability strategy. 


Sunrise UPC sustainability targets by 2030

  • Environment

Since January 1, 2021, Sunrise UPC has been receiving 100% of its electricity from renewable resources, the majority of which is provided by Swiss hydropower. Sunrise UPC will continuously increase the energy efficiency of data transmission in its network by 10% per year (kWh/TB) until 2030 and will operate its vehicle fleet fully electric by 2030.

At the end of 2021, Liberty Global and its subsidiary Sunrise UPC committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 and 2) produced directly and indirectly by the company to zero by 2030. The plan also entails sustainably preventing indirect emissions throughout the entire value chain (scope 3). Sunrise UPC pledges to set its own net zero target for direct and indirect emissions by the end of 2022.

For devices such as modems and set-top boxes, the focus lies on circular economy and thus on durability and repairability. By 2023, at least 75% of returned set-top boxes and modems from the product portfolio will be refurbished and sent to new customers. The Buyback program will be expanded by 2024, with the goal of buying back at least 20,000 devices (smartphones, tablets) from customers per year for reuse.


  • Digitization and social responsibility

Together with its partners, Sunrise UPC is actively investing in research on new 5G sustainability applications (5G Joint Innovation Center). 5G delivers wireless connectivity with high bandwidths, low latencies and a large number of parallel connections. This makes real-time applications possible, such as the innovative project funded by Innosuisse focusing on weed control for the so-called bitter dock.

Digital development drives many things forward and fundamentally makes everyday life easier. But not everyone has the necessary skills to benefit from it. In 2022, Sunrise UPC, together with its partner Caritas, will offer at least 1,000 hours of high-quality consulting to answer any questions about digital devices and services. In addition, a program will be developed by the end of 2022 to help disadvantaged people access the Internet and hardware as well as learn digital skills.


  • Sunrise UPC as an employer

A workplace with employees who see the world from different perspectives creates a culture of creativity, innovation and problem solving that benefits customers, employees and the company. In 2021, Sunrise UPC developed «YouBelong!», which contains the framework conditions for diversity, equality and inclusion (DE&I). To further advance gender equality in business life, Sunrise UPC has signed the Advance Charter and will increase the percentage of women in leadership positions to at least 25% by 2025 and 30% by 2030.


  • Business ethics and governance

The Sunrise UPC sustainability strategy is firmly anchored in corporate governance. A Sustainability Steering Committee (ESG Committee) that meets on a quarterly basis, which includes representatives from all business units as well as members of the Management Board, plans the implementation of the strategy and regularly reports to the Management Board on progress made in achieving environmental, climate, social and governance goals.

All employees receive annual training in the areas of the code of conduct (on topics such as anti-corruption), data protection and information security. An external, independent compliance hotline is available to all employees, suppliers, customers, applicants, etc. to report incidents confidentially and anonymously («whistleblowing»).


Liberty Global's leadership role in the area of sustainability

In 2020, the Liberty Global Group received several awards for its commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility:

Liberty Global remains committed to greater sustainability and energy efficiency while focusing on energy consumption, CO2 emissions and avoiding «e-waste». The Group communicated its net zero targets at the end of 2021, which also apply to Sunrise UPC as a subsidiary.


More information



Press release (pdf)


Sunrise UPC
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Phone: 0800 333 000
Outside Switzerland: +41 58 777 76 66

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