News Detail

Press release News vom 27.11.2018

Change in ORIOR AG’s Executive Committee

Change in ORIOR AG’s Executive Committee


Ricarda Demarmels, CFO of ORIOR Group and a member of the Executive Committee, has decided to step down from her role at the end of May 2019 to pursue a new challenge. During her time at ORIOR Ricarda Demarmels was jointly responsible for formulating and executing the 2020 strategy and she played a key role in planning and advancing ORIOR’s general development and internationalization. The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee regret Ricarda Demarmels’ decision and thank her for her valuable service and wish her all the best in her future endeavours, both personal and professional. Ricarda Demarmels will go on maternity leave in a few weeks.


The position of Group CFO will be assumed ad interim by Bernhard Pfulg, Financial Officer and COO of the ORIOR Convenience Segment and a member of the Extended Management Team, effective mid-December 2018. In this function he will also assume a seat on the Extended Executive Committee of ORIOR Group. Bernhard Pfulg will ensure continuity in the performance of the duties of CFO thanks to his many years of service to ORIOR in various key roles and to his vast experience as a financial specialist. Bernhard Pfulg will be supported by the Group’s broad team of well-qualified financial experts.

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