Comet Holding AG

News Detail

Ad hoc news News vom 26.04.2018

The Annual Shareholder Meeting of Comet Holding AG approves all proposals

Press release
Flamatt, April 26, 2018

Press release (PDF)

The Annual Shareholder Meeting of Comet Holding AG approves all proposals


At the 69th Annual Shareholder Meeting of Comet Holding AG, the shareholders approved all of the Board of Directors' proposals, and passed the following resolutions:


Both the management report and the annual and consolidated financial statements for 2017 were approved by the Annual Shareholder Meeting. The shareholders granted the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee discharge for 2017, and total retained earnings of CHF 89.3 million were carried forward to the new account. The proposed transfer of paid-in capital and the payment of CHF 1.50 per registered share from the distributable paid-in capital reserve were approved. Payment shall be made on May 3, 2018.

All of the members of the Board of Directors stood for re-election and were re-elected for a term of one year until the Annual Shareholder Meeting in 2019.
Hans Hess was once again confirmed in office as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Dr. iur. Mariel Hoch and Rolf Huber were elected as members of the Remuneration Committee, and Prof. Gian-Luca Bona, Lucas A. Grolimund and Dr. Franz Richter once again received a vote of confidence.
Ernst & Young AG were chosen as auditors for the 2018 business year; Mr. Patrick Glauser, Fiduria AG, Berne, as independent proxy for the period up to and including the 2019 Annual Shareholder Meeting.

Amendments to the Bylaws
The Annual General Meeting approved the proposed reintroduction of section 3a para 1 of the Bylaws. With this amendment, the Board of Directors is authorized to increase the share capital at any time until 26 April 2020 by issuing up to 1,400,000 fully payable registered shares with a par value of CHF 1.00 per share to a maximum value of CHF 1.4 million.

Approval of proposals concerning remuneration of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
The shareholders approved the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors for the coming term, the fixed remuneration of the Executive Committee for the 2019 business year, and the variable remuneration of the Executive Board for 2017.

The request of the Board of Directors to have the 2017 compensation report submitted for approval in an advisory vote was also approved.

The next Annual Shareholder Meeting of Comet Holding AG will be held on April 25, 2019, in the Berne region.


Media Relations:
Ines Najorka
Vice President Corporate Communications
+41 31 744 99 96



2018 corporate calendar:

August 16, 2018  Publication of the half-year report 
November 13, 2018 Investor Day



Comet Group

The Comet Group is a globally leading, innovative Swiss technology company with a focus on X-ray, high-frequency and ebeam technologies. Using high-quality high-tech components and systems, we make it possible for customers from various industries to improve the quality of their products and make them both more efficient and more environmentally friendly. The innovative solutions under the Comet, Yxlon and ebeam brands are used in applications such as material and safety testing, the coating and treatment of surfaces, and contact-free sterilization.

Headquartered in Flamatt, Switzerland, Comet AG is now represented in all global markets. We employ around 1,450 people worldwide, including some 530 in Switzerland. In addition to production facilities in China, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland and the USA, we also maintain various subsidiaries in the USA, China, Japan and Korea. Comet’s stock (COTN) is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.


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