ALNO AG interim consolidated earnings report for Q3 2015 in accordance with Article 37x of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, WpHG)

Pfullendorf, November 13, 2015 – In the first nine months of the financial year 2015, the ALNO Group achieved sales of 392.9 million euros*. Thus it increased by 14.0 million euros or 3.7% compared to the previous year's period (378.9 million euros).

As at 30 September 2015, the ALNO Group reports an EBITDA of 22.5 million euros and an EBIT of 9.1 million euros. This includes effects from the deconsolidation of Impuls Küchen GmbH as at 30 June 2015, amounting to about 25 million euros. In the comparable period of the previous year, the EBITDA amounted to 29.9 million euros including about 52 million euros of special effects from the takeover of AFP.

Adjusted to take account of these special effects, the EBITDA improved by 20.2 million euros or 90% from - 22.4 million euros to - 2.2 million euros between January and September 2015 compared to the previous year. On the key date, the EBIT amounted to - 14.0 million euros after being - 34.3 million euros in the comparable period of the previous year.

The Board of Management assumes that the ALNO Group will also grow significantly in terms of sales and operating result in Q4 of this year.

*To improve comparability this year, the previous-year figures from June onwards were reported pro
forma without Impuls.

Jürgen Schulze-Ferebee
Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Heiligenbergerstraße 47, 88630 Pfullendorf
Telefon: +49 / 75 52 / 21 – 33 16

Legal note:
This interim earnings report may contain certain forward-looking statements that are based on current
assumptions and prognoses made by the corporate management of ALNO AG or its affiliated companies.
Various known and unknown risks and uncertainties as well as other factors may lead to significant deviations
in the actual results, financial position, development or performance of ALNO AG and its affiliated companies
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