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SMA Solar Technology AG


Datum Beschreibung
14.11.2024 Analyst Conference Call 1.30 p.m. (CET)
14.11.2024 Publication of Quarterly Financial Statement January-September 2024
08.08.2024 Analyst Conference Call 1.30 p.m. (CEST)
08.08.2024 Publication of Half-Yearly Financial Report January-June 2024
28.05.2024 Ordinary Annual Shareholder Meeting of SMA Solar Technology AG (virtual)
08.05.2024 Analyst Conference Call 1.30 p.m. (CEST)
08.05.2024 Publication of Quarterly Statement January-March 2024
27.03.2024 Analyst Conference Call 1.30 (CET)
27.03.2024 Publication of the SMA Group 2023 Annual Report
09.11.2023 Publication of Quarterly Statement: January to September 2023
09.11.2023 Analyst Conference Call: 1:30 p.m. (CET)
10.08.2023 Analyst Conference Call: 1:30 p.m. (CEST)
10.08.2023 Publication of Half-Yearly Financial Report January to June 2023
24.05.2023 2023 Annual General Meeting of SMA Solar Technology AG
11.05.2023 Capital Markets Day
11.05.2023 Publication of Quarterly Statement: January to March 2023
30.03.2023 Publication of the SMA Group 2022 Annual Report and 2022 Individual Financial Statement SMA Solar Technology AG
30.03.2023 Analyst Conference Call: 1:30 p.m. (CEST)
09.03.2023 Publication of preliminary figures for 2022 and guidance 2023
10.11.2022 Publication of Quarterly Statement: January to September 2022
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