
News Detail

EQS-Ad-hoc News vom 28.04.2017

2016 Annual Report

Highlight Event and Entertainment AG / Key word(s): Final Results

28-Apr-2017 / 18:32 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR

Group Development in Fiscal Year 2016
  • The purchase of strategic investments in the media sector increased total consolidated assets from about CHF 20.2 million as of December 31, 2015, to about CHF 45.0 million as of December 31, 2016.
  • Consolidated net profit amounted to about CHF -3.0 million (previous year: about CHF -0.7 million). This was due in particular to new investments and extraordinary expenses.
  • In fiscal year 2016, equity increased by 30% to CHF 24.7 million (CHF 19.0 million).
  • Gross profit was improved by 7.9% to about CHF 2.8 million.

In fiscal 2016, Highlight Event and Entertainment AG ("HLEE") again achieved stable results in its operating activities. The calculation of the fair value of the equity investment in Constantin Medien AG, which is decisive for accounting purposes, led to an impairment loss as of the end of the reporting period. Operating expenses were affected by extraordinary legal expenses related to the dispute concerning the General Meetings of Constantin Medien AG on July 6, 2016, and November 9/10, 2016, and the corresponding legal consequences. Both EBIT and consolidated net income were negative as a result.

As already published on April 3, 2017, the Board of Directors invited shareholders to an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on May 2, 2017, and proposed an ordinary capital increase as well as the extension and increase of the authorized capital until May 2, 2019. In the proposed ordinary capital increase, the share capital of HLEE is to be increased by up to CHF 46,777,500 from CHF 15,592,500 to a maximum of CHF 62,370,000 by issuing up to 5,197,500 HLEE bearer shares with a nominal value of CHF 9 each that are to be paid in full under subscription.

The detailed 2016 Annual Report is available at

Contact details:
Highlight Event and Entertainment AG
Netzibodenstrasse 23b
4133 Pratteln, Switzerland

Tel: +41 41 226 05 97


Important notice:

This press release may contain forward-looking statements, such as expectations, plans, intentions, or strategies for the future. Such statements entail uncertainty and risk. The reader must therefore be aware that such statements may deviate from actual events in the future. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on data available to HLEE as of the date this press release was published. HLEE is under no obligation whatsoever to update forward-looking statements in this press release at a later date on the basis of new information, future events, or similar.

Additional features:

Document: http://n.eqs.com/c/fncls.ssp?u=YEPDSUHALK
Document title: GB 2016_EN

End of ad hoc announcement

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