DGAP-News: RNTS Media N.V. / Bekanntmachung der Einberufung zur Hauptversammlung

03.03.2017 / 15:05
Bekanntmachung gemäß §121 AktG, übermittelt durch DGAP
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RNTS Media N.V.

Amsterdam, Niederlande

Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of RNTS Media N.V.
to be held on 11 April 2017


RNTS Media N.V. (the Company) invites its shareholders to its Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) to be held at the offices of Allen & Overy LLP, Apollolaan 15, 1077 AB Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 11 April 2017, at 12:00 hours CET. The language of the meeting shall be in English.


The agenda items of the EGM will be as follows:



Opening and Announcements


Proposal to amend the Articles of Association of the Company


Amendment 1 (vote)


Amendment 2 (vote)


Amendment 3 (vote)


Proposal to approve the Stock Option Plan (vote)


Supervisory Board


Changes to supervisory board profile (discussion)


Proposal to determine the remuneration for the members of the supervisory board (vote)


Proposal to approve the award of increased compensation to the chairman for duties performed in the financial year 2016 (vote)


Proposal to appoint the external auditor for the audit of the Annual Accounts 2016 and the Annual Accounts 2017 (vote)


Any other business and close of the meeting

Meeting documents

The agenda above and the explanatory notes thereto, the proposals for the amendments of the articles of association, the profile for the supervisory board and the Stock Option Plan are all available free of charge on the Company's website: www.rntsmedia.com.

Record Date

The management board has determined that for this meeting the persons who will be considered as entitled to attend the general meeting, are those holders of shares who on 14 March 2017, after close of trading on the regulated market segment (regulierter Markt) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) (the Record Date), hold those rights and are registered as such in the administrations of their banks and brokers.

Registration to vote

Shareholders are entitled to vote up to the total number of shares that they held at the close of trading at the Record Date, provided they have registered their shares timely.

A confirmation by the bank in which administration the shareholder is registered for the shares must be submitted to the Company, stating that such shares were registered in his/her name at the Record Date. With this confirmation, banks are furthermore requested to include the full address details of the relevant holder in order to be able to verify the shareholding on the Record Date in an efficient manner.

The confirmation must be sent by the shareholder's bank to the Company, not later than on 4 April 2017. A copy of the confirmation may be sent by e-mail to agm@rntsmedia.com. Please send the original confirmation to the address of the Company listed below. The Company will send an email confirmation to the shareholder of the registration for the EGM.

Voting by Proxy

Notwithstanding the obligation to register for the meeting, the right to attend and to vote at the meeting may be exercised by a holder of a written proxy. A form of a written proxy is available on the Company's website. The written proxy must be received by the Company no later than on 4 April 2017, 17:30 hours CET. The proxy to represent a shareholder may (but needs not) be granted to Ms J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, civil law notary with Allen & Overy LLP, by sending an email with proxy and voting instructions to agm@rntsmedia.com no later than 4 April 2017 at 17:30 hours CET. Please send the original proxy to the address listed below. A copy of the written proxy must be shown at the registration prior to the start of the meeting.

If you intend to instruct your custodian bank for any of the above, please be aware that their deadlines could be a number of days before those mentioned above. Please check with the individual institutions as to their cut-off dates.

Registration and identification at the meeting

Registration for admission to the meeting will take place from 11:00 hours CET until the commencement of the meeting at 12:00 hours CET. After this time registration is no longer possible. Persons entitled to attend the meeting may be asked for identification prior to being admitted by means of a valid identity document, such as a passport or driver's license.

As of 27 February 2017 the issued share capital of the Company amounts to EUR 11,453,333.30, divided into 114,533,333 ordinary shares of EUR 0.10 each.

For further information please see the Company's website www.rntsmedia.com.

All communications to the Company or the management board in connection with the foregoing must be addressed to the Company as follows:

RNTS Media N.V.
attn.: Legal Department
Johannisstrasse 20
10117 Berlin
email: agm@rntsmedia.com


Berlin, Germany, 27 February 2017

The supervisory board and the management board


For the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) of RNTS Media N.V. to be held at the offices of Allen & Overy LLP, Apollolaan 15, 1077 AB Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 11 April 2017, at 12:00 PM CET.

The undersigned:



(postal code and city)


(the Shareholder) acting in his / her / its capacity as holder of ________________________(number)
bearer shares in RNTS Media N.V., hereby grants a proxy to:


A) ☐ :



(postal code and city)



B) ☐ Ms J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, civil law notary with Allen & Overy LLP (or her substitute),

to represent the Shareholder at the EGM and to speak on behalf of the Shareholder and to vote the shares in respect of the items on the agenda for the EGM, in the manner set out below. In case no box is ticked the proxy is deemed to be given to Ms J.J.C.A. Leemrijse (or, as the case may be, her substitute).

No. Agenda For Against Abstain
1. Opening and announcements N.A. N.A. N.A.
2. Proposal to amend the articles of association of the Company N.A. N.A. N.A.
2(a) Amendment 1      
2(b) Amendment 2      
2(c) Amendment 3      
3. Proposal to approve the Stock Option Plan      
4. Supervisory board remuneration N.A. N.A. N.A.
4(a) Changes to supervisory board profile N.A. N.A. N.A.
4(b) Proposal to determine the remuneration for the members of the supervisory board      
4(c) Proposal to approve the award of increased compensation to the chairman for duties performed in the financial year 2016      
5. Proposal to appoint the external auditor for the audit of the Annual Accounts 2016 and the Annual Accounts 2017      
6. Any other business and close of the meeting N.A. N.A. N.A.

Signed in _________________________________on ____________________ 2017.

Signature: _________________________________

This proxy must be received by RNTS Media N.V. no later than on 4 April 2017 at 17:30 hours CET, by e-mail: agm@rntsmedia.com or by mail at the following address:

RNTS Media N.V.
attn.: Legal Department
Johannisstrasse 20
10117 Berlin
email: agm@rntsmedia.com

Please send the original copy of the proxy by mail to the address listed above.

Please note that the proxyholder, in order to be admitted to the meeting, shall be required to show at the entrance of the meeting (i) a copy of this proxy plus identification and (ii) the registration statement, delivered in accordance with the requirements set forth in the notice of the meeting.

Explanatory notes to the agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGM) of RNTS Media N.V. (the Company) of 11 April 2017

Agenda item 2

Proposal to amend the articles of association of the Company

(a) Amendment 1

This item will be voted on.

It is proposed to amend the articles of association of the Company for the purpose of changing the official name of the Company to Fyber N.V.

At the 2016 AGM, the general meeting approved that the articles of association of the Company would be amended in connection to a rebranding of the Group, among other things, by adopting the Fyber brand at the level of the listed holding entity. It was approved to change the statutory name of the holding company to Fyber N.V. by an amendment of the articles of association of the Company. In the explanatory notes, it was stated that the deed of amendment of the articles of association of the Company would not be executed until after the settlement of the last tranche of the put option that was granted to the sellers of the Fyber shares as part of the acquisition of Fyber by the Company (reference is made to page 114 of the listing prospectus that is available via the website of the Company (www.rntsmedia.com/prospectus/).

Because of the fact that, at the time of the convocation of this EGM, the last tranche of the put option has not yet been settled whereas the rebranding is envisaged to take place in Q2 of the financial year 2017, the general meeting will be requested to approve that the articles of association will be amended simultaneously with the rebranding and therefore irrespective of the closing of the put option, whereby the exact moment of implementation of the rebranding (and therefore the execution of the deed of amendment) will be decided by the management board.

(b) Amendment 2

This item will be voted on.

It is proposed to further amend the articles of association of the Company for the purpose of changing the form of the shares from bearer shares to registered shares.

From the perspective of the Company, physical bearer shares represent a greater administrative burden compared to registered shares. Also the general concept of bearer shares has come under increased scrutiny of policy makers in connection to the possible misuse of bearer shares (see among other things recommendation 24 of the Financial Action Task Force (www.fatf-gafi.org)). For these reasons the Company intends to join an ever increasing number of listed companies in the process of complete dematerialisation of the Company's share capital by converting the Company's shares from bearer shares into registered shares. The bearer shares are currently embodied in three global bearer share certificates which will be cancelled upon the conversion and per which moment a new registered share certificate will be issued to Clearstream Frankfurt. Clearstream Frankfurt will be registered as the Company's shareholder in its register of shareholders. Since the Company's shares are listed and traded via the German giro system, the conversion will not affect the rights or obligations of the shareholders nor will it affect the share trade.

(c) Amendment 3

This item will be voted on.

It is proposed to further amend the articles of association of the Company for the purpose of allowing new shares to be issued at the expense of the reserves of the Company to participants in the Stock Option Plan.

As is explained below under agenda item 3, it is proposed to amend the Stock Option Plan to facilitate a so-called cashless exercise of stock options by participants in the Stock Option Plan.

To enable the Company to issue shares to the participants in the Stock Option Plan without the participants having to pay up these shares, the articles of association of the Company will provide that these shares may be issued expense of the reserves of the Company.

The proposals under 2(a) through 2(c) also include the authorisation of each member of the management board and each civil-law notary (and deputy civil-law notary), paralegal and notarial assistant at Allen & Overy LLP, Attorneys at Law, Civil-Law Notaries and Tax Consultants, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands to have the notarial deeds of amendment of the articles of association executed.

Agenda item 3

Proposal to approve the Stock Option Plan

This item will be voted on.

In accordance with its remuneration policy, the Company uses a stock option programme for the purpose of awarding, retaining and attracting talented employees, service providers and executives. The management board and the supervisory board are of the opinion that share-based incentives increase commitment and motivation on the part of participants in the plan and therefore benefit the Company and create shareholder value.

The share award programme for members of the management board and employees in the form of the Stock Option Plan was approved by the general meeting at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on 1 April 2015.

The Stock Option Plan (which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes the Israeli subplan) was most recently amended in the 2016 AGM to accommodate the increase in the number of persons who are eligible to participate in the Stock Option Plan, as a consequence of not only organic growth of the Company but also because of the recent acquisitions of Falk, Heyzap and Inneractive. Reference is made to the explanatory notes to agenda item 6 of the 2016 AGM.

As the Company considers the attractiveness of its stock option programme a key element of its employee and executive award proposition - and therefore for its further growth - the programme and the Stock Option Plan are periodically assessed and evaluated. From recent evaluations it became apparent that the way in which the programme is currently structured undermines the programme's attractiveness and therefore its purpose. This is a consequence of the fact that participants are required to pay the issue price for the new shares that are issued under the programme and must therefore have the resources required to pay up the issue price of the new shares (i.e. the strike price). Following a study of alternative exercise mechanisms, the supervisory board, upon recommendation of the remuneration committee, decided that the plan should allow for a so-called cashless exercise mechanism.

Cashless exercise describes a mechanism whereby the value of the award is based on the number of options (N), the strike price of the stock option (SP) and the share price at the time of the exercise (FMV). The value of the award is then paid to the option holder in the form of shares in the capital of the Company whereby the number of shares that are awarded (S) will depend on the price for which shares are traded at the exercise date.

The number of shares to which the participant will be entitled can therefore be calculated by using the following formula:

       N*(FMV - SP)
S =  ________________

The nominal value of the shares (S) that are issued to the participants is paid at the expense of the reserves of the Company. The general meeting will be requested to resolve on the required amendment of the articles of association under agenda item 2(b) of the agenda for this EGM.

The plan provides for a sell-to-cover mechanism whereby part of the share award can be sold in the market on behalf of the participant to cover the participant's personal taxes that are payable in connection with the award.

Since the Stock Option Plan contains the terms and conditions of the share based remuneration for members of the management board, it will be submitted for approval by the general meeting in accordance with Section 2:135 paragraph 5 of the Dutch Civil Code. The revised Stock Option Plan is available as part of the 'EGM 2017 Annexes to Notice and Agenda' on the Company website (http://www.rntsmedia.com/agm-egm/).

Agenda item 4

Supervisory Board


Changes to supervisory board profile

This is a discussion item.

Following the nomination of three new members by the supervisory board and the subsequent appointment of these members by the general meeting at the 2016 AGM, the supervisory board consisted of six members. The supervisory board strives to maintain such numerical composition as it not only benefits the overall expertise of the supervisory board but it allows different views and expertise to contribute to the decision making process which stimulates critical and well-balanced supervision by the supervisory board and therefore benefits the Company and its stakeholders.

In accordance with article 2.1 of its by-laws, the supervisory board resolved on 13 February 2017 that it shall be composed of six members.

The supervisory board considered that, although its six member configuration has been effective since the 2016 AGM and has been approved by the boards and the general meeting, this was not yet reflected in the by-laws of the supervisory board and the supervisory board profile which consequently needed to be updated accordingly.


Proposal to determine the remuneration for the members of the supervisory board

This item will be voted on.

On 1 April 2015 the general meeting of the Company approved that, with effect from 1 January 2015, each of the members of the supervisory board is entitled to an annual remuneration of USD 100,000 or less at the discretion of the supervisory board.

On 12 August 2015 the shares in the capital of the Company were admitted to trading on the regulated market segment (Regulierter Markt) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) with simultaneous admission to the sub-segment of the regulated market with additional post-admission obligations of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard). As a consequence of the listing on a premium market, the tasks and responsibilities of the supervisory board substantially increased.

This required changes to be made to the supervisory board both in respect of its size and composition. These changes were effected in the course of the financial year 2016 by the appointment of three independent members of the supervisory board and the establishment of the supervisory board committees. For the chairman of the supervisory board, the more pronounced role of the supervisory board in the areas of, among other things, governance and risk management resulted in an increase in tasks and responsibilities.

It is proposed that, effective from 1 January 2017, the annual remuneration of the chairman of the supervisory board will be EUR 200,000.

The annual remuneration for all other members of the supervisory board will be EUR 100,000. The remuneration can be adjusted downwards at the discretion of the supervisory board.

It is noted that, directors will be remunerated in EUR instead of USD. To the extent this resulted in an increase in remuneration as a consequence of the applied exchange ratio this agenda item includes the approval of such increase as a consequence of the change in currency. The Company deems such a change sensible since the Company reports in euro in its annual accounts and since rewards of directors of many of the companies that are currently regarded as the Company's main peer group are euro denominated which makes it easier to come to a transparent comparison of, among other things, the reward structure within this group of companies.

The actual payment of the supervisory board remuneration for the financial year 2015 took place at the same time as the remuneration for the first half of 2016 in the form of lump sum payments of USD 150,000 to each of the three members of the supervisory board who were in office for the duration of this entire period. From 1 July 2016 onwards payment of the remuneration will also be effected in quarterly instalments (payable at the start of every quarter) during the financial year to which the remuneration relates.

The award of the 2015 remuneration for members of the supervisory board was not reflected in the 2015 accounts. The management board and supervisory board are of the opinion that such information does not result in the accounts to materially fail in providing the necessary insight (ernstige mate tekort schieten in het geven van inzicht) as referred to in Section 2:362 paragraph 6 of the Dutch Civil Code.

Approval of this proposal also includes the approval of the remuneration offered to Mr Yaron Valler who has been designated as interim member of the supervisory board by the supervisory board following the resignation of Mr Kavanaugh (reference is made to the press release published by the Company on 13 February 2017). Since Mr Valler will be performing the tasks and duties of a member of the supervisory board Mr Valler will be awarded on equal terms as the members of the supervisory board, effective as of the date of his appointment.


Proposal to approve the award of increased compensation to the chairman for duties performed in the financial year 2016

This item will be voted on.

As explained under agenda item 4(b) the change in the Company's profile to a company with shares listed on the regulated market as of 2015 resulted in a significant increase in the duties and responsibilities of the supervisory directors compared to previous year. This especially applied to the chairman who is first point of contact and actively involved in numerous company matters, including the 2016 tap issue of senior, unsecured convertible bonds.

Consequently, the involvement and responsibilities of the chairman exceed the scope of work of other members of the supervisory board, and has done so since upgrading the listing to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in August 2015. It is therefore that, as an acknowledgement of these services, the supervisory board, upon the proposal of the remuneration committee, proposes to apply the revised remuneration of the chairman as referred to in agenda item 4(b) to Mr Van Daele retroactively as per 1 January 2016.

Approval of this proposal results in the one-off additional award for the chairman of EUR 100,000 to reflect such retroactive increase in remuneration.

It is noted that Mr Van Daele did not participate in the decision making process within the supervisory board in connection to this agenda item.

Agenda item 5

Proposal to appoint the external auditor for the audit of the Annual Accounts 2016 and the Annual Accounts 2017

This item will be voted on.

No agreement was reached between the Company and Ernst & Young Accountants LLP about the engagement for the audit of the Annual Accounts 2016.

As soon as it became apparent that no agreement could be reached with Ernst & Young Accountants LLP, the audit committee, with close involvement of the CFO, approached other accountant firms for the audit of the Annual Accounts 2016.

The appointment of the external auditor would also apply to the audit of the Annual Accounts 2017. The resolution to appoint an external auditor therefore constitutes a revocation of the resolutions by the general meeting to appoint an external auditor for the fiscal year 2016 that were adopted at 2015 AGM and the 2016 AGM respectively.

Upon recommendation by the audit committee, the supervisory board proposes to instruct Grant Thornton Accountants en Adviseurs B.V. to audit the Annual Accounts 2016 and the Annual Accounts 2017. When making its recommendation to the supervisory board, the audit committee in its accompanying proposal to the supervisory board has chosen Grant Thornton from the very select group of audit firms that have the required expertise of performing audits on Dutch listed companies with international operations.

An update on the status of the preparation and audit of the Annual Accounts 2016 will be provided under this agenda item. As announced in its engagement letter of 9 February 2017, Grant Thornton indicated that it will start its audit as a new auditor to the Company only following the formal appointment as the Company's auditor by the general meeting. Due to this late appointment it will not have completed its audit by the end of April 2017. Consequently, the Company will not be able to meet certain filing deadlines imposed by applicable regulations under Dutch and German laws. The Company expects the auditor to be able to complete its audit of the Annual Accounts 2016 around July 2017, in which case the Annual Accounts 2016 can be submitted for approval to the general meeting at the 2017 AGM following such date.


  Allen & Overy LLP
  RNTS Media N.V. - Voorstel STW 2-K ENG


RNTS Media N.V.,
with its official seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

dated 27 February 2017, as it will be presented at
the Company's general meeting of shareholders,
to be held on 11 April 2017, for its approval.

Office translation
In preparing this document, an attempt has been made to translate as literally as possible without jeopardizing the overall continuity of the text. Inevitably, however, differences may occur in translation, and if they do, the Dutch text will govern by law.

In this document, Dutch legal concepts are expressed in English terms and not in their original Dutch terms; the concepts concerned may not be identical to concepts described by the English terms as such terms may be understood under the laws of other jurisdictions.


The following proposal contains two columns. The text of the current Articles of Association is stated in the left column and the text of the proposed new text is stated in the right column. In addition, general explanatory notes discussing the key issues of the proposed changes are available separately as part of the explanatory notes to the agenda.

Agenda item 2 (a) - Amendment 1 - Bold
Agenda item 2 (b) - Amendment 2 - Italic
Agenda item 2 (c) - Amendment 3 - Underlined

Current text: Proposed new text:
CHAPTER 1.    
Article 1. Definitions and Construction.    
1.1 In these Articles of Association, the following terms have the following meanings:    
  Company means the company the internal organization of which is governed by these Articles of Association.    
  External Auditor has the meaning ascribed to that term in Article 28.1.    
  General Meeting or General Meeting of Shareholders means the body of the Company consisting of those in whom as a Shareholder or otherwise the voting rights on Shares are vested or a meeting of such persons (or their representatives) and other persons holding Meeting Rights.    
  Management Board means the management board of the Company.    
  Managing Director means a member of the Management Board, unless the contrary appears, this definition includes both a Managing Director A as well as a Managing Director B.    
  Managing Director A means a Managing Director A, appointed as such by the General Meeting.    
  Managing Director B means a Managing Director B, appointed as such by the General Meeting.
  Meeting Rights means the right to be invited to General Meetings of Shareholders and to speak at such meetings, as a Shareholder or as a person to whom these rights have been attributed in accordance with Article 11.

Share certificate means a share certificate issued for a share in the capital of the Company.
  Share means a share in the capital of the Company.  
  Shareholder means a holder of one or more Shares.    
  Supervisory Board means the supervisory board of the Company.    
  Supervisory Director means a member of the Supervisory Board.    
1.2 A message in writing means a message transmitted by letter, by telecopier, by e-mail or by any other means of electronic communication provided the relevant message or document is legible and reproducible, and the term written is to be construed accordingly.    
1.3 The Management Board, the Supervisory Board and the General Meeting each constitutes a distinct body of the Company.    
1.4 References to Articles refer to articles which are part of these Articles of Association, except where expressly indicated otherwise.    
1.5 Unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions contained and not otherwise defined in these Articles of Association bear the same meaning as in the Dutch Civil Code. References in these Articles of Association to the law are references to provisions of Dutch law as it reads from time to time.    
Article 2. Name and Official Seat. Article 2. Name and Official Seat.

The Company's name is:
RNTS Media N.V.

2.1 The Company's name is:
Fyber N.V.
2.2 The official seat of the Company is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. [.]  
Article 3. Objects.    
The objects of the Company are:    
(a) to incorporate, to participate in any way whatsoever in, to manage, to supervise businesses and companies;    
(b) to publish and develop mobile applications;    
(c) to publish online games;    
(d) to provide digital content and related services and advice to mobile network operators;    
(e) to develop and provide educational soft- and hardware and to manage and market a portfolio of digital edutainment content;    
(f) to develop and exploit a mobile advertising platform that provides supporting services to developers of mobile and digital applications;    
(g) to render advice and commercial services for businesses and companies with which it forms a group;    
(h) to acquire, manage, market and sell businesses and asset values in the mobile applications and online games industry, on its own name and account, not for third parties;    
(i) to borrow and to raise funds, including the issue of bonds, promissory notes or other securities or evidence of indebtedness as well as to enter into agreements in connection with aforementioned activities provided that such activities do not implicate that the Company performs financial or otherwise regulated services or activities or otherwise is considered as regulated by the supervisory authorities of the country where the Company performs such activities; and    
(j) to perform other activities in so far as they are closely connected with the abovementioned activities.    
Article 4. Authorised Capital and Shares.    
4.1 The authorised capital of the Company amounts to forty million euro (EUR 40,000,000).    
4.2 The authorised capital is divided into four hundred million (400,000,000) Shares, having a nominal value of ten eurocent (EUR 0.10) each.

4.3 All Shares are in bearer form. 4.3 All Shares are registered shares.
      4.4 Share certificates can be issued for all Shares by the Company. The Management Board, in agreement with the Supervisory Board, shall decide upon form and contents of the Share certificates. Without prejudice to Article 5, the Company shall be entitled to document its total nominal capital by one or several multiple Share certificates. The Shareholders' claim to the issuance of individual share certificates shall be excluded unless such issuance is required in accordance with the regulations valid at a stock exchange at which the Shares are admitted.
      4.5 All Share certificates are signed by two members of the Management Board and cannot be transferred. In case (part of) the Shares described on the Share certificate are transferred, the holder of such Share certificate will turn in such Share certificate to be destroyed by the Management Board. A new Share certificate can subsequently be issued to the new holder of the relevant Shares.
      4.6 In case of a lost Share certificate, the Management Board can under conditions determined by them, issue a duplicate certificate. The duplicate certificates will state that these involve duplicates. All costs involved in this context are for the account of the Shareholder who has lost the Share certificate.
Article 5. Bearer Shares; (Global) Share certificates. Article 5. Register of Shareholders.
5.1 Share certificates will be issued for bearer Shares. The Share certificates may represent more than one Share. Share certificates will be signed with due observance of Article 15.1. The share certificates will be numbered and may be provided with additional characteristics as to be determined by the Management Board. The form, text and design of the Share certificates will be determined by the Management Board. 5.1 The Company must keep a register of Shareholders. The register may consist of various parts which may be kept in different places and each may be kept in more than one copy and in more than one place as determined by the Management Board.
5.2 At the written request of or on behalf of an interested party, the Management Board may issue duplicates for Share certificates, dividend sheets, talons or dividend coupons which have been lost, mislaid or damaged under such conditions, including publications, to be decided in each individual case by the Management Board and subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board. It must be clear from the new documents to be issued that they are duplicates. As a result of the issue of duplicates, the original documents will be rendered null and void towards the Company. All related costs will be for account of the applicant and shall be paid prior to the duplicates being issued. 5.2 Shares included in the statutory giro system will be registered in the name of central institute or an intermediary. Holders of Shares that are not included in the statutory giro system, as well as each usufructuary and each pledgee of such Shares, are obliged to furnish their names and addresses to the Company in writing; these will be recorded in the register of Shareholders. The Management Board will supply anyone recorded in the register on request and free of charge with an extract from the register relating to his right to Shares.
5.3 The Management Board may with the approval of the Supervisory Board provide that all bearer Shares are embodied in one or more (global) Share certificates with (global) dividend coupons attached. Such (global) Share certificate shall be given into the custody of an international central custodian to be designated by the Management Board. This central institution shall keep the Share certificate for and on behalf of the title holders in a collective deposit and it is irrevocably entrusted with the administration of the Share certificate. For the application of these Articles of Association the entitled participant in a collective deposit of bearer Shares as referred to in this Article 5.3 shall be considered to be a Shareholder. 5.3 The register will be kept up to date. The Management Board will set rules with respect to the signing of registrations and entries in the register of Shareholders.
      5.4 Section 2:85 of the Dutch Civil Code applies to the register of Shareholders.
Article 6. Resolution to Issue; Conditions of Issuance.    
6.1 Shares may be issued pursuant to a resolution of the General Meeting. This competence concerns all non-issued Shares of the Company's authorised capital, except insofar as the competence to issue Shares is vested in another body of the Company in accordance with Article 6.2 hereof.    
6.2 Shares may be issued pursuant to a resolution of another body of the Company, if and insofar as such body is designated competent to do so by the General Meeting. Such designation can be made each time for a maximum period of five years and can be extended each time for a maximum period of five years. A designation must determine the aggregate nominal value up to which Shares may be issued pursuant to a resolution of the other body. A resolution of the General Meeting to designate another body of the Company as competent to issue Shares can only be withdrawn at the proposal of the Management Board which has been approved by the Supervisory Board, unless provided otherwise in the resolution to make the designation.    
6.3 A resolution of the General Meeting to issue Shares or to designate another body of the Company as competent to do so can only be adopted at the proposal of the Management Board which has been approved by the Supervisory Board.    
6.4 A resolution of the Management Board to issue Shares requires the approval of the Supervisory Board.    
6.5 The foregoing provisions of this Article 6 apply by analogy to the granting of rights to subscribe for Shares, but do not apply to the issuance of Shares to a person exercising a right to subscribe for Shares previously granted.    
6.6 The body of the Company resolving to issue Shares or to grant rights to subscribe for Shares must determine the issue price and the other conditions of issuance in the resolution to issue. It may also determine that the Shares concerned will, in whole or in part, be issued and paid-up at the expense of the Company's reserves.


The body of the Company resolving to issue Shares or to grant rights to subscribe for Shares must determine the issue price and the other conditions of issuance in the resolution to issue. It may also determine that the Shares concerned will, in whole or in part, be issued and paid-up at the expense of the Company's reserves. This includes any Shares that are issued to participants of the Company's equity award programs, provided that such Shares are issued on the terms of such programs and that these equity award programs have been approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Article 7. Pre-emptive Rights.    
7.1 Upon the issuance of Shares, each Shareholder will have pre-emptive rights in proportion to the aggregate nominal value of his Shares. A Shareholder will not have a pre-emptive right in respect of Shares issued against a non-cash contribution. Nor will the Shareholder have a pre-emptive right in respect of Shares issued to employees of the Company or of a group company (groepsmaatschappij).    
7.2 Prior to each individual issuance, the pre-emptive rights may be restricted or excluded by a resolution of the General Meeting. However, with respect to an issue of Shares pursuant to a resolution of another body of the Company, the pre-emptive rights can be restricted or excluded pursuant to a resolution of such other body if and insofar as it is designated competent to do so by the General Meeting. The provisions of Articles 6.1, 6.2 and 6.4 apply by analogy.    
7.3 A resolution of the General Meeting to restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights or to designate another body of the Company as competent to do so can only be adopted at the proposal of the Management Board which has been approved by the Supervisory Board.    
7.4 If a proposal is made to the General Meeting to restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights, the reason for such proposal and the choice of the intended issue price must be set forth in the proposal in writing.    
7.5 A resolution of the General Meeting to restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights or to designate another body of the Company as competent to do so requires a majority of not less than two-thirds of the votes cast, if less than one-half of the Company's issued capital is represented at the meeting.    
7.6 When rights are granted to subscribe for Shares, the Shareholders will have pre-emptive rights in respect thereof; the foregoing provisions of this Article 7 apply by analogy. Shareholders will have no pre-emptive rights in respect of Shares issued to a person exercising a right to subscribe for Shares previously granted.    
Article 8. Payment on Shares.    
8.1 Upon issuance of a Share, the full nominal value thereof must be paid-up, as well as the difference between the two amounts if the Share is subscribed for at a higher price, without prejudice to the provisions of Section 2:80 subsection 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, all without prejudice to the provision in Article 6.6, last sentence.    
8.2 Payment for a Share must be made in cash insofar as no payment or contribution in any other form has been agreed on.    
8.3 The Management Board is authorised to enter into legal acts relating to non-cash contributions and the other legal acts referred to in Section 2:94 of the Dutch Civil Code without the prior approval of the General Meeting, but subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board.    
8.4 Payments for Shares and non-cash contributions are furthermore subject to the provisions of Sections 2:80, 2:80a, 2:80b and 2:94b of the Dutch Civil Code.    
Article 9. Own Shares.    
9.1 When issuing Shares, the Company may not subscribe for its own Shares.    
9.2 The Company is entitled to acquire its own fully paid-up Shares, or depositary receipts for Shares, provided either that no valuable consideration is given or that:    
  (a) the Company's equity, after the deduction of the acquisition price, is not less than the sum of the paid-up and called-up part of the issued capital and the reserves which must be maintained by virtue of the law; and    
  (b) the nominal value of the Shares which the Company acquires, holds, holds in pledge or which are held by a subsidiary (dochtermaatschappij), does not exceed fifty per cent (50%) of the Company's issued capital.    
  For the purpose of applying provision (a), the amount of equity shown in the last adopted balance sheet, reduced by the acquisition price of Shares or depositary receipts for Shares the amount of loans as referred to in Section 2:98c, subsection 2 of the Dutch Civil Code and further reduced by distributions of profits or at the expense of reserves to others, which have become due from the Company and its subsidiaries after the balance sheet date, is decisive. An acquisition in accordance with this Article 9.2 is not permitted if more than six months have elapsed after the end of a financial year without the annual accounts having been adopted.    
9.3 Acquisition for valuable consideration is permitted only if the General Meeting has authorised the Management Board to do so. Such authorization will be valid for a period not exceeding eighteen months. The General Meeting must determine in the authorization the number of Shares or depositary receipts for Shares which may be acquired, the manner in which they may be acquired and the limits within which the price must be set. In addition, the approval of the Supervisory Board is required for any such acquisition.    
9.4 The Company may, without authorisation by the General Meeting, acquire its own Shares for the purpose of transferring such Shares to employees of the Company or of a group company (groepsmaatschappij) under a scheme applicable to such employees, provided such Shares are quoted on the price list of a stock exchange.    
9.5 Articles 9.2 and 9.3 do not apply to Shares or depositary receipts for Shares which the Company acquires by universal succession in title.    
9.6 No voting rights may be exercised in the General Meeting with respect to any Share held by the Company or by a subsidiary (dochtermaatschappij), or any Share for which the Company or a subsidiary (dochtermaatschappij) holds the depositary receipts. No payments will be made on Shares which the Company holds in its own share capital.    
9.7 The Management Board is authorised to alienate Shares held by the Company or depositary receipts for Shares, but only subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board.    
9.8 Own Shares and depositary receipts for Shares are furthermore subject to the provisions of Sections 2:89a, 2:95, 2:98, 2:98a, 2:98b, 2:98c, 2:98d and 2:118 of the Dutch Civil Code.    
Article 10. Reduction of the Issued Capital.    
10.1 The General Meeting may, but only at the proposal of the Management Board which has been approved by the Supervisory Board, resolve to reduce the Company's issued capital:    
  (a) by cancellation of Shares; or    
  (b) by reducing the nominal value of Shares by amendment of the Articles of Association.    
  The Shares in respect of which such resolution is passed must be designated therein and provisions for the implementation of such resolution must be made therein.    
10.2 A resolution to cancel Shares can only relate to Shares held by the Company itself or of which it holds the depositary receipts.    
10.3 Reduction of the nominal value of the Shares without repayment and without release from the obligation to pay up the Shares shall take place proportionately on all Shares. The requirement of proportion may be deviated from with the consent of all Shareholders concerned.    
10.4 Partial repayment on Shares or release from the obligation to make payments will only be possible for the purpose of execution of a resolution to reduce the nominal value of the Shares. Such repayment or release shall take place with regard to all Shares.    
10.5 A reduction of the issued capital of the Company is furthermore subject to the provisions of Sections 2:99 and 2:100 of the Dutch Civil Code.    
Article 11. Usufruct in Shares and Pledging of Shares; Depositary Receipts for Shares.    
11.1 A right of usufruct may be created on Shares. Whether the voting rights attached to the Shares on which a right of usufruct is created, are vested in the Shareholder or the usufructuary, is determined in accordance with Section 2:88 of the Dutch Civil Code. Shareholders, with or without voting rights, and the usufructuary with voting rights hold Meeting Rights. A usufructuary without voting rights does not hold Meeting Rights.    
11.2 Shares may be pledged. No voting rights and/or Meeting Rights accrue to the pledgee of Shares which have been pledged.    
11.3 Holders of depositary receipts for Shares are not entitled to Meeting Rights, unless the Company explicitly assigned these by a resolution to that effect of the Management Board which is approved by the Supervisory Board.    
Article 12. Management Board Members.    
12.1 The number of Management Board members will be determined by the Supervisory Board after consultation with the Management Board.    
12.2 The Supervisory Board appoints a chairman of the Management Board and, if deemed necessary, a vice-chairman, from among the Management Board members.    
12.3 The Company must have a policy with respect to the remuneration of the Management Board members. This policy is determined by the General Meeting; the Supervisory Board will make a proposal to that end. The remuneration policy will include at least the subjects described in Sections 2:383c through 2:383e of the Dutch Civil Code, to the extent these subjects concern the Management Board.    
12.4 The Supervisory Board will establish the remuneration and further conditions of employment for each Management Board member with due observance of the aforementioned policy. With respect to Share and Share option schemes, the Supervisory Board will submit a proposal for approval to the General Meeting. This proposal must at least state the number of Shares or options that can be awarded to the Management Board as well as the criteria that apply to any award or change.    
12.5 Management Board members are entitled to an indemnity from the Company and D&O insurance, in accordance with the provisions of Article 26.    
Article 13. Appointment, Suspension and Removal of Management Board Members.    
13.1 Management Board members will be appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders. If the Management Board consists of more than one Managing Director, the General Meeting may designate Managing Directors A and Managing Directors B.    
13.2 The Supervisory Board will nominate one or more candidates for each vacant seat and, if no Management Board members are in office, it will do so as soon as reasonably possible.    
13.3 If the nomination by the Supervisory Board with respect to a vacant seat consists of a list of two or more candidates, such list is binding and the vacant seat must be filled by election of a person from the binding list of candidates. However, the General Meeting of Shareholders may, at any time, by a resolution passed with a two-third majority of the votes cast representing more than one-half of the Company's issued capital, resolve that such list is not binding. If such resolution is passed the provisions in Article 13.2 and in the first and second sentences of this Article 13.3 shall apply by analogy.    
  A resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders to appoint a Management Board member other than pursuant to a nomination by the Supervisory Board requires a two-third majority of the votes cast representing more than one-half of the Company's issued capital.    
13.4 At a General Meeting of Shareholders, votes in respect of the appointment of a Management Board member can only be cast for candidates named in the agenda of the meeting or explanatory notes thereto. If none of the candidates nominated by the Supervisory Board is appointed, the Supervisory Board retains the right to make a new binding or non-binding nomination at a next meeting.    
13.5 A nomination or recommendation to appoint a Management Board member will state the candidate's age and the positions he holds or has held, insofar as these are relevant for the performance of the duties of a Management Board member. The nomination or recommendation must state the reasons on which they are based.    
13.6 Each Management Board member may be suspended or removed by the General Meeting of Shareholders at any time. A resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders to suspend or remove a Management Board member other than pursuant to a proposal by the Supervisory Board requires a two-third majority of the votes cast representing more than one-half of the Company's issued capital.    
  A Management Board member may also be suspended by the Supervisory Board. A suspension by the Supervisory Board may, at any time, be discontinued by the General Meeting of Shareholders.    
13.7 Any suspension may be extended one or more times, but may not last longer than six months in aggregate. If, at the end of that period, no decision has been taken on termination of the suspension or on removal, the suspension will end.    
Article 14. Duties, Decision-making Process and Allocation of Duties.    
14.1 The Management Board is entrusted with the management of the Company. In performing their duties, the Management Board members must act in accordance with the interests of the Company and its business.    
14.2 The Management Board may establish rules regarding its decision-making process and working methods. In this context, the Management Board may also determine the duties for which each Management Board member is particularly responsible. The Supervisory Board may decide that such rules and allocation of duties be set forth in writing and that such rules and allocation of duties are subject to its approval.    
14.3 Management Board resolutions at all times may be adopted in writing, provided the proposal concerned is submitted to all Management Board members then in office and none of them objects to this manner of adopting resolutions. Adoption of resolutions in writing will be effected by written statements from all Management Board members then in office.    
Article 15. Representation.    
15.1 The Management Board is authorised to represent the Company. If the General Meeting has designated Managing Directors A and Managing Directors B, a Managing Director A acting solely or a Managing Director B and a Managing Director A acting jointly are also authorised to represent the Company.    
15.2 The Management Board may appoint officers with general or limited power to represent the Company. Each officer shall be competent to represent the Company, subject to the restrictions imposed on him. The authority of an officer thus appointed may not extend to any situation where the Company has a conflict of interest with the officer concerned or with one or more Management Board members.    
Article 16. Approval of Management Board Resolutions.    
16.1 The Management Board requires the approval of the General Meeting for resolutions entailing a significant change in the identity or character of the Company or its business, in any case concerning:    
  (a) the transfer of (nearly) the entire business of the Company to a third party;    
  (b) entering into or terminating a long term cooperation between the Company or a subsidiary (dochtermaatschappij) and another legal entity or company or as a fully liable partner in a limited partnership or general partnership, if such cooperation or termination is of fundamental importance for the Company; or    
  (c) acquiring or disposing of a participation in the capital of a company if the value of such participation is at least one third of the sum of the assets of the Company according to its balance sheet and explanatory notes or, if the Company prepares a consolidated balance sheet, its consolidated balance sheet and explanatory notes according to the last adopted annual accounts of the Company, by the Company or a subsidiary (dochtermaatschappij).    
16.2 The Supervisory Board is entitled to require resolutions of the Management Board to be subject to its approval. Such resolutions must be clearly specified and notified to the Management Board in writing.    
16.3 The absence of approval required pursuant to this Article 16 will not affect the authority of the Management Board or its members to represent the Company.    
Article 17. Conflicts of Interest.    
17.1 A Management Board member may not participate in deliberating or decision-making within the Management Board, if with respect to the matter concerned he has a direct or indirect personal interests that conflicts with the interests of the Company and the business connected with it.    
17.2 The Managing Director who in connection with a (potential) conflict of interests does not exercise the duties and powers otherwise accruing to him as a Managing Director, will as such be regarded as a Managing Director who is unable to perform his duties within the meaning of Article 18.    
17.3 In the event of a conflict of interests as referred to in Article 17.1, the provisions of Article 15.1 will continue to apply unimpaired. In addition, the Supervisory Board may, ad hoc or otherwise, appoint one or more persons to represent the Company in matters in which a (potential) conflict of interests exists between the Company and one or more Management Board members.    
Article 18. Vacancy or Inability to Act.    
18.1 If a seat on the Management Board is vacant (ontstentenis) or a Managing Director is unable to perform his duties (belet), the remaining Managing Directors or Managing Director will be temporarily entrusted with the management of the Company.    
18.2 If all seats on the Management Board are vacant or all Managing Directors or the sole Managing Director, as the case may be, are unable to perform their duties, the management of the Company will be temporarily entrusted to the Supervisory Board, with the authority to temporarily entrust the management of the Company to one or more Supervisory Directors and/or one or more other persons.    
18.3 When determining to which extent Managing Directors are present or represented, consent to a manner of adopting resolutions, or vote, no account will be taken of vacant board seats and Managing Directors who are unable to perform their duties.    
Article 19. Supervisory Board Members.    
19.1 The Company will have a Supervisory Board.    
19.2 The number of Supervisory Board members will be determined by the Supervisory Board and will be at least three. If the number of Supervisory Board members in office is less than three, the Supervisory Board will take measures forthwith to increase the number of members, with due observance of the provisions of Article 20.    
19.3 The remuneration of each Supervisory Board member will be fixed by the General Meeting of Shareholders and will not be dependent upon the profit of the Company. The Supervisory Board members are entitled to an indemnity from the Company and D&O insurance, in accordance with the provisions of Article 26.    
Article 20. Appointment, Suspension and Removal of Supervisory Board Members.    
20.1 Supervisory Board members will be appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders.    
20.2 The Supervisory Board will nominate one or more candidates for each vacant seat.    
20.3 The Supervisory Board may prepare a profile of its size and composition, taking account of the nature of the business, its activities and the desired expertise and background of the Supervisory Board members. The profile will be made generally available and will be posted on the Company's website.    
20.4 A resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders to appoint a Supervisory Board member other than in accordance with a nomination by the Supervisory Board requires a majority of the votes cast representing at least one-third of the Company's issued capital. If a proposal to appoint a person not nominated by the Supervisory Board is supported by an absolute majority of the votes cast, but this majority does not represent at least one-third of the Company's issued capital, a new meeting can be convened in which the resolution can be adopted by an absolute majority of the votes cast, irrespective of the part of the Company's issued capital represented.    
20.5 At a General Meeting of Shareholders, votes in respect of the appointment of a Supervisory Board member can only be cast for candidates named in the agenda of the meeting or the explanatory notes thereto. If none of the candidates nominated by the Supervisory Board is appointed, the Supervisory Board retains the right to make a new binding or non-binding nomination at a next meeting.    
20.6 A nomination or recommendation to appoint a Supervisory Board member will state the candidate's age, his profession, the number of shares he holds in the capital of the Company and the positions he holds or has held, insofar as these are relevant for the performance of the duties of a Supervisory Board member. Furthermore, the names of the legal entities of which he is also a member of their supervisory boards must be indicated; if those include legal entities which belong to the same group, a reference to that group will be sufficient. The nomination or recommendation must state the reasons on which it is based.    
20.7 The Supervisory Board members may retire periodically in accordance with a rotation plan to be drawn up by the Supervisory Board. However, a Supervisory Board member will retire not later than the day on which the annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held in the fourth calendar year after the calendar year in which such member was last appointed, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 20.4 last sentence. A Supervisory Board member who retires in accordance with the previous provision is immediately eligible for reappointment.    
20.8 Each Supervisory Board member may be suspended or removed by the General Meeting of Shareholders at any time. A resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders to suspend or remove a Supervisory Board member other than pursuant to a proposal by the Supervisory Board requires at least two-thirds of the votes cast representing more than one-half of the Company's issued capital.    
20.9 Any suspension may be extended one or more times, but may not last longer than three months in the aggregate. If, at the end of that period, no decision has been taken on termination of the suspension or on removal, the suspension ends.    
Article 21. Duties and Powers.    
21.1 It is the duty of the Supervisory Board to supervise the management of the Management Board and the general course of affairs of the Company and the business connected with it. The Supervisory Board will assist the Management Board by giving advice. In performing their duties, the Supervisory Board members must act in accordance with the interests of the Company and its business.    
21.2 The Supervisory Board may provide that one or more of its members, whether or not accompanied by an expert as referred to in Article 21.3, has access to the Company's premises and is authorised to inspect its books, correspondence and other documents, and take cognizance of the acts and operations that have taken place. The Supervisory Board may also decide that only certain of the rights set forth in the preceding sentence may be exercised.    
21.3 In the accomplishment of its duties, the Supervisory Board may call upon the assistance or advice of one or more experts to be appointed by it for a fee to be agreed upon with the Supervisory Board, which fee shall be chargeable to the Company.    
21.4 The Supervisory Board may establish rules regarding its decision-making process and its working methods, in addition to the relevant provisions of these Articles of Association.    
Article 22. Chairman and Vice-Chairman.    
22.1 The Supervisory Board will elect a chairman and can elect a vice-chairman from among its members.    
22.2 If the chairman and the vice-chairman are absent or prevented from attending a meeting, one of the other Supervisory Board members, to be designated by the Supervisory Board, will act as chairman.    
Article 23. Meetings; Decision-making Process.    
23.1 The Supervisory Board will meet whenever its chairman or at least two of its members deem it desirable. The chairman or his substitute will preside over the meeting and minutes will be kept of the proceedings. The Management Board members will attend the meetings unless the Supervisory Board expresses its wish to meet separately.    
23.2 At the meeting of the Supervisory Board, resolutions must be adopted by an absolute majority of the votes cast at the meeting.    
23.3 In the event of a tie in voting the chairman will have a deciding vote, but only if more than two Supervisory Board members are present.    
23.4 A Supervisory Director may not participate in deliberating or decision-making within the Supervisory Board, if with respect to the matter concerned he has a direct or indirect personal interests that conflicts with the interests of the Company and the business connected with it. The Supervisory Director who in connection with a (potential) conflict of interests does not exercise the duties and powers otherwise accruing to him as a Supervisory Director, will as such be regarded as a Supervisory Director who is unable to perform his duties within the meaning of Article 25. If, as a result hereof, the Supervisory Board cannot make a decision, the Supervisory Board will still resolve the matter.    
23.5 The Supervisory Board may adopt a resolution by written consent without holding a meeting, provided that the proposed resolution has been submitted to all the Supervisory Board members, none of them opposes this manner of adopting a resolution and the majority of the members have voted in favour of the proposed resolution. After the Supervisory Board adopts a resolution without holding a meeting all Supervisory Board members are to be informed thereof.    
23.6 A resolution of the Supervisory Board can be evidenced by a document setting forth such resolution and signed by the chairman or, if the chairman is absent or prevented from attending the meeting or if there is no chairman, by one of the other Supervisory Board members.    
Article 24. Committees.    
24.1 The Supervisory Board may, without prejudice to its responsibilities, designate one or more committees from among its members, which will have the responsibilities specified by the Supervisory Board.    
24.2 The composition of any such committee will be determined by the Supervisory Board.    
24.3 The General Meeting of Shareholders may grant additional compensation to the members of the committee(s) for their service on the committee(s).    
Article 25. Vacancy or Inability to Act.    
25.1 For each vacant seat on the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board can determine that it will be temporarily occupied by a person (a stand-in) designated by the Supervisory Board. Persons that can be designated as such include (without limitation) former Supervisory Board members (irrespective of the reason why they are no longer Supervisory Board members).    
25.2 If and as long as all seats on the Supervisory Board are vacant and no seat is temporarily occupied, the Management Board will decide to what extent and in which manner the duties and authorities of the Supervisory Board will temporarily be taken care of.    
25.3 The provisions of Articles 18.2 and 18.3 apply by analogy.    
Article 26. Indemnity and Insurance.    
26.1 To the extent permissible by law, the Company will indemnify and hold harmless each member of the Management Board and of the Supervisory Board, both former members and members currently in office (each of them, for the purpose of this Article 26 only, an Indemnified Person), against any and all liabilities, claims, judgments, fines and penalties (Claims) incurred by the Indemnified Person as a result of any expected, pending or completed action, investigation or other proceeding, whether civil, criminal or administrative (each, a Legal Action), of or initiated by any party other than the Company itself or a group company (groepsmaatschappij) thereof, in relation to any acts or omissions in or related to his capacity as an Indemnified Person. Claims will include derivative actions of or initiated by the Company or a group company (groepsmaatschappij) thereof against the Indemnified Person and (recourse) claims by the Company itself or a group company (groepsmaatschappij) thereof for payments of claims by third parties if the Indemnified Person will be held personally liable therefore.    
26.2 The Indemnified Person will not be indemnified with respect to Claims in so far as they relate to the gaining in fact of personal profits, advantages or remuneration to which he was not legally entitled, or if the Indemnified Person has been adjudged to be liable for wilful misconduct (opzet) or intentional recklessness (bewuste roekeloosheid).    
26.3 The Company will provide for and bear the cost of adequate insurance covering Claims against sitting and former Management Board members and sitting and former Supervisory Board members (D&O insurance), unless such insurance cannot be obtained at reasonable terms.    
26.4 Any expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and litigation costs) (collectively, Expenses) incurred by the Indemnified Person in connection with any Legal Action will be settled or reimbursed by the Company, but only upon receipt of a written undertaking by that Indemnified Person that he will repay such Expenses if a competent court in an irrevocable judgment has determined that he is not entitled to be indemnified. Expenses will be deemed to include any tax liability which the Indemnified Person may be subject to as a result of his indemnification.    
26.5 Also in case of a Legal Action against the Indemnified Person by the Company itself or its group companies (groepsmaatschappijen), the Company will settle or reimburse to the Indemnified Person his reasonable attorneys' fees and litigation costs, but only upon receipt of a written undertaking by that Indemnified Person that he will repay such fees and costs if a competent court in an irrevocable judgment has resolved the Legal Action in favour of the Company or the relevant group company (groepsmaatschappij) rather than the Indemnified Person.    
26.6 The Indemnified Person may not admit any personal financial liability vis-à-vis third parties, nor enter into any settlement agreement, without the Company's prior written authorisation. The Company and the Indemnified Person will use all reasonable endeavours to cooperate with a view to agreeing on the defence of any Claims, but in the event that the Company and the Indemnified Person fail to reach such agreement, the Indemnified Person will comply with all directions given by the Company in its sole discretion, in order to be entitled to the indemnity contemplated by this Article 26.    
26.7 The indemnity contemplated by this Article 26 does not apply to the extent Claims and Expenses are reimbursed by insurers.    
26.8 This Article 26 can be amended without the consent of the Indemnified Persons as such. However, the provisions set forth herein nevertheless continues to apply to Claims and/or Expenses incurred in relation to the acts or omissions by the Indemnified Person during the periods in which this clause was in effect.    
Article 27. Financial Year and Annual Accounts.    
27.1 The Company's financial year is the calendar year.    
27.2 Annually, not later than five months after the end of the financial year, the Management Board must prepare annual accounts and deposit the same for inspection by the Shareholders and other persons holding Meeting Rights at the Company's office. Within the same period, the Management Board must also deposit the annual report for inspection by the Shareholders and other persons holding Meeting Rights.    
27.3 The annual accounts must be signed by the Management Board members and the Supervisory Board members. If the signature of one or more of them is missing, this will be stated and reasons for this omission will be given.    
27.4 Annually, the Supervisory Board must prepare a report, which will be enclosed with the annual accounts and the annual report.    
27.5 The Company must ensure that the annual accounts, the annual report, the report of the Supervisory Board and the information to be added by virtue of the law are kept at its office as of the day on which notice of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders is given. Shareholders and other persons holding Meeting Rights may inspect the documents at that place and obtain a copy free of charge.    
27.6 The annual accounts, the annual report and the information to be added by virtue of the law are furthermore subject to the provisions of Book 2, Title 9, of the Dutch Civil Code.    
27.7 The language of the annual accounts and the annual report will be English or German.    
Article 28. External Auditor.    
28.1 The General Meeting of Shareholders may and if obligated will commission an organization in which certified public accountants cooperate, as referred to in Section 2:393 subsection 1 of the Dutch Civil Code (an External Auditor) to examine the annual accounts drawn up by the Management Board in accordance with the provisions of Section 2:393 subsection 3 of the Dutch Civil Code.    
28.2 The External Auditor is entitled to inspect all of the Company's books and documents and is prohibited from divulging anything shown or communicated to it regarding the Company's affairs except insofar as required to fulfil its mandate. Its fee is chargeable to the Company.    
28.3 The External Auditor will present a report on its examination to the Supervisory Board and to the Management Board. In this it will address at a minimum its findings concerning there liability and continuity of the automated data processing system.    
28.4 The External Auditor will report on the results of its examination, in an auditor's statement, regarding the accuracy of the annual accounts.    
28.5 The annual accounts cannot be adopted if the General Meeting of Shareholders has not been able to review the auditor's statement from the External Auditor, which statement must have been added to the annual accounts as the case may be, unless the information to be added to the annual accounts states a legal reason why the statement has not been provided.    
Article 29. Adoption of the Annual Accounts and Release from Liability.    
29.1 The General Meeting will adopt the annual accounts.    
29.2 At the General Meeting of Shareholders at which it is resolved to adopt the annual accounts, it will be separately proposed that the Management Board members and the Supervisory Board members be released from liability for their respective duties, insofar as the exercise of such duties is reflected in the annual accounts or otherwise disclosed to the General Meeting prior to the adoption of the annual accounts.    
Article 30. Profits and Distributions.    
30.1 The Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, may decide that part of the profits realised during a financial year be set aside to increase and/or form reserves.    
30.2 The profits remaining after application of Article 30.1 will be put at the disposal of the General Meeting. The Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, will make a proposal for that purpose. A proposal to pay a dividend will be dealt with as a separate agenda item at the General Meeting of Shareholders.    
30.3 Distributions from the Company's distributable reserves are made pursuant to a resolution of the Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board.    
30.4 Provided it appears from an interim statement of assets signed by the Management Board that the requirement mentioned in Article 30.7 concerning the position of the Company's assets has been fulfilled, the Management Board may, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, make one or more interim distributions to the Shareholders.    
30.5 The Management Board may, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, decide that a distribution on Shares shall not take place as a cash payment but as a payment in Shares, or decide that the Shareholders shall have the option to receive a distribution as a cash payment and/or as a payment in Shares, out of the profit and/or at the expense of reserves, provided that the Management Board is designated by the General Meeting pursuant to Articles 6.2 and 6.3. With the approval of the Supervisory Board, the Management Board shall determine the conditions applicable to the aforementioned choices.    
30.6 The Company's policy on reserves and dividends shall be determined and can be amended by the Management Board, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board. The adoption and thereafter each amendment of the policy on reserves and dividends shall be discussed and accounted for at the General Meeting of Shareholders under a separate agenda item.    
30.7 Distributions may be made only insofar as the Company's equity exceeds the amount of the paid in and called up part of the issued capital, increased by the reserves which must be kept by virtue of the law or these Articles of Association.    
Article 31. Payment of and Entitlement to Distributions.    
31.1 Dividends and other distributions shall be made payable within four weeks after adoption, unless the Management Board sets another date for payment.    
31.2 A claim of a Shareholder for payment of a distribution shall be barred after five years have elapsed after the day of payment.    
Article 32. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.    
32.1 Each year, though not later than in the month of June, a General Meeting of Shareholders will be held.    
32.2 The agenda of such meeting will include the following subjects for discussion:    
  (a) discussion of the annual report;    
  (b) discussion of the remuneration of the management board;    
  (c) discussion and adoption of the annual accounts;    
  (d) dividend proposal (if applicable);    
  (e) appointment of an External Auditor (if applicable);    
  (f) other subjects presented for discussion by the Supervisory Board or the Management Board and announced with due observance of the provisions of these Articles of Association, as for instance (i) release of the Management Board members and Supervisory Board members from liability; (ii) discussion of the policy on reserves and dividends; (iii) designation of a body of the Company competent to issue Shares; and/or (iv) authorisation of the Management Board to make the Company acquire own Shares or depositary receipts for Shares.    
Article 33. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.    
Other General Meetings of Shareholders will be held whenever the Supervisory Board or the Management Board deems such to be necessary, without prejudice to the provisions of Sections 2:108a, 2:110, 2:111 and 2:112 of the Dutch Civil Code.    
Article 34. Notice and Agenda of Meetings.    
34.1 Notice of General Meetings of Shareholders will be given by the Supervisory Board or the Management Board.    
34.2 Notice of the meeting must be given with due observance of the statutory notice period.    
34.3 The notice of the meeting will state:    
  (a) the subjects to be dealt with;    
  (b) venue and time of the meeting;    
  (c) the requirements for admittance to the meeting as described in Articles 38.1 and 38.2 (if applicable), as well as the information referred to in Article 39.3 (if applicable); and    
  (d) the address of the Company's website,    
  and such other information as may be required by law.    
34.4 Further communications which must be made to the General Meeting pursuant to the law or these Articles of Association can be made by including such communications either in the notice, or in a document which is deposited at the Company's office for inspection, provided a reference thereto is made in the notice itself.    
34.5 Shareholders and/or other persons holding Meeting Rights, who, alone or jointly, meet the requirements set forth in Section 2:114a subsection 2 of the Dutch Civil Code will have the right to request the Management Board or the Supervisory Board to place items on the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders, provided the reasons for the request must be stated therein and the request must be received by the chairman of the Management Board or the chairman of the Supervisory Board in writing at least sixty (60) days before the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders.    
34.6 The notice will be given in the manner stated in Article 40.    
Article 35. Venue of Meetings.    
General Meetings of Shareholders can be held in Amsterdam or Haarlemmermeer (including Schiphol Airport), at the choice of those who call the meeting.    
Article 36. Chairman of the Meeting.    
36.1 The General Meeting of Shareholders will be presided over by the chairman of the Supervisory Board or his replacement. However, the Supervisory Board may also appoint another chairman to preside over the meeting. The chairman of the meeting will have all powers necessary to ensure the proper and orderly functioning of the General Meeting of Shareholders.    
36.2 If the chairmanship of the meeting is not provided for in accordance with Article 36.1, the meeting will itself elect a chairman, provided that so long as such election has not taken place, the chairmanship will be held by a Management Board member designated for that purpose by the Management Board members present at the meeting.    
Article 37. Minutes.    
37.1 Minutes will be kept of the proceedings at the General Meeting of Shareholders by a secretary to be appointed by the chairman, which will be adopted by the chairman and the secretary and will be signed by them as evidence thereof.    
37.2 However, the chairman may determine that notarial minutes will be prepared of the proceedings of the meeting. In that case the co-signature of the chairman will be sufficient.    
Article 38. Rights at Meetings and Admittance.    
38.1 Each Shareholder and each other person holding Meeting Rights is authorised, either in person or represented by a representative authorised in writing, to take part in, to speak at, and to the extent applicable, to exercise his voting rights in the General Meeting of Shareholders.    
38.2 For each General Meeting of Shareholders a statutory record date will be applied, in order to determine in which persons voting rights and Meeting Rights are vested. The record date and the manner in which persons holding Meeting Rights can register and exercise their rights will be set out in the notice convening the meeting.    
38.3 A person holding Meeting Rights or his proxy will only be admitted to the meeting if he has notified the Company of his intention to attend the meeting in writing at the address and by the date specified in the notice of meeting. The proxy is also required to produce written evidence of his mandate.    
38.4 The Management Board is authorised to determine that the Meeting Rights and voting rights in respect of a General Meeting of Shareholders as referred to in Article 38.1 can be exercised by using an electronic means of communication. If so decided, it will be required that each person holding Meeting Rights or his proxy holder can be identified through the electronic means of communication, follow the discussions in the meeting and exercise the voting right. The Management Board may also determine that the electronic means of communication used must allow each person holding Meeting Rights or his proxy holder to participate in the discussions.    
38.5 The Management Board may determine further conditions to the use of electronic means of communication as referred to in Article 38.4, provided such conditions are reasonable and necessary for the identification of persons holding Meeting Rights and the reliability and safety of the communication. Such further conditions will be set out in the notice of the meeting. The foregoing does, however, not restrict the authority of the chairman of the meeting to take such action as he deems fit in the interest of the meeting being conducted in an orderly fashion. Any non or malfunctioning of the means of electronic communication used is at the risk of the persons holding Meeting Rights using the same.    
38.6 The company secretary will arrange for the keeping of an attendance list in respect of each General Meeting of Shareholders. The attendance list will contain in respect of each person with voting rights present or represented: his name, the number of votes that can be exercised by him and, if applicable, the name of his representative. The attendance list will furthermore contain the aforementioned information in respect of persons with voting rights who participate in the meeting in accordance with Article 38.4 or which have cast their votes in the manner referred to in Article 39.3. The Company is authorised to apply such verification procedures as it reasonably deems necessary to establish the identity of the persons holding Meeting Rights and, where applicable, the identity and authority of representatives.    
38.7 The Supervisory Board members and Management Board members will have the right to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders in person and to address the meeting. They will have the right to give advice in the meeting. Also, the External Auditor is authorised to attend and address the General Meetings of Shareholders.    
38.8 The chairman of the meeting will decide upon the admittance to the meeting of persons other than those aforementioned in this Article 38.    
38.9 The official language of a General Meeting of Shareholders will be English or German, as determined by the Supervisory Board.    
Article 39. Adoption of Resolutions and Voting Power.    
39.1 Each Share confers the right to cast one vote.    
39.2 At the General Meeting of Shareholders, all resolutions must be adopted by an absolute majority of the votes cast, except in those cases in which the law or these Articles of Association require a greater majority. If there is a tie in voting, the proposal will thus be rejected.    
39.3 The Management Board may determine that votes cast prior to the General Meeting of Shareholders by electronic means of communication or by mail, are equated with votes cast at the time of the General Meeting. Such votes may not be cast before the record day referred to in Article 38.2.    
  Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 38 the notice convening the General Meeting of Shareholders must state how Shareholders may exercise their rights prior to the meeting.    
39.4 Blank and invalid votes will be regarded as not having been cast.    
39.5 The chairman of the meeting will decide whether and to what extent votes are taken orally, in writing, electronically or by acclamation.    
39.6 If in the election of persons no absolute majority of the valid votes cast at the meeting is obtained, a new vote will be taken after an intermediate vote, if necessary, on the two persons who received the greatest and the next greatest number of votes in the first such meeting. The person who receives the greatest number of votes at the new vote will be elected. If there is an equality of votes in this case, the Supervisory Board decides which person will be elected.    
39.7 In the case of a voting tie regarding resolutions not concerning persons the proposal will be rejected.    
39.8 When determining how many votes are cast by Shareholders, how many Shareholders are present or represented, or what portion of the Company's issued capital is represented, no account will be taken of Shares for which no votes can be cast by law.    
Article 40. Notices and Announcements.    
40.1 Notice of General Meetings of Shareholders will be given by announcement on the website of the Company and/or through other means of electronic public announcement, as the Company deems fit.    
40.2 In cases where the Company must, accepts to or wishes to give notice to Shareholders and other persons holding Meeting Rights in writing, it will do so at the address which the Shareholder has given to the Company for that purpose. Unless the opposite is evident, the provision of an electronic mail address by a person holding Meeting Rights to the Company will constitute evidence of that person's consent with the sending of notices electronically.    
40.3 The provisions of Articles 40.1 and 40.2 apply by analogy to other announcements, notices and notifications to Shareholders and other persons holding Meeting Rights.    
Article 41. Resolution to Amend of Articles of Association and Dissolution.    
41.1 The General Meeting of Shareholders may pass a resolution to amend the Articles of Association or to dissolve the Company, with an absolute majority of the votes cast, but only on a proposal of the Management Board that has been approved by the Supervisory Board. Any such proposal must be stated in the notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders.    
41.2 In the event of a proposal to the General Meeting of Shareholders to amend the Articles of Association, a copy of such proposal containing the verbatim text of the proposed amendment will be deposited at the Company's office for inspection by Shareholders and other persons holding Meeting Rights, until the end of the meeting. Furthermore, a copy of the proposal will be made available free of charge to Shareholders and other persons holding Meeting Rights from the day it was deposited until the day of the meeting.    
Article 42. Liquidation.    
42.1 In the event of the dissolution of the Company by resolution of the General Meeting, the Management Board members will be charged with effecting the liquidation of the Company's affairs, and the Supervisory Board members will be charged with the supervision thereof without prejudice to the provisions of Section 2:23 subsection 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.    
42.2 The provisions of these Articles of Association will remain in force to the extent possible during liquidation.    
42.3 The balance of the Company's assets after payment of all debts and the costs of the liquidation shall be distributed to the Shareholders. All distributions shall be made in proportion to the number of Shares held by each Shareholder.    
42.4 The liquidators are authorised, if the statement of assets indicates there is reason to do so, to make distributions in advance.    
42.5 After liquidation, the Company's books and documents shall remain in the possession of the person designated for this purpose by the liquidators of the Company for the period prescribed by law.    
42.6 The liquidation is otherwise subject to the provisions of Title 1, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.    

RNTS Media N.V.

Stock Option Plan


This Option Plan is designed in order to grant options on ordinary shares in the capital of RNTS Media N.V. to certain management board members and employees of RNTS Media N.V. and its Subsidiaries following a consistent course of action as regards the conditions and periodicity of the grants.

This Option Plan was originally approved on 1 April 2015 (Initial Adoption Date). This Option Plan was amended and restated by the Supervisory Board and approved by the General Meeting on [●] 2017 (Amendment Date).



The following terms apply:

Administrator means the Supervisory Board, a committee of the Supervisory Board or a third party designated at the discretion of the Supervisory Board to administer this Option Plan.
Change of Control means (i) the event where one Person or group of Persons, acting in concert, acquire(s) the Control over the Company or its legal successors; or (ii) a sale, transfer, transmission or otherwise, directly or indirectly, of all or almost all of the assets of the Company, by means of one transaction or by a series of transactions. If, for the purpose of sub (ii), there is any doubt on what qualifies as all or almost all of the assets of the Company, this shall be determined conclusively by the Supervisory Board.
Closed Period means a closed period of the Company within the meaning of the Company Insider Trading Policy.
Company means (i) RNTS Media N.V., a public limited liability company, incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands (naamloze vennootschap), having its official seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, its registered office at Johannisstrasse 20, 10117 Berlin, the Federal Republic of Germany and registered with the Dutch Commercial Register under number 54747805 and (ii) its legal successor(s).
Company Insider Trading Policy means the the Company Insider Trading Policy, as amended from time to time.
Compliance Officer means an officer with such title, appointed in accordance with the terms of the the Company Insider Trading Policy.
Control means, in relation to a Person, the power to exercise, directly or indirectly, more than fifty per cent. (50%) of the controlling rights of that Person or the possibility to appoint or designate more than fifty per cent. (50%) of the total number of members of the Management Board or any other similar managerial body, through ownership of the Shares or other securities, by means of agreement, power of attorney or otherwise.
Date of Grant means the day that an Option is granted as set out in the relevant Option Agreement. For Options granted to non-US Optionees in fulfilment of certain binding promises made prior to the adoption of this Option Plan, the Date of Grant shall be the date pursuant to such earlier promises, as determined in good faith by the Supervisory Board or, as the case may be, the Administrator, and in accordance with Dutch law and which shall be set out in the relevant Option Agreement.
Disability means the inability of an Optionee to engage in any substantially gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than twelve (12) months, and shall be determined by the Supervisory Board on the basis of such medical evidence as the Supervisory Board deems warranted under the circumstances.
Fair Market Value means the average closing price of the Shares of the last five (5) trading days preceding the relevant date, on the Principal Exchange.
General Meeting means the general meeting of shareholders (algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders) of the Company.
Inside Information means information as defined in the the Company Insider Trading Policy.
Management Board means the management board of the Company.
Nominee means (i) an employee or manager of the Company or its Subsidiaries (including the members of the Management Board) or (ii) an individual not being a member of the Management Board, otherwise having a business relationship with the Company or its Subsidiaries as nominated by the Management Board (including an 'Executive' as defined in the the Company Insider Trading Policy).
Open Period means an open period of the Company as defined in the the Company Insider Trading Policy.
Option Agreement means an agreement between a Nominee and the Company in relation to the grant of Options specifying, amongst others, the Date of Grant, the Start Date, the number of Options, the Option Price, the applicable Vesting schedule as referred to in Article 7.2, the applicable exercise period and a brief description of the performance condition(s) as a condition of Vesting, if any.
Option Plan means this RNTS Media N.V. Stock Option Plan, as amended from time to time.
Option Price means the exercise price of Options as laid down in the relevant Option Agreement.
Optionee means a Nominee who has accepted Options offered under an Option Agreement.
Options means a right to purchase Shares at the Option Price subject to the terms of the Option Plan and the Option Agreement.
Person means a natural person, body, company, legal person, association, foundation, special-purpose fund and other entities.
Principal Exchange means (i) in case the Shares are listed on one stock exchange, the stock exchange where the Shares are listed, currently being the Frankfurt Stock Exchange or (ii) in case the Shares are listed on more than one stock exchange, the exchange with the highest accumulated turnover (in value of Shares and derivatives of the Shares) over the three (3) months preceding the relevant date.
Shares means ordinary shares in the capital of the Company.
Start Date means the Date of Grant, unless (i) the Supervisory Board determines otherwise for a Nominee being a member of the Management Board or (ii) the Management Board determines otherwise for a Nominee not being a member of the Management Board.
Subsidiaries means any subsidiary (dochtermaatschappij) within the meaning of section 2:24a of the Dutch Civil Code) of the Company.
Supervisory Board means the supervisory board of the Company.
Termination for Cause means the occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event (i) at the initiative of the Company or any Subsidiary on the basis of an urgent cause or a serious cause in a situation where (serious) blame can be attributed to the Optionee including dishonesty, fraud, wilful misfeasance, gross negligence or other gross misconduct by the Optionee or (ii) at the initiative of the Optionee in a situation where the Company or any Subsidiary could terminate the employment, management or other relevant business relationship, between an Optionee and the Company or any Subsidiary on the basis of an urgent cause or a serious cause in a situation where (serious) blame can be attributed to the Optionee as set out above, unless determined otherwise by the Supervisory Board.
Termination of Employment Event means the termination of the employment, management or other relevant business relationship, between an Optionee and the Company or any Subsidiary for any reason, including but not limited to the death of an Optionee or long term illness or Disability.
Termination Without Cause means the occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event with respect to an Optionee that is not a Termination for Cause.
US Optionee means an Optionee that is a resident of the United States.
Vest, Vested, Vesting means the event of an Option becoming exercisable as described in Articles 7 and 9, as the case may be, which may, amongst others, be conditional upon the performance condition(s), if any, being satisfied.



Under this Option Plan Nominees may be granted Options.


Unless extended by the General Meeting, this Option Plan shall be effective until ten (10) years from the Initial Adoption Date; provided that Options granted during the term of this Option Plan shall continue to Vest and be exercisable as set forth in the relevant Option Agreement after the expiration of such ten (10)-year term.


Purpose of the Option Plan

The purpose of the Option Plan is to provide Nominees with an opportunity to participate directly in the growth of the value of the Company by receiving Options.


Administration of the Option Plan


The Option Plan shall be administered by the Administrator. Any designation as Administrator by the Supervisory Board can at all times be revoked by the Supervisory Board.


The Administrator shall be authorized to take all actions required or advisable for the administration and proper implementation of the Option Plan.


The Administrator shall be authorized:


to interpret the Option Plan unless specifically provided otherwise in this Option Plan; and


to make all other decisions necessary or advisable to enable the administration and proper implementation of the Option Plan.


The Company and/or the Administrator may select a third party service provider (Service Provider) that provides for an online-platform and other services for Nominees and Optionees through which, amongst others, certain actions and transactions of a Nominee or Optionee in the context of this Option Plan should be dealt with and who may act as an intermediary between the Administrator and the Company and the Nominee or Optionee. In order to participate in the Option Plan, an Optionee must accept the terms and conditions of the use of the online-platform and the other services provided by the Service Provider if such Service Provider is selected.


Grant of Options


The Supervisory Board and Management Board must act in accordance with the rules under the Company Insider Trading Policy and any applicable securities regulations as regards the granting, Vesting and settlement of any Options.


The total number of Shares in respect of which Options may be granted under the Option Plan shall not exceed fifteen per cent. (15%) of the Company's issued and outstanding share capital on a fully diluted basis taking into account the limitations set out in Articles 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6. Shares in respect of which Options are granted will again be available for the grant of Options hereunder to the extent that the relevant Options lapse or are forfeited, without having been exercised in full, subject to the provisions of this Option Plan and a resolution of the Supervisory Board as to the terms and conditions of such new grants of Options.


Options to Nominees being members of the Management Board can be granted by the Supervisory Board. Options to Nominees not being members of the Management Board can be granted by the Management Board. Options to Nominees not being members of the Management Board who are joining the Company or any of its Subsidiaries will be granted within the first week of each quarter of the Company's financial year. Options to Nominees being members of the Management Board who are joining the Company or any of its Subsidiaries will be granted within the first week of each quarter of a financial year if this falls in an Open Period. Options to other Nominees may only be granted at a fixed day, that falls within an Open Period, as shall be determined in joint consultation between the Supervisory Board and the Management Board at least one (1) year in advance. The Company strives to apply a consistent course of action with regard to the grant of Options but such is without prejudice to the fact that an Option may also be granted at any other time during the year only if the Supervisory Board considers the circumstances to be exceptional to do so.


The aggregate number of Shares in respect of which Options may be granted under the Option Plan to Nominees, being members of the Management Board, shall at no time exceed the total of seven per cent. (7%) of the Company's issued and outstanding Share capital on a fully diluted basis.


The aggregate number of Shares in respect of which Options may be granted under the Option Plan to Nominees, not being a member of the Management Board, shall at no time exceed the total of eight per cent. (8%) of the Company's issued and outstanding Share capital on a fully diluted basis.


In one (1) year the maximum total number of Shares in respect of which Options may be granted to a Nominee, being a member of the Management Board, cannot exceed one per cent. (1%) of the Company's issued and outstanding Share capital on a fully diluted basis and for a Nominee, not being a member of the Management Board, this number cannot exceed a half per cent. (0.5%), unless the Supervisory Board, upon proposal of the Management Board, considers it appropriate to grant a larger number in case of exceptional circumstances.


Each grant of Options will be evidenced by an Option Agreement. Options shall be granted in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Option Plan.


A grant of an Option is a one-time benefit which does not create any contractual or other rights to receive future grants of Options, or benefit in lieu of such Options.



An Optionee is not under any obligation to pay any amount to the Company in respect of the grant of Options. Subject to the provisions of Articles 8.6, 8.9 and 9.2, an Optionee who exercised his Options other than by way of the net exercise mechanism is obliged to pay the Option Price upon exercise as laid down in Article 8.4 and the Option Agreement.


Transfer and Vesting of Options


Except as provided for under the Option Plan, the Options may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of, unless otherwise agreed by the Supervisory Board on a case by case basis in the event of exceptional circumstances. The aforementioned prohibition does not apply to the transmission of Vested Options to the heirs of an Optionee, subject to the terms of the relevant Option Agreement and applicable law.


The Option Agreement shall contain a Vesting schedule relating to each Option. Unless otherwise determined in the Option Agreement at the time the Option is granted, each Option will Vest (i.e., such Option will actually become exercisable) annually over a period of three (3) years in equal portions at the first, second and third anniversary of the Start Date subject to (i) no occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event as further described in Articles 7.4 and 7.5 and (ii) the satisfaction of any performance condition(s), if any, imposed under Article 7.3, such to be determined by the Supervisory Board in its sole discretion. Unless the Supervisory Board has determined a longer or shorter exercise period, Vested Options may be exercised, subject to the provisions of Articles 8.1 to 8.10, until the date five (5) years from the Start Date, unless the Vesting is postponed pursuant to the terms of the relevant Option Agreement. If the Vesting of Options for any year is postponed, the exercise period shall be extended once by a maximum period of one (1) year. Options which have not been exercised prior to the end of the aforementioned exercise period shall lapse automatically without any compensation whatsoever being due to the Optionee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum term of an Option granted to a US Optionee may not be extended beyond ten (10) years from the Date of Grant.


Unless otherwise determined by the Supervisory Board, Vesting of Options that are granted to Nominees is only subject to the condition that no Termination of Employment Event has occurred on the date of Vesting as further described in Articles 7.4 and 7.5. Vesting of Options that are granted to Nominees may, in the sole discretion of the Supervisory Board, be made subject to satisfaction of performance criteria. Such performance criteria shall be set out in the relevant Option Agreement and may be waived by the Supervisory Board in its sole discretion, in whole or in part, as to some or all Options thereunder.


The Options that have not Vested in accordance with the Vesting scheme as laid down in the Option Agreement are, unless otherwise agreed by the Supervisory Board, forfeited upon:


a moratorium of payments, bankruptcy, debt restructuring (schuldsanering) or similar proceedings being imposed on an Optionee; or the appointment of a guardian by a court (onder curatelestelling) or curator in bankruptcy over an Optionee; or


the passing of a resolution for the winding up of the Company or an order is made by the competent court for the compulsory winding up of the Company;


the occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event with respect to such Optionee prior to the first anniversary of the Start Date.


Upon the occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event on or after the first anniversary of the Start Date, the Optionee's Options shall either be forfeited, lapse or continue to be exercisable as set forth below:


in case of Termination for Cause, both the Options of such Optionee that have Vested (to the extent not exercised) and the Options of such Optionee that have not yet Vested shall be forfeited at the date of Termination for Cause (i.e. the end date), unless agreed otherwise by the Supervisory Board; and


subject to subsection (iii) below, in case of a Termination Without Cause, (a) the Options of such Optionee that have Vested (to the extent not exercised) shall not be forfeited and (b) the Options of such Optionee that have not yet Vested shall Vest on a pro rata basis having regard to the number of complete months that the Optionee has been employed or engaged from the first anniversary of the Start Date until the date of Termination Without Cause (i.e. the end date) and be subject to the satisfaction of any performance condition(s) imposed, if any, applied on a pro rata basis at the discretion of the Supervisory Board and the remaining part of the Options of such Optionee that have not yet Vested shall be forfeited at the date of Termination Without Cause (i.e. the end date) where the Options that have Vested (to the extend not exercised) may be exercised by such Optionee within ninety (90) days after the date of such Termination Without Cause (i.e. the end date), unless the Supervisory Board agreed otherwise and without prejudice to Article 8.2. If such Vested Options are not exercised within such ninety (90)-day period, such Vested Options will, unless agreed otherwise by the Supervisory Board, be forfeited.


in case of a Termination Without Cause due to death or Disability of an Optionee, then all Vested Options (determined in the manner provided in subsection (ii) above) may be exercised by such Optionee or his or her estate within six (6) months after the date of such Termination Without Cause (i.e. the end date) due to death or Disability. If such Vested Options are not exercised within such six (6) month period, such Vested Options will, unless agreed otherwise by the Supervisory Board, be forfeited.


An Optionee incurs no right whatsoever to damages in respect of the lapse, annulment or the forfeiture of any Option pursuant to this Option Plan.


The Option Price will be set out in the relevant Option Agreement and will be no less than the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the Date of Grant. The Supervisory Board in relation to Nominees being members of the Management Board and the Management Board in relation to Nominees not being members of the Management Board may determine another Option Price for Options granted to Nominees.


Exercise of Options


An Optionee who possesses Inside Information or who should reasonably suspect that he or she possesses Inside Information relating to the Company shall be prohibited from making use of that Inside Information by exercising an Option.


An Option can only be exercised by a Nominee during a period other than a Closed Period, unless the Compliance Officer in joint consultation with the Supervisory Board determines otherwise.


Irrespective of Article 8.1 and 8.2 an Optionee is always entitled to exercise an Option on the last day of the exercise period of the Option or within a period of five (5) business days prior thereto in accordance with the Company Insider Trading Policy. The subsequent sale of Shares obtained through the exercise of Options is only allowed in as far as such is allowed under the Company Insider Trading Policy and any applicable laws.


An Optionee may exercise Options by irrevocably notifying the relevant (i) Administrator in writing until a Service Provider has been selected in accordance with Article 4.4 or (ii) the Service Provider electronically once such Service Provider has been selected in accordance with Article 4.4 of the exercise of Options and by paying the Option Price in cash to the Company at the date of such notice. An Optionee should be able to prove that the instruction for the payment of the Option Price is made at the date of notice. If the Option Price is not received by the Company within five (5) trading days after the date of notice, the exercise shall be deemed void, however the Optionee may restart the procedure by submitting a new notice. Instead of an exercise as referred to in the preceedings sentences Options may also be exercised by the net exercise mechanism described in Article 8.10. In derogation of the above, Options granted on or after the Amendment Date may not be exercised by paying the Option Price in cash as set out in the preceeding sentences, but must be exercised by the net exercise mechanism described in Article 8.10. Subject to Articles 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3, Options, to the extent Vested, can be exercised partially or all at once, provided that partial exercises of less than (i) thirty per cent (30%) of the Vested Options owned by an Optionee at the time when the Options shall be exercised, or, alternatively, (ii) 10,000 Vested Options in the individual case, whichever is lower, is not permitted. Any non-permitted exercise below such threshold shall be deemed void.


An Optionee shall not be entitled to any fractional Shares upon exercise of an Option. If any exercise of an Option would result in the issuance of fractional Shares, the number of Shares issued upon such exercise shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number.


The Shares in respect of which the Vested Option has been validly exercised will be issued or transferred, in the first five (5) trading days of the next quarter of the Company's financial year that falls within an Open Period following the exercise of the Vested Options in accordance with Article 8.4, to a depository account with a party to be determined by the Company (Depository Account) which party will hold such Shares on behalf of the Optionee.


Subject to the Articles 8.1 to 8.3 and 11.3, a lock-up period may apply to Shares obtained by an Optionee after exercise of Options:


unless determined otherwise in the Option Agreement, for Optionees being members of the Management Board: (a) one third of the Shares obtained by the exercise of Options can be sold by the Nominee directly after receipt of the Shares in accordance with Article 8.6; (b) one third of the Shares obtained by the exercise of Options can be sold by the Nominee six (6) months after receipt of the Shares in accordance with Article 8.6; and (c) one third of the Shares obtained by the exercise of Options can be sold by the Nominee twelve (12) months after receipt of the Shares in accordance with Article 8.6;


unless determined otherwise in the Option Agreement, for Optionees not being members of the Management Board: all Shares obtained by the exercise of Options can be sold by the Nominee at any time after receipt of the Shares in accordance with Article 8.6.


In case a lock-up period applies in accordance with Article 8.7, for the duration of the lock-up period, subject to Article 11.3, the Shares obtained by an Optionee after exercise of Options in relation to which a lock-up period applies (the Blocked Shares) may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of by the Optionee. If the Company pays out a dividend in cash during the lock-up period, the dividend in relation to Blocked Shares owned by an Optionee shall be paid into the bank account number known to the Company's payroll department minus any dividend tax/transaction fees applicable to dividends received on such Blocked Shares during the lock-up period. If the Company pays out a dividend in Shares during the lock-up period in relation to the Blocked Shares, such Shares shall qualify as Blocked Shares and be transferred to the Depository Account, after setting off any deductible dividend tax, if possible, or the Optionee having paid to the Company any deductible dividend tax. Throughout the lock-up period, the Shares added by way of dividend may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of by the Optionee. In the case of any of the situations as described in Articles 9.1 or 9.2, the Supervisory Board may, at its discretion, decide that no lock-up period shall apply or that a lock-up period shall end immediately. For the avoidance of doubt, Article 11 also applies during the lock-up period. If a Service Provider is selected in accordance with Article 4.4, such Service Provider is entitled to ensure through the online platform that the Blocked Shares cannot be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of by the Optionee.


The Company may, subject to Article 7.5 and after the prior written approval by the Supervisory Board, settle its obligation to deliver Shares to such Optionee pursuant to this Option Plan or an Option Agreement, if any, by paying to the Optionee a cash amount equal to the Fair Market Value of the Shares issuable upon exercise of the Options less the applicable Option Price for such Shares. The payment to be made to an Optionee upon settlement of Options by payment of cash pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be made by the Company within twenty (20) trading days after exercise by the relevant Optionee of the Options.


In lieu of exercising Options by payment of cash, an Optionee may elect to exercise its Options on the terms and conditions of this Option Plan and the Option Agreement through the net exercise mechanism provided in this Article 8.10. As set out in Article 8.4, Options granted on or after the Amendment Date can only be exercised by the net exercise mechanism described in this Article 8.10. Net exercise means that the Optionee's right to acquire Shares pursuant to this Option Plan or an Option Agreement is settled by paying the value of the Options to the Optionee in the form of Shares, without a payment in cash by the Optionee. Upon a net exercise, the Company will issue to the Optionee a number of Shares (S) equal to the number of exercised Options (N) multiplied by the Fair Market Value of one Share issuable upon exercise of the Options (FMV) less the applicable Option Price for one Option (OP), divided by the Fair Market Value of the Share (FMV). The number of Shares the participant will be entitled to receive upon a net exercise is calculated by using the following formula (whereby decimal numbers are rounded down to the nearest whole number:



All the provisions in this Option Plan relating to exercise of Options and the sale of Shares are subject to restrictions regarding the exercise of Options laid down in any applicable law and the Company Insider Trading Policy.


Change of Control


In the event of a Change of Control, all the outstanding Options will Vest fully at the date of the Change of Control subject to the satisfaction of any performance condition(s) set out in the Option Agreement, if any, applied on a pro rata basis at the discretion of the Supervisory Board, unless provided otherwise in Article 9.2.


In the event of a Change of Control due to a sale, merger, demerger or consolidation of the Company, all the outstanding Options will be included for the purpose of the purchase agreement or the merger agreement, as applicable at such time. Such agreement may at the sole discretion of the Supervisory Board and without the approval or the advice of the Optionees being required, provide in the following:


the continuation of the outstanding Options by the Company (if the Company is the company that continues to exist);


the take-over of the Option Plan and the outstanding Options by the acquiring company or the company that continues to exist, or its parent company;


the replacement of the outstanding Options by new option rights with conditions that are equivalent to the conditions of the outstanding Options by the acquiring company or the company that continues to exist, or its parent company; or


the cancellation of each outstanding Option in return for payment to the Optionee of an amount per Option equal to the difference between the value in commercial transactions of a Share at the time of the purchase, merger, demerger or consolidation of the Company less the Option Price of the Option subject to the satisfaction of any performance condition(s) set out in the Option Agreement, if any, applied on a pro rata basis at the discretion of the Supervisory Board.


Hold back and claw back


Section 2:135, paragraphs 6 and 8 of the Dutch Civil Code shall be applicable to the Options and all Shares or cash, as the case may be, received by a member of the Management Board under this Option Plan. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision shall continue to apply after the end of this Option Plan.


Section 2:135, paragraph 7 of the Dutch Civil Code shall be applicable to the Options and all Shares or cash, as the case may be, received by a member of the Management Board under this Option Plan.


The Supervisory Board may recover from an Optionee all or part of the Options granted and Shares or cash, as the case may be, transferred to the Nominee pursuant to this Option Plan (including any taxes and social security liabilities or national insurance contributions paid on its behalf), if the grant was made on the basis of incorrect financial or other data. If Vesting of the Options would in the opinion of the Supervisory Board produce an unfair result due to extraordinary circumstances, the Supervisory Board as the case may be, has the power to adjust the value of the award downwards or upwards.


Taxes; Sell to cover


The Company and/or its Subsidiaries shall have the right to withhold from any salary, severance or other amounts payable by the Company or a Subsidiary to an Optionee, or to otherwise require payment by the Optionee of, any taxes and/or social security contributions payable by the Optionee (including any withholding obligations of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries) in connection with his participation in the Option Plan as well as any taxes and/or social security contributions payable by the Optionee in connection with any grant, Vesting or exercise of Options.


An Optionee is and remains at all times fully responsible for the payment of any taxes and/or social security contributions payable by such Optionee in connection with his or her participation in the Option Plan.


The Company may elect at its discretion to sell Shares on behalf of the Optionee in order to immediately use the proceeds to fulfill in the name and on behalf of the Optionee the payment obligations of the Optionee or to fulfill any withholding obligations of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries resulting from tax and social security liabilities or national insurance contributions due in relation to the grant, Vesting or exercise of Options.


After Vesting, the Participant may not transfer the Vested Shares from the Depository Account to another account as long as not all taxes and/or social security contributions payable as regards the Vested Shares have been paid to the relevant tax authority.


Reporting and other obligations


An Optionee is obliged to fully cooperate with notification obligations towards regulators that result from or are connected with a grant or exercise of Options or otherwise connected to this Option Plan or the Option Agreement.


An Optionee is obliged to cooperate with any reasonable requests from the Administrator and/or the Company and to enter into separate agreements with the Company, the Service Provider or any third party for the proper execution and administration of this Plan and the grant, Vesting or exercise of Options unless this would be considered manifestly unreasonable.


No employment condition

The participation of an Optionee in the Option Plan does not constitute remuneration for any employment activity. The Options are not part of normal or expected compensation or salary for any purposes, including, but not limited to, calculating any severance, resignation, redundancy, and/or service payments, bonuses, long service awards, pension or retirement benefits or similar payments.


Anti-dilution adjustment

If at any time after the Date of Grant:


a Share split or reverse Share split is carried out;


capital on the Shares is repaid;


Shares in the capital of the Company are issued at the expense of the profit reserve or the share premium reserve; or


any other comparable recapitalisation, requalification, combination, merger or other corporate transaction takes place;

and such event, in the reasonable opinion of the Supervisory Board, causes a change in the value of the Options that were granted to Nominees, the Supervisory Board shall have the authority to adjust the Option Price and/or the number of Options, so that the value in commercial transactions of the granted Options at the time after one of the above-mentioned events shall be equal to the value in commercial transactions of the Options at the time immediately prior to one of the above-mentioned events. The adjustment of the Option Price and/or the number of Options will be carried out in conformity with the applicable listing and trading rules. The Company will inform the Optionee of an adjustment of the Option Price and/or the number of Options.


Data protection

By participating in the Option Plan the Nominee authorises the Company and the Service Provider or any other agent of the Company administering the Option Plan or providing Option Plan recordkeeping services, to disclose to the Company or any of its affiliates such information and data as the Company shall request in order to facilitate the grant of Options and the administration of the Option Plan. The Nominee waives, to the fullest extent possible under any applicable law, any data privacy rights with respect to such information. The Nominee authorises the Company and any such agent to store and transmit such information in electronic form.



By executing an Option Agreement, the Optionee accepts an obligation not to disclose any information regarding the Option Plan, or any information in connection therewith, unless such Optionee is legally obliged to disclose such information by law or exchange regulations.


Governing Law


This Option Plan is governed by the laws of the Netherlands.


All disputes relating to this Option Plan or agreements based on or pursuant to this Option Plan shall be submitted exclusively to the competent court of law in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Amendment and Revocation


The Supervisory Board shall have the right to alter, amend or terminate the Option Plan or any part thereof at any time and from time to time, provided, however, that no such alteration or amendment shall adversely affect the rights relating to any Options granted or Shares acquired upon exercise of Options prior to that time, unless required pursuant to Article 18.2 and further provided that any increase in the number of Shares issuable hereunder and any material changes shall require the approval of the General Meeting, to the extent applicable, or other body then authorized to issue Shares pursuant to the articles of association of the Company.


The Administrator has the authority to take any action consistent with the terms of the Option Plan, which it deems necessary or advisable to comply with any laws or regulatory requirements, including but not limited to, modifying or amending the terms and conditions governing Option Agreements, or establishing any local country plans as sub-plans to this Option Plan.

RNTS Media N.V.

Stock Option Plan


This Option Plan is designed in order to grant options on ordinary shares in the capital of RNTS Media N.V. to certain management board members and employees of RNTS Media N.V. and its Subsidiaries following a consistent course of action as regards the conditions and periodicity of the grants.

This Option Plan was originally approved on 1 April 2015 (Initial Adoption Date). This Option Plan was amended and restated by the Supervisory Board and approved by the General Meeting on [11 April] 2017 (Amendment Date).



The following terms apply:

Administrator means the Supervisory Board, a committee of the Supervisory Board or a third party designated at the discretion of the Supervisory Board to administer this Option Plan.
Change of Control means (i) the event where one Person or group of Persons, acting in concert, acquire(s) the Control over the Company or its legal successors; or (ii) a sale, transfer, transmission or otherwise, directly or indirectly, of all or almost all of the assets of the Company, by means of one transaction or by a series of transactions. If, for the purpose of sub (ii), there is any doubt on what qualifies as all or almost all of the assets of the Company, this shall be determined conclusively by the Supervisory Board.
Closed Period means a closed period of the Company within the meaning of the Company Insider Trading Policy.
Company means (i) RNTS Media N.V., a public limited liability company, incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands (naamloze vennootschap), having its official seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, its registered office at Johannisstrasse 20, 10117 Berlin, the Federal Republic of Germany and registered with the Dutch Commercial Register under number 54747805 and (ii) its legal successor(s).
Company Insider Trading Policy means the the Company Insider Trading Policy, as amended from time to time.
Compliance Officer means an officer with such title, appointed in accordance with the terms of the Company Insider Trading Policy.
Control means, in relation to a Person, the power to exercise, directly or indirectly, more than fifty per cent. (50%) of the controlling rights of that Person or the possibility to appoint or designate more than fifty per cent. (50%) of the total number of members of the Management Board or any other similar managerial body, through ownership of the Shares or other securities, by means of agreement, power of attorney or otherwise.
Date of Grant means the day that an Option is granted as set out in the relevant Option Agreement. For Options granted to non-US Optionees in fulfilment of certain binding promises made prior to the adoption of this Option Plan, the Date of Grant shall be the date pursuant to such earlier promises, as determined in good faith by the Supervisory Board or, as the case may be, the Administrator, and in accordance with Dutch law and which shall be set out in the relevant Option Agreement.
Disability means the inability of an Optionee to engage in any substantially gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than twelve (12) months, and shall be determined by the Supervisory Board on the basis of such medical evidence as the Supervisory Board deems warranted under the circumstances.
Fair Market Value means the average closing price of the Shares of the last five (5) trading days preceding the relevant date, on the Principal Exchange.
General Meeting means the general meeting of shareholders (algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders) of the Company.
Inside Information means information as defined in the the Company Insider Trading Policy.
Management Board means the management board of the Company.
Nominee means (i) an employee or manager of the Company or its Subsidiaries (including the members of the Management Board) or (ii) an individual not being a member of the Management Board, otherwise having a business relationship with the Company or its Subsidiaries as nominated by the Management Board (including an 'Executive' as defined in the the Company Insider Trading Policy).
Open Period means an open period of the Company as defined in the the Company Insider Trading Policy.
Option Agreement means an agreement between a Nominee and the Company in relation to the grant of Options specifying, amongst others, the Date of Grant, the Start Date, the number of Options, the Option Price, the applicable Vesting schedule as referred to in Article 7.2, the applicable exercise period and a brief description of the performance condition(s) as a condition of Vesting, if any.
Option Plan means this RNTS Media N.V. Stock Option Plan, as amended from time to time.
Option Price means the exercise price of Options as laid down in the relevant Option Agreement.
Optionee means a Nominee who has accepted Options offered under an Option Agreement.
Options means a right to purchase Shares at the Option Price subject to the terms of the Option Plan and the Option Agreement.
Person means a natural person, body, company, legal person, association, foundation, special-purpose fund and other entities.
Principal Exchange means (i) in case the Shares are listed on one stock exchange, the stock exchange where the Shares are listed, currently being the Frankfurt Stock Exchange or (ii) in case the Shares are listed on more than one stock exchange, the exchange with the highest accumulated turnover (in value of Shares and derivatives of the Shares) over the three (3) months preceding the relevant date.
Shares means ordinary shares in the capital of the Company.
Start Date means the Date of Grant, unless (i) the Supervisory Board determines otherwise for a Nominee being a member of the Management Board or (ii) the Management Board determines otherwise for a Nominee not being a member of the Management Board.
Subsidiaries means any subsidiary (dochtermaatschappij) within the meaning of section 2:24a of the Dutch Civil Code) of the Company.
Supervisory Board means the supervisory board of the Company.
Termination for Cause means the occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event (i) at the initiative of the Company or any Subsidiary on the basis of an urgent cause or a serious cause in a situation where (serious) blame can be attributed to the Optionee including dishonesty, fraud, wilful misfeasance, gross negligence or other gross misconduct by the Optionee or (ii) at the initiative of the Optionee in a situation where the Company or any Subsidiary could terminate the employment, management or other relevant business relationship, between an Optionee and the Company or any Subsidiary on the basis of an urgent cause or a serious cause in a situation where (serious) blame can be attributed to the Optionee as set out above, unless determined otherwise by the Supervisory Board.
Termination of Employment Event means the termination of the employment, management or other relevant business relationship, between an Optionee and the Company or any Subsidiary for any reason, including but not limited to the death of an Optionee or long term illness or Disability.
Termination Without Cause means the occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event with respect to an Optionee that is not a Termination for Cause.
US Optionee means an Optionee that is a resident of the United States.
Vest, Vested, Vesting means the event of an Option becoming exercisable as described in Articles 7 and 9, as the case may be, which may, amongst others, be conditional upon the performance condition(s), if any, being satisfied.



Under this Option Plan Nominees may be granted Options.


Unless extended by the General Meeting, this Option Plan shall be effective until ten (10) years from the Initial Adoption Date; provided that Options granted during the term of this Option Plan shall continue to Vest and be exercisable as set forth in the relevant Option Agreement after the expiration of such ten (10)-year term.


Purpose of the Option Plan

The purpose of the Option Plan is to provide Nominees with an opportunity to participate directly in the growth of the value of the Company by receiving Options.


Administration of the Option Plan


The Option Plan shall be administered by the Administrator. Any designation as Administrator by the Supervisory Board can at all times be revoked by the Supervisory Board.


The Administrator shall be authorized to take all actions required or advisable for the administration and proper implementation of the Option Plan.


The Administrator shall be authorized:


to interpret the Option Plan unless specifically provided otherwise in this Option Plan; and


to make all other decisions necessary or advisable to enable the administration and proper implementation of the Option Plan.


The Company and/or the Administrator may select a third party service provider (Service Provider) that provides for an online-platform and other services for Nominees and Optionees through which, amongst others, certain actions and transactions of a Nominee or Optionee in the context of this Option Plan should be dealt with and who may act as an intermediary between the Administrator and the Company and the Nominee or Optionee. In order to participate in the Option Plan, an Optionee must accept the terms and conditions of the use of the online-platform and the other services provided by the Service Provider if such Service Provider is selected.


Grant of Options


The Supervisory Board and Management Board must act in accordance with the rules under the Company Insider Trading Policy and any applicable securities regulations as regards the granting, Vesting and settlement of any Options.


The total number of Shares in respect of which Options may be granted under the Option Plan shall not exceed fifteen per cent. (15%) of the Company's issued and outstanding share capital on a fully diluted basis taking into account the limitations set out in Articles 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6. Shares in respect of which Options are granted will again be available for the grant of Options hereunder to the extent that the relevant Options lapse or are forfeited, without having been exercised in full, subject to the provisions of this Option Plan and a resolution of the Supervisory Board as to the terms and conditions of such new grants of Options.


Options to Nominees being members of the Management Board can be granted by the Supervisory Board. Options to Nominees not being members of the Management Board can be granted by the Management Board. Options to Nominees not being members of the Management Board who are joining the Company or any of its Subsidiaries will be granted within the first week of each quarter of the Company's financial year. Options to Nominees being members of the Management Board who are joining the Company or any of its Subsidiaries will be granted within the first week of each quarter of a financial year if this falls in an Open Period. Options to other Nominees may only be granted at a fixed day, that falls within an Open Period, as shall be determined in joint consultation between the Supervisory Board and the Management Board at least one (1) year in advance. The Company strives to apply a consistent course of action with regard to the grant of Options but such is without prejudice to the fact that an Option may also be granted at any other time during the year only if the Supervisory Board considers the circumstances to be exceptional to do so.


The aggregate number of Shares in respect of which Options may be granted under the Option Plan to Nominees, being members of the Management Board, shall at no time exceed the total of seven per cent. (7%) of the Company's issued and outstanding Share capital on a fully diluted basis.


The aggregate number of Shares in respect of which Options may be granted under the Option Plan to Nominees, not being a member of the Management Board, shall at no time exceed the total of eight per cent. (8%) of the Company's issued and outstanding Share capital on a fully diluted basis.


In one (1) year the maximum total number of Shares in respect of which Options may be granted to a Nominee, being a member of the Management Board, cannot exceed one per cent. (1%) of the Company's issued and outstanding Share capital on a fully diluted basis and for a Nominee, not being a member of the Management Board, this number cannot exceed a half per cent. (0.5%), unless the Supervisory Board, upon proposal of the Management Board, considers it appropriate to grant a larger number in case of exceptional circumstances.


Each grant of Options will be evidenced by an Option Agreement. Options shall be granted in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Option Plan.


A grant of an Option is a one-time benefit which does not create any contractual or other rights to receive future grants of Options, or benefit in lieu of such Options.



An Optionee is not under any obligation to pay any amount to the Company in respect of the grant of Options. Subject to the provisions of Articles 8.6, 8.9 and 9.2, an Optionee who exercised his Options other than by way of the net exercise mechanism is obliged to pay the Option Price upon exercise as laid down in Article 8.4 and the Option Agreement.


Transfer and Vesting of Options


Except as provided for under the Option Plan, the Options may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of, unless otherwise agreed by the Supervisory Board on a case by case basis in the event of exceptional circumstances. The aforementioned prohibition does not apply to the transmission of Vested Options to the heirs of an Optionee, subject to the terms of the relevant Option Agreement and applicable law.


The Option Agreement shall contain a Vesting schedule relating to each Option. Unless otherwise determined in the Option Agreement at the time the Option is granted, each Option will Vest (i.e., such Option will actually become exercisable) annually over a period of three (3) years in equal portions at the first, second and third anniversary of the Start Date subject to (i) no occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event as further described in Articles 7.4 and 7.5 and (ii) the satisfaction of any performance condition(s), if any, imposed under Article 7.3, such to be determined by the Supervisory Board in its sole discretion. Unless the Supervisory Board has determined a longer or shorter exercise period, Vested Options may be exercised, subject to the provisions of Articles 8.1 to 8.10, until the date five (5) years from the Start Date, unless the Vesting is postponed pursuant to the terms of the relevant Option Agreement. If the Vesting of Options for any year is postponed, the exercise period shall be extended once by a maximum period of one (1) year. Options which have not been exercised prior to the end of the aforementioned exercise period shall lapse automatically without any compensation whatsoever being due to the Optionee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum term of an Option granted to a US Optionee may not be extended beyond ten (10) years from the Date of Grant.


Unless otherwise determined by the Supervisory Board, Vesting of Options that are granted to Nominees is only subject to the condition that no Termination of Employment Event has occurred on the date of Vesting as further described in Articles 7.4 and 7.5. Vesting of Options that are granted to Nominees may, in the sole discretion of the Supervisory Board, be made subject to satisfaction of performance criteria. Such performance criteria shall be set out in the relevant Option Agreement and may be waived by the Supervisory Board in its sole discretion, in whole or in part, as to some or all Options thereunder.


The Options that have not Vested in accordance with the Vesting scheme as laid down in the Option Agreement are, unless otherwise agreed by the Supervisory Board, forfeited upon:


a moratorium of payments, bankruptcy, debt restructuring (schuldsanering) or similar proceedings being imposed on an Optionee; or the appointment of a guardian by a court (onder curatelestelling) or curator in bankruptcy over an Optionee; or


the passing of a resolution for the winding up of the Company or an order is made by the competent court for the compulsory winding up of the Company;


the occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event with respect to such Optionee prior to the first anniversary of the Start Date.


Upon the occurrence of a Termination of Employment Event on or after the first anniversary of the Start Date, the Optionee's Options shall either be forfeited, lapse or continue to be exercisable as set forth below:


in case of Termination for Cause, both the Options of such Optionee that have Vested (to the extent not exercised) and the Options of such Optionee that have not yet Vested shall be forfeited at the date of Termination for Cause (i.e. the end date), unless agreed otherwise by the Supervisory Board; and


subject to subsection (iii) below, in case of a Termination Without Cause, (a) the Options of such Optionee that have Vested (to the extent not exercised) shall not be forfeited and (b) the Options of such Optionee that have not yet Vested shall Vest on a pro rata basis having regard to the number of complete months that the Optionee has been employed or engaged from the first anniversary of the Start Date until the date of Termination Without Cause (i.e. the end date) and be subject to the satisfaction of any performance condition(s) imposed, if any, applied on a pro rata basis at the discretion of the Supervisory Board and the remaining part of the Options of such Optionee that have not yet Vested shall be forfeited at the date of Termination Without Cause (i.e. the end date) where the Options that have Vested (to the extend not exercised) may be exercised by such Optionee within ninety (90) days after the date of such Termination Without Cause (i.e. the end date), unless the Supervisory Board agreed otherwise and without prejudice to Article 8.2. If such Vested Options are not exercised within such ninety (90)-day period, such Vested Options will, unless agreed otherwise by the Supervisory Board, be forfeited.


in case of a Termination Without Cause due to death or Disability of an Optionee, then all Vested Options (determined in the manner provided in subsection (ii) above) may be exercised by such Optionee or his or her estate within six (6) months after the date of such Termination Without Cause (i.e. the end date) due to death or Disability. If such Vested Options are not exercised within such six (6) month period, such Vested Options will, unless agreed otherwise by the Supervisory Board, be forfeited.


An Optionee incurs no right whatsoever to damages in respect of the lapse, annulment or the forfeiture of any Option pursuant to this Option Plan.


The Option Price will be set out in the relevant Option Agreement and will be no less than the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the Date of Grant. The Supervisory Board in relation to Nominees being members of the Management Board and the Management Board in relation to Nominees not being members of the Management Board may determine another Option Price for Options granted to Nominees.


Exercise of Options


An Optionee who possesses Inside Information or who should reasonably suspect that he or she possesses Inside Information relating to the Company shall be prohibited from making use of that Inside Information by exercising an Option.


An Option can only be exercised by a Nominee during a period other than a Closed Period, unless the Compliance Officer in joint consultation with the Supervisory Board determines otherwise.


Irrespective of Article 8.1 and 8.2 an Optionee is always entitled to exercise an Option on the last day of the exercise period of the Option or within a period of five (5) business days prior thereto in accordance with the Company Insider Trading Policy. The subsequent sale of Shares obtained through the exercise of Options is only allowed in as far as such is allowed under the Company Insider Trading Policy and any applicable laws.


An Optionee may exercise Options by irrevocably notifying the relevant (i) Administrator in writing until a Service Provider has been selected in accordance with Article 4.4 or (ii) the Service Provider electronically once such Service Provider has been selected in accordance with Article 4.4 of the exercise of Options and by paying the Option Price in cash to the Company at the date of such notice. An Optionee should be able to prove that the instruction for the payment of the Option Price is made at the date of notice. If the Option Price is not received by the Company within five (5) trading days after the date of notice, the exercise shall be deemed void, however the Optionee may restart the procedure by submitting a new notice. Instead of an exercise as referred to in the preceedings sentences Options may also be exercised by the net exercise mechanism described in Article 8.10. In derogation of the above, Options granted on or after the Amendment Date may not be exercised by paying the Option Price in cash as set out in the preceeding sentences, but must be exercised by the net exercise mechanism described in Article 8.10. Subject to Articles 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3, Options, to the extent Vested, can be exercised partially or all at once, provided that partial exercises of less than (i) thirty per cent (30%) of the Vested Options owned by an Optionee at the time when the Options shall be exercised, or, alternatively, (ii) 10,000 Vested Options in the individual case, whichever is lower, is not permitted. Any non-permitted exercise below such threshold shall be deemed void.


An Optionee shall not be entitled to any fractional Shares upon exercise of an Option. If any exercise of an Option would result in the issuance of fractional Shares, the number of Shares issued upon such exercise shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number.


The Shares in respect of which the Vested Option has been validly exercised will be issued or transferred, in the first five (5) trading days of the next quarter of the Company's financial year that falls within an Open Period following the exercise of the Vested Options in accordance with Article 8.4, to a depository account with a party to be determined by the Company (Depository Account) which party will hold such Shares on behalf of the Optionee.


Subject to the Articles 8.1 to 8.3 and 11.3, a lock-up period may apply to Shares obtained by an Optionee after exercise of Options:


unless determined otherwise in the Option Agreement, for Optionees being members of the Management Board: (a) one third of the Shares obtained by the exercise of Options can be sold by the Nominee directly after receipt of the Shares in accordance with Article 8.6; (b) one third of the Shares obtained by the exercise of Options can be sold by the Nominee six (6) months after receipt of the Shares in accordance with Article 8.6; and (c) one third of the Shares obtained by the exercise of Options can be sold by the Nominee twelve (12) months after receipt of the Shares in accordance with Article 8.6;


unless determined otherwise in the Option Agreement, for Optionees not being members of the Management Board: all Shares obtained by the exercise of Options can be sold by the Nominee at any time after receipt of the Shares in accordance with Article 8.6.


In case a lock-up period applies in accordance with Article 8.7, for the duration of the lock-up period, subject to Article 11.3, the Shares obtained by an Optionee after exercise of Options in relation to which a lock-up period applies (the Blocked Shares) may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of by the Optionee. If the Company pays out a dividend in cash during the lock-up period, the dividend in relation to Blocked Shares owned by an Optionee shall be paid into the bank account number known to the Company's payroll department minus any dividend tax/transaction fees applicable to dividends received on such Blocked Shares during the lock-up period. If the Company pays out a dividend in Shares during the lock-up period in relation to the Blocked Shares, such Shares shall qualify as Blocked Shares and be transferred to the Depository Account, after setting off any deductible dividend tax, if possible, or the Optionee having paid to the Company any deductible dividend tax. Throughout the lock-up period, the Shares added by way of dividend may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of by the Optionee. In the case of any of the situations as described in Articles 9.1 or 9.2, the Supervisory Board may, at its discretion, decide that no lock-up period shall apply or that a lock-up period shall end immediately. For the avoidance of doubt, Article 11 also applies during the lock-up period. If a Service Provider is selected in accordance with Article 4.4, such Service Provider is entitled to ensure through the online platform that the Blocked Shares cannot be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of by the Optionee.


The Company may, subject to Article 7.5 and after the prior written approval by the Supervisory Board, settle its obligation to deliver Shares to such Optionee pursuant to this Option Plan or an Option Agreement, if any, by paying to the Optionee a cash amount equal to the Fair Market Value of the Shares issuable upon exercise of the Options less the applicable Option Price for such Shares. The payment to be made to an Optionee upon settlement of Options by payment of cash pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be made by the Company within twenty (20) trading days after exercise by the relevant Optionee of the Options.


In lieu of exercising Options by payment of cash, an Optionee may elect to exercise its Options on the terms and conditions of this Option Plan and the Option Agreement through the net exercise mechanism provided in this Article 8.10. As set out in Article 8.4, Options granted on or after the Amendment Date can only be exercised by the net exercise mechanism described in this Article 8.10. Net exercise means that the Optionee's right to acquire Shares pursuant to this Option Plan or an Option Agreement is settled by paying the value of the Options to the Optionee in the form of Shares, without a payment in cash by the Optionee. Upon a net exercise, the Company will issue to the Optionee a number of Shares (S) equal to the number of exercised Options (N) multiplied by the Fair Market Value of one Share issuable upon exercise of the Options (FMV) less the applicable Option Price for one Option (OP), divided by the Fair Market Value of the Share (FMV). The number of Shares the participant will be entitled to receive upon a net exercise is calculated by using the following formula (whereby decimal numbers are rounded down to the nearest whole number:



All the provisions in this Option Plan relating to exercise of Options and the sale of Shares are subject to restrictions regarding the exercise of Options laid down in any applicable law and the Company Insider Trading Policy.


Change of Control


In the event of a Change of Control, all the outstanding Options will Vest fully at the date of the Change of Control subject to the satisfaction of any performance condition(s) set out in the Option Agreement, if any, applied on a pro rata basis at the discretion of the Supervisory Board, unless provided otherwise in Article 9.2.


In the event of a Change of Control due to a sale, merger, demerger or consolidation of the Company, all the outstanding Options will be included for the purpose of the purchase agreement or the merger agreement, as applicable at such time. Such agreement may at the sole discretion of the Supervisory Board and without the approval or the advice of the Optionees being required, provide in the following:


the continuation of the outstanding Options by the Company (if the Company is the company that continues to exist);


the take-over of the Option Plan and the outstanding Options by the acquiring company or the company that continues to exist, or its parent company;


the replacement of the outstanding Options by new option rights with conditions that are equivalent to the conditions of the outstanding Options by the acquiring company or the company that continues to exist, or its parent company; or


the cancellation of each outstanding Option in return for payment to the Optionee of an amount per Option equal to the difference between the value in commercial transactions of a Share at the time of the purchase, merger, demerger or consolidation of the Company less the Option Price of the Option subject to the satisfaction of any performance condition(s) set out in the Option Agreement, if any, applied on a pro rata basis at the discretion of the Supervisory Board.


Hold back and claw back


Section 2:135, paragraphs 6 and 8 of the Dutch Civil Code shall be applicable to the Options and all Shares or cash, as the case may be, received by a member of the Management Board under this Option Plan. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision shall continue to apply after the end of this Option Plan.


Section 2:135, paragraph 7 of the Dutch Civil Code shall be applicable to the Options and all Shares or cash, as the case may be, received by a member of the Management Board under this Option Plan.


The Supervisory Board may recover from an Optionee all or part of the Options granted and Shares or cash, as the case may be, transferred to the Nominee pursuant to this Option Plan (including any taxes and social security liabilities or national insurance contributions paid on its behalf), if the grant was made on the basis of incorrect financial or other data. If Vesting of the Options would in the opinion of the Supervisory Board produce an unfair result due to extraordinary circumstances, the Supervisory Board as the case may be, has the power to adjust the value of the award downwards or upwards.


Taxes; Sell to cover


The Company and/or its Subsidiaries shall have the right to withhold from any salary, severance or other amounts payable by the Company or a Subsidiary to an Optionee, or to otherwise require payment by the Optionee of, any taxes and/or social security contributions payable by the Optionee (including any withholding obligations of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries) in connection with his participation in the Option Plan as well as any taxes and/or social security contributions payable by the Optionee in connection with any grant, Vesting or exercise of Options.


An Optionee is and remains at all times fully responsible for the payment of any taxes and/or social security contributions payable by such Optionee in connection with his or her participation in the Option Plan.


The Company may elect at its discretion to sell Shares on behalf of the Optionee in order to immediately use the proceeds to fulfill in the name and on behalf of the Optionee the payment obligations of the Optionee or to fulfill any withholding obligations of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries resulting from tax and social security liabilities or national insurance contributions due in relation to the grant, Vesting or exercise of Options.


After Vesting, the Participant may not transfer the Vested Shares from the Depository Account to another account as long as not all taxes and/or social security contributions payable as regards the Vested Shares have been paid to the relevant tax authority.


Reporting and other obligations


An Optionee is obliged to fully cooperate with notification obligations towards regulators that result from or are connected with a grant or exercise of Options or otherwise connected to this Option Plan or the Option Agreement.


An Optionee is obliged to cooperate with any reasonable requests from the Administrator and/or the Company and to enter into separate agreements with the Company, the Service Provider or any third party for the proper execution and administration of this Plan and the grant, Vesting or exercise of Options unless this would be considered manifestly unreasonable.


No employment condition

The participation of an Optionee in the Option Plan does not constitute remuneration for any employment activity. The Options are not part of normal or expected compensation or salary for any purposes, including, but not limited to, calculating any severance, resignation, redundancy, and/or service payments, bonuses, long service awards, pension or retirement benefits or similar payments.


Anti-dilution adjustment

If at any time after the Date of Grant:


a Share split or reverse Share split is carried out;


capital on the Shares is repaid;


Shares in the capital of the Company are issued at the expense of the profit reserve or the share premium reserve; or


any other comparable recapitalisation, requalification, combination, merger or other corporate transaction takes place;

and such event, in the reasonable opinion of the Supervisory Board, causes a change in the value of the Options that were granted to Nominees, the Supervisory Board shall have the authority to adjust the Option Price and/or the number of Options, so that the value in commercial transactions of the granted Options at the time after one of the above-mentioned events shall be equal to the value in commercial transactions of the Options at the time immediately prior to one of the above-mentioned events. The adjustment of the Option Price and/or the number of Options will be carried out in conformity with the applicable listing and trading rules. The Company will inform the Optionee of an adjustment of the Option Price and/or the number of Options.


Data protection

By participating in the Option Plan the Nominee authorises the Company and the Service Provider or any other agent of the Company administering the Option Plan or providing Option Plan recordkeeping services, to disclose to the Company or any of its affiliates such information and data as the Company shall request in order to facilitate the grant of Options and the administration of the Option Plan. The Nominee waives, to the fullest extent possible under any applicable law, any data privacy rights with respect to such information. The Nominee authorises the Company and any such agent to store and transmit such information in electronic form.



By executing an Option Agreement, the Optionee accepts an obligation not to disclose any information regarding the Option Plan, or any information in connection therewith, unless such Optionee is legally obliged to disclose such information by law or exchange regulations.


Governing Law


This Option Plan is governed by the laws of the Netherlands.


All disputes relating to this Option Plan or agreements based on or pursuant to this Option Plan shall be submitted exclusively to the competent court of law in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Amendment and Revocation


The Supervisory Board shall have the right to alter, amend or terminate the Option Plan or any part thereof at any time and from time to time, provided, however, that no such alteration or amendment shall adversely affect the rights relating to any Options granted or Shares acquired upon exercise of Options prior to that time, unless required pursuant to Article 18.2 and further provided that any increase in the number of Shares issuable hereunder and any material changes shall require the approval of the General Meeting, to the extent applicable, or other body then authorized to issue Shares pursuant to the articles of association of the Company.


The Administrator has the authority to take any action consistent with the terms of the Option Plan, which it deems necessary or advisable to comply with any laws or regulatory requirements, including but not limited to, modifying or amending the terms and conditions governing Option Agreements, or establishing any local country plans as sub-plans to this Option Plan.

RNTS Media N.V.
Stock Option Plan
Israeli Appendix

This Israeli Appendix (the 'Appendix') to the Stock Option Plan of RNTS Media N.V. (the 'Company') as approved and adopted by the supervisory board of the Company and approved by the general meeting of the Company on [11 April 2017] (the 'Plan') shall apply only to persons who are, or are deemed to be, residents of the State of Israel for Israeli tax purposes.


1.1. The management board of the Company (the 'Management Board'), in its discretion, may grant Options to Nominees not being members of the Management Board and the supervisory board of the Company (the 'Supervisory Board') in its discretion, may grant Options to Nominees being members of the Management Board, both in accordance with Article 5.3 of the Plan and such corporate body shall determine whether such Options are intended to be 102 Options or 3(9) Options. Each grant of Options shall be evidenced by an Option Agreement, which shall expressly state that this Appendix applies, as the case may be, and identify the Option type, and be in such form and contain such provisions, as the Management shall from time to time deem appropriate.

1.2. The Plan shall apply to any Options granted pursuant to this Appendix, provided, that the provisions of this Appendix shall supersede in the case of any inconsistency or conflict, either explicit or implied, arising between the provisions of this Appendix and the Plan.

1.3. Unless otherwise defined in this Appendix, capitalized terms contained herein shall have the same meanings given to them in the Plan.


2.1. '3(9) Option' means any Option representing a right to purchase Shares granted by the Company to any Nominee who is not an Employee pursuant to Section 3(9) of the Ordinance.

2.2. '102 Option' means any Option intended to qualify (as set forth in the Option Agreement) and which qualifies under Section 102, provided it is settled only in Shares.

2.3. '102 Capital Gain Track Option' means any Option granted by the Company to an Employee pursuant to Section 102(b)(2) or (3) (as applicable) of the Ordinance under the capital gain track.

2.4. '102 Non-Trustee Option' means any Option granted by the Company to an Employee pursuant to Section 102(c) of the Ordinance without a Trustee.

2.5. '102 Ordinary Income Track Option' means any Option granted by the Company to an Employee pursuant to Section 102(b)(1) of the Ordinance under the ordinary income track.

2.6. '102 Trustee Options' means, collectively, 102 Capital Gain Track Options and 102 Ordinary Income Track Options.

2.7. 'Affiliate' means, for purpose of 102 Trustee Option, an 'employing company' within the meaning and subject to the conditions of Section 102(a) of the Ordinance.

2.8. 'Applicable Law' shall mean any applicable law, rule, regulation, statute, pronouncement, policy, interpretation, judgement, order or decree of any federal, provincial, state or local governmental, regulatory or adjudicative authority or agency, of any jurisdiction, and the rules and regulations of any stock exchange, over-the-counter market or trading system on which the common stock of the Company are then traded or listed.

2.9. 'Controlling Stockholder' means as to such term is defined in Section 32(9) of the Ordinance.

2.10. 'Election' as defined in Section ‎3.2 below.

2.11. 'Employee' means an 'employee' within the meaning of Section 102(a) of the Ordinance (which as of the date of the adoption of this Appendix means (i) an individual employed by an Israeli company being an Affiliate, and (ii) an individual who is serving and is engaged personally (and not through an entity) as an 'office holder' by an Affiliate, excluding any Controlling Stockholder).

2.12. 'ITA' means the Israel Tax Authority.

2.13. 'Management' means:

(i) where the Nominee or Optionee concerned is a member of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board; and

(ii) where the Nominee or Optionee concerned is not a member of the Management Board, the Management Board.

2.14. 'Nominee' means a Nominee as defined in the Plan who is, or is deemed to be, resident of the State of Israel for Israeli tax purposes.

2.15. 'Ordinance' means the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance (New Version), 1961, including the Rules and any other regulations, rules, orders or procedures promulgated thereunder, as may be amended or replaced from time to time.

2.16. 'Optionee' means an Optionee as defined in the Plan who is, or is deemed to be, resident of the State of Israel for Israeli tax purposes.

2.17. 'Required Holding Period' as defined in Section ‎3.5.1 below.

2.18. 'Rules' means the Income Tax Rules (Tax Benefits in Stock Issuance to Employees) 5763-2003.

2.19. 'Section 102' means Section 102 of the Ordinance.

2.20. 'Trust Agreement' means the agreement to be signed between the Company, an Affiliate and the Trustee for the purposes of Section 102.

2.21. 'Trustee' means the trustee appointed by Management to hold the Options and approved by the ITA.

2.22. 'Withholding Obligations' as defined in Section ‎5.5 below.

3. 102 OPTIONS

3.1. Tracks. Options granted pursuant to this Section ‎3 are intended to be granted as either 102 Capital Gain Track Options or 102 Ordinary Income Track Options. 102 Trustee Options shall be granted subject to the special terms and conditions contained in this Section ‎3 and the general terms and conditions of the Plan, except for any provisions of the Plan applying to Options under different tax laws or regulations. In the event of any inconsistency or contradictions between the provisions of this Section ‎3 and the other terms of the Plan, this Section ‎3 shall prevail.

3.2. Election of Track. Subject to Applicable Law, the Company may grant only one type of 102 Trustee Option at any given time to all Nominees who are to be granted 102 Trustee Options pursuant to this Appendix, and shall file an election with the ITA regarding the type of 102 Trustee Option it elects to grant before the Date of Grant of any 102 Trustee Option (the 'Election'). Such Election shall also apply to any other securities received by any Nominee as a result of holding the 102 Trustee Options. The Company may change the type of 102 Trustee Option that it elects to grant only after the expiration of at least 12 months from the end of the year in which the first grant was made in accordance with the previous Election, or as otherwise provided by Applicable Law. Any Election shall not prevent the Company from granting 102 Non-Trustee Options.

3.3. Eligibility for Options. Subject to Applicable Law, 102 Options may only be granted to Employees. Such 102 Options may either be granted to a Trustee or granted under Section 102 without a Trustee.

3.4. 102 Option Grant Date.

3.4.1. Each 102 Option will be deemed granted on the date determined by Management, subject to the provisions of the Plan, provided that (i) the Nominee has signed all documents required by the Company or pursuant to Applicable Law, and (ii) with respect to any 102 Trustee Option, the Company has provided all applicable documents to the Trustee in accordance with the guidelines published by the ITA.

3.4.2. Unless otherwise permitted by the Ordinance, any grants of 102 Trustee Options that are made on or after the date of the adoption of the Plan and this Appendix or an amendment to the Plan or this Appendix, as the case may be, that may become effective only at the expiration of thirty (30) calendar days after the filing of the Plan and this Appendix or any amendment thereof (as the case may be) with the ITA in accordance with the Ordinance shall be conditional only upon the expiration of such 30-day period, and such condition shall be read and is incorporated by reference into any corporate resolutions approving such grants and into any Option Agreement evidencing such grants (whether or not explicitly referring to such condition), and the Date of Grant shall be at the expiration of such 30-day period, whether or not the Date of Grant indicated therein corresponds with this Section. In the case of any contradiction, this provision and the Date of Grant determined pursuant hereto shall supersede and be deemed to amend any Date of Grant indicated in any corporate resolution or Option Agreement.

3.5. 102 Trustee Options.

3.5.1. Each 102 Trustee Option and each Share issued pursuant to exercise of any Vested 102 Trustee Option and any rights granted thereunder, shall be allocated or issued to and registered in the name of the Trustee and shall be held in trust or controlled by the Trustee for the benefit of the Optionee for the requisite period prescribed by the Ordinance or such longer period as set by Management (the 'Required Holding Period'). In the event that the requirements under Section 102 to qualify an Option as a 102 Trustee Option are not met, then the Option may be treated as a 102 Non-Trustee Option or 3(9) Option (as determined by the Company), all in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. After the expiration of the Required Holding Period, the Trustee may release such 102 Trustee Options and any such Shares, provided that (i) the Trustee has received an acknowledgment from the ITA that the Optionee has paid any applicable taxes due pursuant to the Ordinance, or (ii) the Trustee and/or the Company and/or the Affiliate withhold(s) all applicable taxes and compulsory payments due pursuant to the Ordinance arising from the 102 Trustee Options and/or any Shares issued upon exercise of such Vested 102 Trustee Options. The Trustee shall not release any 102 Trustee Options or Shares issued upon exercise of Vested 102 Trustee Options prior to the payment in full of the Optionee's tax and compulsory payments arising from such 102 Trustee Options and/or Shares or the withholding referred to in (ii) above.

3.5.2. Each 102 Trustee Option shall be subject to the relevant terms of the Ordinance, the Rules and any determinations, rulings or approvals issued by the ITA, which shall be deemed an integral part of the 102 Trustee Options and shall prevail over any term contained in the Plan, this Appendix or the Option Agreement that is not consistent therewith. Any provision of the Ordinance, the Rules and any determinations, rulings or approvals by the ITA not expressly specified in the Plan, this Appendix or Option Agreement that are necessary to receive or maintain any tax benefit pursuant to Section 102 shall be binding on the Optionee. The Optionee granted a 102 Trustee Option shall comply with the Ordinance and the terms and conditions of the Trust Agreement entered into between the Company and the Trustee. The Optionee shall execute any and all documents that the Company and/or the Affiliate and/or the Trustee determine from time to time to be necessary in order to comply with the Ordinance and the Rules.

3.5.3. During the Required Holding Period, the Optionee shall not release from trust or sell, assign, transfer or give as collateral, the Shares awarded upon the exercise of a Vested 102 Trustee Option and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto, until the expiration of the Required Holding Period. Notwithstanding the above, if any such sale, release or other action occurs during the Required Holding Period it may result in adverse tax consequences to the Optionee under Section 102 and the Rules, which shall apply to and shall be borne solely by such Optionee. Subject to the foregoing, the Trustee may, pursuant to a written request from the Optionee, but subject to the terms of the Plan and this Appendix, release and transfer such Shares to a designated third party or the Company, provided that both of the following conditions have been fulfilled prior to such release or transfer: (i) payment has been made to the ITA of all taxes and compulsory payments required to be paid upon the release and transfer of the Shares, and confirmation of such payment has been received by the Trustee and the Company, and (ii) the Trustee has received written confirmation from the Company that all requirements for such release and transfer have been fulfilled according to the terms of the Company's corporate documents, any agreement governing the Shares, the Plan, this Appendix, the Option Agreement and any Applicable Law.

3.5.4. If a Vested 102 Trustee Option is exercised, the Shares issued upon such exercise shall be transferred to the securities account in the name of the Trustee for the benefit of the Optionee.

3.5.5. Upon or after receipt of a 102 Trustee Option, if required, the Optionee may be required to sign an undertaking to release the Trustee from any liability with respect to any action or decision duly taken and executed in good faith by the Trustee in relation to the Plan, this Appendix, or any 102 Trustee Options granted to such Optionee hereunder.

3.6. 102 Non-Trustee Options. The foregoing provisions of this Section ‎3 relating to 102 Trustee Options shall not apply with respect to 102 Non-Trustee Options, which shall, however, be subject to the relevant provisions of Section 102 and the applicable Rules. Management may determine that 102 Non-Trustee Options, the Shares issuable upon the exercise of a Vested 102 Non-Trustee Option and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto, shall be allocated or issued to the Trustee, who shall hold such 102 Non-Trustee Option and all accrued rights thereon (if any) in trust for the benefit of the Optionee and/or the Company, as the case may be, until the full payment of tax arising from the 102 Non-Trustee Options, the Shares issuable upon the exercise of a Vested 102 Non-Trustee Option and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto. The Company may choose, alternatively, to require the Optionee to provide the Company with a guarantee or other security, to the satisfaction of each of the Trustee and the Company, until the full payment of the applicable taxes.

3.7. Written Optionee Undertaking. With respect to any 102 Trustee Option, as required by Section 102 and the Rules, by virtue of the receipt of such Option, the Optionee is deemed to have undertaken and confirmed in writing the following (and such undertaking is deemed incorporated into any documents signed by the Optionee in connection with the employment or service of the Optionee and/or the grant of such Option). The following written undertaking shall be deemed to apply and relate to all 102 Trustee Options granted to the Optionee, whether under the Plan and this Appendix or other plans maintained by the Company, and whether prior to or after the date hereof:

3.7.1. The Optionee shall comply with all terms and conditions set forth in Section 102 with regard to the 'Capital Gain Track' or the 'Ordinary Income Track', as applicable, and the applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time;

3.7.2. The Optionee is familiar with, and understands the provisions of, Section 102 in general, and the tax arrangement under the 'Capital Gain Track' or the 'Ordinary Income Track' in particular, and its tax consequences; the Optionee agrees that the 102 Trustee Options and Shares that may be issued upon exercise of the Vested 102 Trustee Options (or otherwise in relation to the Options), will be held by a trustee appointed pursuant to Section 102 for at least the duration of the 'Holding Period' (as such term is defined in Section 102) under the 'Capital Gain Track' or the 'Ordinary Income Track', as applicable. The Optionee understands that any release of such 102 Trustee Options or Shares from trust, or any sale of the Shares prior to the termination of the Holding Period, as defined above, will result in taxation at the marginal tax rate, in addition to deductions of appropriate social security, health tax contributions or other compulsory payments; and

3.7.3. The Optionee agrees to the trust deed signed between the Company, his employing company and the trustee appointed pursuant to Section 102.

4. 3(9) OPTIONS

4.1. Options granted pursuant to this Section ‎4 are intended to constitute 3(9) Options and shall be granted subject to the general terms and conditions of the Plan, except for any provisions of the Plan applying to Options under different tax laws or regulations. In the event of any inconsistency or contradictions between the provisions of this Section ‎4 and the other terms of the Plan, this Section ‎4 shall prevail.

4.2. To the extent required by the Ordinance or the ITA or otherwise deemed by Management to be advisable, the 3(9) Options and/or any Shares or other securities issued or distributed with respect thereto granted pursuant to the Plan and this Appendix shall be issued to a trustee nominated by Management in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. In such event, the trustee shall hold such Options or other securities issued or distributed with respect thereto in trust, until exercised by the Optionee, and the full payment of tax arising therefrom, pursuant to the Company's instructions from time to time as set forth in a trust agreement, which will have been entered into between the Company and the trustee. If determined by Management, and subject to such trust agreement, the Trustee shall be responsible for withholding any taxes to which a Optionee may become liable upon issuance of Shares, whether due to the exercise of Vested Options or not.

4.3. Shares pursuant to a Vested 3(9) Option shall not be issued, unless the Optionee delivers to the Company payment in cash or by bank check or such other form acceptable to Management of all withholding taxes due, if any, on account of the Optionee acquiring Shares under the Option or the Optionee provides other assurance satisfactory to Management of the payment of those withholding taxes.


5.1. If Management shall so require, as a condition of exercise of a Vested Option or the release of Shares by the Trustee, an Optionee shall agree that, no later than the date of such occurrence, the Optionee will pay to the Company (or the Trustee, as applicable) or make arrangements satisfactory to Management and the Trustee (if applicable) regarding payment of any applicable taxes and compulsory payments of any kind required by Applicable Law to be withheld or paid.




5.5. The Company or the Affiliate may take such action as it may deem necessary or appropriate, in its discretion, for the purpose of or in connection with withholding of any taxes and compulsory payments which the Trustee, the Company or the Affiliate is required by any Applicable Law to withhold in connection with any Options (collectively, 'Withholding Obligations'). Such actions may include (i) requiring Optionees to remit to the Company in cash an amount sufficient to satisfy such Withholding Obligations and any other taxes and compulsory payments, payable by the Company and/or the Affiliate in connection with the Option or the exercise thereof; (ii) subject to Applicable Law, allowing the Optionees to provide Shares, in an amount that at such time, reflects a value that Management determines to be sufficient to satisfy such Withholding Obligations; (iii) withholding Shares otherwise issuable upon the exercise of a Vested Option at a value which is determined by Management to be sufficient to satisfy such Withholding Obligations; or (iv) any combination of the foregoing. The Company shall not be obligated to allow the exercise of any Vested Option by or on behalf of a Optionee until all tax consequences arising from the exercise of such Option are resolved in a manner acceptable to the Company.

5.6. Each Optionee shall notify the Company and the relevant Affiliate in writing promptly and in any event within ten (10) days after the date on which such Optionee first obtains knowledge of any tax bureau inquiry, audit, assertion, determination, investigation, or question relating in any manner to the Options granted or received hereunder or Shares issued thereunder and shall continuously inform the Company and the relevant Affiliate of any developments, proceedings, discussions and negotiations relating to such matter, and shall allow the Company and the relevant Affiliate and their representatives to participate in any proceedings and discussions concerning such matters. Upon request, an Optionee shall provide to the Company and/or the relevant Affiliate any information or document relating to any matter described in the preceding sentence, which the Company or the Affiliate, respectively,, in its discretion, requires.

5.7. With respect to 102 Non-Trustee Options, if the Optionee ceases to be employed by the Company or any Affiliate, the Optionee shall extend to the Company and/or the Affiliate with whom the Optionee is employed a security or guarantee for the payment of taxes due at the time of sale of Shares, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 102 and the Rules.


6.1. An Optionee shall have no rights as a stockholder of the Company with respect to any Shares covered by an Option until the Optionee exercises the Vested Option, becomes the record holder of the subject Shares. In the case of 102 Options or 3(9) Options (if such Options are being held by a Trustee), the Trustee shall have no rights as a stockholder of the Company with respect to the Shares covered by such Option until the Trustee becomes the record holder for such Share for the Optionee's benefit, and the Optionee shall not be deemed to be a stockholder and shall have no rights as a stockholder of the Company with respect to the Shares covered by the Option until the date of the release of such Shares from the Trustee to the Optionee and the transfer of record ownership of such Shares to the Optionee (provided however that the Optionee shall be entitled to receive from the Trustee any cash dividend or distribution made on account of the Shares held by the Trustee for such Optionee's benefit, subject to any tax withholding and compulsory payment). No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property) or distribution of other rights for which the record date is prior to the date on which the Optionee or Trustee (as applicable) becomes the record holder of the Shares covered by an Option, except as provided in the Plan.

6.2. With respect to Shares issued upon the exercise of Vested Options hereunder, any and all voting rights attached to such Share shall be subject to the provisions of the Plan, and the Optionee shall be entitled to receive dividends distributed with respect to such Shares, subject to the provisions of the Company's articles of association, as amended from time to time, and subject to any Applicable Law.

6.3. The Company may, but shall not be obligated to, register or qualify the sale of Shares under any applicable securities law or any other Applicable Law.

6.4. Shares issued pursuant to a Vested Option shall be subject to the Company's articles of association, any limitation, restriction or obligation applicable to stockholders included in any governing documents of the Company, and all policies, manuals and internal regulations adopted by the Company, including but not limited to the Company Insider Trading Rules, from time to time, in each case, as may be amended from time to time, including any provisions included therein concerning restrictions or limitations on disposition of Shares (such as, but not limited to, right of first refusal and lock up/market stand-off) or grant of any rights with respect thereto, forced sale and bring along provisions, any provisions concerning restrictions on the use of inside information and other provisions deemed by the Company to be appropriate in order to ensure compliance with Applicable Laws. Each Optionee shall execute such separate agreement(s) as may be requested by the Company relating to matters set forth in this Section 6.4. The execution of such separate agreement(s) may be a condition by the Company to the exercise of any Vested Option.


7.1. This Appendix shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands, without reference to conflicts of law principles, except that applicable Israeli laws, rules and regulations (as amended) shall apply to any mandatory tax matters arising hereunder.



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